At this time, Xiao Yan, who had not yet fully realized that he had been "tricked", had happily returned to the Tianfu Alliance with his two women. Later, on the Zhongzhou Continent, news spread that the ancient clan would fully support the Tianfu Alliance.

From now on, Xiao Yan lived a beautiful life in the Tianfu Alliance with the two women, Xun'er and Cailin, and the two women also agreed on a time: Xun'er would be a couple and Cailin would be single!

However, happy days are always short-lived. After Xiao Yan, Xun'er and Cailin had lived together as a couple for more than three months, the Stone Clan and the Spirit Clan in the eight Doudi families suddenly received shocking bad news.

The members of these two great emperor clans disappeared one after another within a month. At this moment, the huge Stone World and the Spirit World have become empty.

"Teacher, do you think the incident between the Stone Clan and the Spirit Clan was caused by the Soul Clan?" Xiao Yan asked Yao Chen with a serious expression.

"It is probably them who did it, but I just can't figure out what method they used to make the Stone Clan and the Spirit Clan, two such large Doudi families, disappear in a month! This matter is full of weirdness!" Yao Chen stroked his beard.

"The Soul Palace is gone, and the Soul Clan is going to do it themselves. Teacher, which Doudi family do you think will be their next target?" Xiao Yan asked with a worried look.

"Most likely it's them!" Yao Chen took out an invitation from the ring. It was an invitation to the medicine refining competition from the Medicine Clan.

"Teacher, do you want to participate?" Xiao Yan picked up the invitation and took a simple look at it.

"Go, of course I have to go. This time, I will return to the Medicine Clan with honor and write my parents' names into the genealogy of the Medicine Clan! Xiao Yan, you prepare yourself. You should go with me on this trip to the Medicine Clan!" Yao Chen was determined.

"Yes, teacher!" Xiao Yan replied without thinking.

Because the day before leaving for the Medicine Clan was a single number, in order not to favor one over the other, at Xiao Yan's suggestion, he, Xun'er and Cai Lin experienced the feeling of sleeping together for the first time.

So much so that when they set off the next day, Xiao Yan's eyes were all dark circles. Yao Chen, who was standing by, could only shake his head helplessly after seeing this.

"Sister Cai Lin, Brother Xiao Yan and the teacher have gone far away. Let's go back to the Ancient Clan! I miss Xiao Lin a little!" Xun'er suggested to Cai Lin.

"Xun'er, I miss Xiao Xiao a little bit, let's go back together!" Cai Lin took Xun'er's hand and took the initiative.

"Okay, let's go together!" Xun'er waved her hand and opened a space channel. Then, she and Cai Lin walked into the channel together.

"Bero, they get along quite well!" When the space channel was closed, Bei Kai and the other two came out from the dark. At this time, Kaisha, who was holding Xiao Bei, was being held in Bei Luo's arms like a princess.

"One of them is generous and tolerant, and the other feels ashamed of herself. Therefore, when the two get along, they will be like a bulge and a groove. Therefore, their personalities complement each other!" Bei Luo gave Kaisha a more vivid metaphor.

"So, in the end, Xiao Yan, this playboy, got the advantage!" Kaisha said with some sneer.

"No way, who made him the son of destiny? However, compared with the future, he will sacrifice himself to save the Douqi Continent, his two beautiful wives are simply a trivial matter!" Personally speaking, Bello praised Xiao Yan's character more than complained!

During this trip to the Medicine Clan, Xiao Yan not only saw many unprecedented and amazing alchemy techniques, but also witnessed with his own eyes how the Soul Clan made a huge Doudi family disappear directly out of thin air.

All this originated from the devouring power of the Void Devouring Flame. This strange fire ranked second on the strange fire list has now cultivated into a human form, and he has become an elder of the Soul Clan with a transcendent status. His ultimate move is to create an abyss that can swallow the entire alien space.

