The next day, Men Daqi was still a little angry and didn't even want to go to the town to sell farm tools. So, after Yin Zhong made a bunch of farm tools overnight, he took them to the town to sell for money.

Yin Zhong's hard work made Men Jianqiu look at him with new eyes again. Before she knew it, she had secretly fallen in love with this big fool.

After Yin Zhong sold the farm tools in the town, he led a donkey to various shops in the town to buy rice, flour, grain and oil for his family. When he passed by a herbal medicine shop, he passed by Tong Bo who was running away alone.

"Wait a minute!" Tong Bo, who was leading the horse, suddenly turned around and called Yin Zhong.

"Little brother, what's the matter with you?" Yin Zhong asked Tong Bo with a smile.

"I think I have something on you!" Tong Bo answered stupidly.

"No! Little brother, if you don't believe me, you can search me!" Yin Zhong opened his arms to Tong Bo.

Yin Zhong asked Tong Bo to search his body, and he actually searched his body seriously. As a result, except for some small change, Yin Zhong had nothing extra on his body.

"Strange, I clearly felt that you had my things on you, how come I can't find them?" Tong Bo stared at Yin Zhong intently, looking like he wanted to see through him.

"Little brother, I live in the Men's Sword Forge, ten miles outside the town. If you remember that you left something here, you are always welcome to come and get it!" After Yin Zhong patted Tong Bo's shoulder with a smile, he turned away from him with his donkey.

When Yin Zhong gradually went away, Tong Bo saw someone snatching other people's things in public on the street, so he followed suit and snatched other people's things. After snatching other people's things, he also imitated the robber's tone and demeanor and said: I snatched your things to give you face, don't be ungrateful, otherwise, I will beat you every time I see you!

The person whose things were robbed naturally saw that Tong Bo was a fool, so he rushed up to beat Tong Bo up, but he was pushed lightly by the other party, and he flew backwards more than ten meters away, and he spit out a small mouthful of blood after landing.

Yin Zhong, who had not walked far away completely, turned back to help the man who vomited blood up after hearing the noise on the street. He also compensated the other party for economic losses and medical expenses on behalf of Tong Bo. Then, in order to prevent Tong Bo from doing anything bad again, he had to take Tong Bo back to the Men's Sword Forge.

This is really a case of good karma - no one can escape from the fate of heaven! Unexpectedly, one day, Yin Zhong would actually teach Tong Bo to know how to do good deeds and accumulate virtues, and he would also teach him the great principles of being a man and dealing with people!

"One fool is not enough, and there is another fool. What sin did I, Men Daqi, commit in my previous life?" Men Daqi pointed at Yin Zhong and Tong Bo and asked himself with a look of despair.

Men Daqi naturally didn't want Tong Bo to stay, but Yin Zhong wanted him to stay, and then Men Jianqiu, who had a good impression of Yin Zhong, would naturally agree to let Tong Bo stay, and Dazhu's opinion could be completely ignored.

Yin Zhong could make farm tools and sell them for money if he stayed in Men's Sword Forge, but if Tong Bo lived here, he would be living and eating for free. For this reason, Yin Zhong often had to work overtime to make more farm tools so that Men Daqi would let Tong Bo stay here.

One night, when everyone was asleep, Men Daqi sneaked into the weapon forging workshop alone. He wanted to dig out the treasure hidden under the floor tile.

After prying open the floor tile, Men Daqi took out a black brocade box from the secret compartment under the floor tile. The keyhole on the brocade box was obviously a special mechanical keyhole that required a special key to open.

"This keyhole looks so familiar! By the way, isn't the style and outline of this keyhole the jade pendant my father left me?" Men Daqi took out the jade pendant his father gave him before he died.

When Men Daqi put the jade pendant on the keyhole, the two fit together perfectly. After a while, without turning the jade pendant, the black brocade box opened automatically.

There was only a long black metal block and aZhang has severely yellowed cloth. After opening the stacked cloth, he saw these texts: this thing is a piece of heaven and iron. Although it can be cast into a magic weapon, it has bloodthirsty magic. Only the sacrifice. After seeing the text on the cloth, the first reaction of the two of them was: the castor who caused the weapon to forge the weapon by the sky was definitely Yin Zhong, and then the people who were sacrificed. Can't you have to rectify this tragic tragedy? After the Beiyu sisters finished cursing the Heavenly Dao of this world, a colorful thunderbolt suddenly descended from the moonlit night sky, which frightened the people of this world.

The center of this thunderbolt appeared right in the palace of the Western Jin Dynasty, which frightened Sima Zhong, the real fool emperor, so much that he hastily abdicated the throne to the crown prince Sima Yi the next day under the collective petition of the civil and military ministers, and happily became the emperor.

The Heavenly Dao of this world, you finally did a good thing. Sima Yi's early succession to the throne is a great merit with only benefits and no disadvantages for the people of the world. The historical direction of this world has completely entered a completely different new chapter.

The biggest variable in this world is that there will be no more historical events such as the Eight Kings Rebellion, the Five Barbarians Rebellion, and the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Even the historical term "Western Jin Dynasty" will not be recorded in history books. In the later history books of this world, there will only be records of the "Great Jin Empire".

When Men Daqi put the outer iron and cloth back into the brocade box, he suddenly found that Tong Bo had stood behind him.

"Silly boy, why are you not sleeping in the middle of the night and wandering around?" Men Daqi hid the brocade box behind him.

"Uncle Men, you don't have to hide anymore. I just saw that you dug out a box with iron lumps from here!" Tong Bo said with a silly smile.

"Oh my! So you have been behind me all the time, but why didn't I notice it at all?" Men Daqi's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"Maybe it's because I walk lighter than you!" Tong Bo said with a silly smile on his face.

Yes, the footsteps of martial artists are indeed lighter than those of ordinary people, and the higher the martial arts skills, the lighter they walk. When martial arts skills are cultivated to a certain level, they can achieve the state of stepping on snow without leaving any traces or stepping on water without ripples. Tong Bo's martial arts level has already been cultivated to this level!

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