Although the broken Blood Ruyi has been reunited, the frozen state of Shuiyue Cave Heaven has not been lifted, because this "catastrophe" is a test given by God to the Tong family, or an opportunity.

It can be assumed that if Shuiyue Cave Heaven is not frozen, Tong Zhan will immediately succeed the position of clan leader, and it is estimated that he and Yin Tianxue will not meet again in a short time. After he finishes all the affairs of the clan, his favorite goddess may have married someone else.

"Spirit mirror, tell us, is the freezing of Shuiyue Cave Heaven just to help Tong Zhan and Yin Tianxue?" Kai Yu held the handle of the spirit mirror and questioned the mirror fiercely.

The mirror of the spirit mirror flashed three times in succession, which was considered as tacitly accepting Kaiyu's question. In fact, the purpose of freezing Shuiyue Cave Heaven was not only to help Tong Zhan and Yin Tianxue, but also to settle the grievances between the Long family, Yin Zhong and the Tong family.

"Sister, the cold air in this blood ruyi has been released. What else can this thing do?" Besha asked while holding the restored blood ruyi.

"Sister, it can release cold air, so can't it absorb cold air?" Kaiyu said so with a hint of meaning.

"Oh, I know, when the time is right, we will absorb the cold air here!" Besha understood Kaiyu's implication.

Since they had come to Shuiyue Cave, the three sisters Bei Yudou naturally couldn't come in vain. After receiving the Blood Ruyi, they went straight to the Tong family's book cave and read all the books that recorded magic.

Interestingly, before reading the magic bamboo slips, the three sisters asked Beisha to use the Blood Ruyi to absorb the cold air on the bamboo slips. After the three sisters finished reading the contents on the bamboo slips, Beisha used the Blood Ruyi to release the cold air and re-frozen the bamboo slips.

After reading all the magic bamboo slips, the three sisters Bei Yudou went straight to the Tong family's forbidden secret room. On the wall of the secret room, the secret method of the Dragon God Art was engraved, but all the contents were engraved on the wall in reverse.

With the comprehension of the three sisters Bei Yudou, even without the kind reminder of the spirit mirror, the three of them could tell in a very short time that all the mental skills on the wall were written in reverse.

When the three sisters Bei Yudou left the secret room, they all performed the Dragon God Art at the same time. The longest red dragon, the medium-length golden dragon and the shortest pink dragon flew out of the forbidden area of ​​the Tong family, and then the three dragons kept circling in the sky above the ice and snow world of Shuiyue Cave.

Whether it was Yin Zhong, Long Teng, the patriarchs of the Long family and Tong Bo, when they performed the Dragon God Art, their dragon-shaped incarnations were all translucent phantom dragons, but the dragon-shaped incarnations of the three sisters Bei Yudou could already achieve a solid form that was indistinguishable from the real thing.

This is not because the three sisters Bei Yudou improved the content of the Dragon God Art, but because this art is already in a very perfect state. As long as you practice this martial art to perfection, you can become a real Nine Heavens Dragon, and even reverse your own bloodline to the bloodline of the dragon clan.

In other words, Yin Zhong and the successive generations of the Long clan have not practiced the Dragon God Art at all. They may have only mastered a little bit of this martial art.

In addition, the three sisters Bei Yudou are willing to believe that the first ancestor of the Long clan must have become a real dragon clan, and then ascended to the fairyland with the first ancestor of the Tong clan.

If you practice the Dragon God Art to the extreme, you can transform your own blood into dragon blood. However, the three sisters Bei Yudou chose not to practice this martial art to the extreme. Dragon blood may be a rare treasure for others, but for the three of them, it is an ordinary thing that is easily available.

Don't forget that Heizi's artificial dragon blood is just the nutrients used by Beikai's family to irrigate the Hundred Fruit God Tree, the Blood Bodhi Vine, and other plants in the Fantasy God Realm. The dragon blood content of this thing is probably much more advanced than the dragon blood transformed by practicing the Dragon God Art.