In order to escape from the abyss of the Void Swallowing Flame, Xiao Yan, with the help of Elder Shennong (the holder of the Flame of Life), Elder Wanhuo (the holder of the Nine Nether Wind Flame) and Yaotian (the holder of the Turtle Spirit Earth Fire), plus the Void Swallowing Flame swallowed by Xiao Yi,Without the fire essence of the Void Devouring Flame, he condensed a ten-color super Buddha wrath lotus for the first time.

Under the great power of this ten-color Buddha wrath lotus, Xiao Yan barely managed to create a space channel in the abyss created by the Void Devouring Flame that could barely escape.

Afterwards, he, Yao Chen, Elder Shennong, Elder Wanhuo, Yao Tian, ​​and less than a hundred people from the Yao Clan escaped through this space channel, while the rest of the Yao Clan were directly swallowed by the abyss.

Xiao Yan and others' escape also made the conspiracy of the Soul Clan completely exposed to the world. For this reason, the remaining three families among the eight Doudi families: the Ancient Clan, the Yan Clan, and the Thunder Clan, were directly "bound" together to form a large alliance to fight against the Soul Clan.

When his conspiracy was exposed to the world, the patriarch of the Soul Clan, Emperor Hun Tian, ​​no longer hid behind the scenes. The first thing he did after leaving the mountain was to send someone to send a letter to Xiao Yan. He wanted him to take the ancient emperor jade of the Xiao clan and go to the Burial Mountain Range to exchange for his father Xiao Zhan.

Although he knew that this was a trick of Emperor Hun Tian, ​​Xiao Yan still took the ancient emperor jade of Tuo She without hesitation and rushed to the Burial Mountain Range with many powerful people from the Tianfu Alliance.

At the same time, Gu Yuan, Yan Jin (the patriarch of the Yan Clan) and Lei Ying (the patriarch of the Lei Clan) also took the elders of their respective clans and a group of powerful people to the Burial Mountain Range.

This battle in the Burial Mountain Range was completely dark. There were no less than dozens of Dou Sheng strongmen on both sides of the battle. In the end, they fought for eight days and nights without a winner.

"Okay, it's almost done. I didn't expect that you guys have such strength now!" A loud voice came from far away, and then a young man with a refined appearance of a scholar came to Xiao Yan and others.

"Emperor Hun Tian!" Gu Yuan recognized at a glance that the seemingly refined man in front of him was the patriarch of the Soul Clan-Emperor Hun Tian.

"Long time no see, Gu Yuan, how come you look like this now!" Emperor Hun Tian glanced at Gu Yuan with disheveled hair.

"I look like this because of you!" Gu Yuan said to Emperor Hun Tian with an angry look.

"Okay, let's put aside the reminiscence between you and me, you must be Xiao Yan!" Emperor Hun Tian turned his eyes to Xiao Yan.

"Boy Xiao Yan pays homage to Senior Hun!" Although he knew that the other party had captured his father, Xiao Yan still saluted Emperor Hun Tian out of respect for a senior strong man, but this was also the only salute he made to the other party.

"Very good, very good, a very good rising star. At such an age, you are already a Dou Sheng strongman. You are better than my useless son Hun Feng!" Emperor Hun Tian commented to Xiao Yan with a calm face. From his appearance and expression, no one could tell that this person was a big devil.

"Bello, I finally met someone who can use dark energy correctly in this world!" At this time, above the Burial Sky Mountains, Kaisha, who was holding Xiao Bei, was nestled in Belo's arms. She commented to Emperor Hun Tian who was inside the Burial Sky Mountains.

"Kesha, is Emperor Hun Tian's state closer to Liang... Morgana's state!" Belo's hands were on Kaisha's chest, and that position was also where Xiao Bei was lying at the moment.

"Almost, almost the same as Liang Bing's pseudo-angel state before entering the wormhole!" Kaisha said with a slightly serious expression.

Yes, the timeline of the Super God Universe had already developed to the point where Morgana had transformed back into the form of Apocalypse King Liang Bing a few days before the Douqi Continent.

Then, in order to save Qiangwei and Kunsa Star, she willingly flew into the artificial black hole released by Hua Ye, and was eventually annihilated with the artificial black hole!

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