After finishing the sightseeing tour of Shuiyue Cave Heaven, the three sisters Bei Yudou returned to Longze Villa. The first thing they did when they came back was to plant the vine in the strange tree forest in the wilderness of the Fantasy God Realm. They saw that this vine, which knew how to seek good fortune and avoid danger, actually took the initiative to entangle the Hundred Fruit God Tree.'s trunk, and the Hundred Fruit God Tree did not dislike its entanglement.

When the ecology of the strange tree vines and the Hundred Fruit God Tree was finalized, the branches of the vines extended to every corner of the God Realm along the veins of the Fantasy God Realm, and its branches became the companion spiritual plants of various plants in the God Realm.

The artificial animal blood of Heizi, Xiao Zhu (Phoenix), Xiao Huo and Xiao Xuan was taken out of the Kaiyuna Ring. After mixing these four artificial animal bloods in a certain proportion, they became the nutrient solution for watering the Hundred Fruit God Tree and various exotic flowers and plants.

If some exotic flowers and plants cannot withstand the direct watering of the mixed animal blood, a certain proportion of spiritual water can be added to the nutrient solution, and this spiritual water is the river water extract of a river in the Fantasy God Realm that runs through the east, west, south and north.

The Fantasy God Realm has become more and more like a God Realm. The shapeshifting monsters on the Beast King Star, as long as they meet the appearance standards, will be led to the jurisdiction of the Sky Blade Temple to serve as fairy boys and fairies, and they all have a unified name: fairy beasts.

Similarly, the good-looking bionic robots on the Electronic Star were also brought to the Fantasy God Realm. They simulated the atmosphere of the modern civilized world in the territory of the Fantasy Castle, and among these bionic robots, there are also Transformers with super high human appearance relying on the shapeshifting technology of the Hermit Warrior.

Because the outside world is an ancient civilization, these bionic robots cannot be taken out of the Fantasy God Realm, but a small part of those fairy beasts can be taken out. Yes, the guards, maids and servants in Longze Villa are all a group of fairy beasts.

On the other side, after more than half a month of long journey, Tong Bo and the other four finally arrived outside the gate of Yujian Villa. Facing the heavily guarded Yujian Villa, they still planned to take the action mode of exploring the villa at night, and their temporary stopover was Sanhuafang.

When Long Yan, who was holding Han Mulong, saw Tong Bo, she immediately knelt down to him, because he looked like the ancestor Long Teng, and she happened to have seen the portrait of this ancestor, so she could conclude that the young man in front of her must be her young master.

In order to verify her guess, Long Yan also took out the two daggers of the Shenlong Sword. When the dagger cut Tong Bo's finger, his blood caused the two daggers to vibrate slightly, and in the continuous vibration, the two daggers formed the Shenlong Sword by themselves, thus proving the fact that Tong Bo was the blood of the Long family.

"So, Aunt Long, my real name should be Long Bo, right?" Tong Bo asked Long Yan excitedly.

"Yes, young master, the name Long Bo was given to you by your mother. Unfortunately, before you were even a month old, the Long family was hunted down by enemies. In order to protect you from entering Shuiyue Cave, the master and the mistress used these two daggers and committed suicide in front of the enemy!" Long Yan told Tong Bo everything that happened back then.

"Aunt Long, who are our enemies?" Tong Bo took the two daggers from Long Yan's hands.

"I don't know. Those thieves back then should have been hired killers. The real behind-the-scenes instigators. I have been investigating secretly over the years, and all the clues point to Yujian Villa!" Long Yan said so with a serious expression.

"I heard from Tong Zhan that the owner of Yujian Villa, Yin Hao, is a great hero. How could he do something that goes against the moral principles of the martial arts world?" Tong Bo couldn't believe that his enemy was Yujian Villa.

"Maybe this is the case of knowing a person's face but not his heart! However, Yujian Villa is not all bad people. Yin Tianxue is a very good girl. Over the years, for a long time, I have been secretly taken care of by her, and my investigation results were collected with her help!" Long Yan said this with a clear distinction between gratitude and resentment.

The secret of Xue Ruyi, the mystery of Tong Xin's disappearance, and now the tragedy of the Long family's extermination, Tong Bo now has another reason to dig deep into the secrets of Yujian Villa!

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