When Betha held the hilt of the magic sword, four blood-red lights flashed in the eyes of the double-sided goat skull, and then a red lightning fell from the sky and struck the sword holder.

"Little guy, you want to strike me with this painless lightning, right?" Betha was spinning the magic sword madly in her hand.

"Sister, it's not striking you, but naming itself!" Kaiyu pointed at the goat forehead of the magic sword.

Betha picked up the magic sword and saw that the same noun appeared above the double-sided goat's forehead: Nether! In this way, this magic sword named itself "Nether Sword".

"Okay, I know you are called Nether Sword, now take off these four ugly words for me immediately, otherwise, I don't mind treating you to another meal of dizziness!" Betha was threatening the Nether Sword in her hand.

The Nether Sword did not take action immediately. Red light flashed continuously in the eyes of the four goats. It wanted to gain some benefits, so it followed Betha's instructions and removed the two "Nether" words on the sword.

What was a little surprising was that the Nether Sword, which had already taken shape, could not satisfy its appetite with the ordinary version of the Four Spirits' Blood. It actually wanted to swallow the purified version of the Four Spirits' Blood like the Spirit Mirror. After swallowing ten drops of the purified version of the Four Spirits' Blood, it followed Betha's instructions and removed the two "Nether" words on the sword.

"You two are really a perfect match! Both of you are bloodthirsty weapon spirits!" Kaiyu held the Spirit Mirror and the Nether Sword in his hands.

The Spirit Mirror and the Nether Sword both emitted red light of different shades. They both said: Who wants to be a perfect match with it?

After some discussion, the sisters Bei Yu decided to let Kai Yu take charge of the Spirit Mirror and Bei Sha take charge of the Nether Sword.

In the Men's Sword Forging Workshop, as the saying goes, it is difficult to prevent thieves from robbing your house day and night. The divine iron that Men Daqi wanted to protect closely, oh no, it was the sword-making material, was stolen by Men Jianqiu and Dazhu together, and they sneaked into the room while their father (master) was taking a bath.

Because Men Daqi was taking a bath, the jade pendant key to open the brocade box was also quietly entered into the bathroom by Tong Bo, and then taken away without anyone noticing.

When Men Daqi found that the jade pendant and the brocade box had disappeared, he subconsciously rushed into the refining workshop, but he did not find any trace of the sword-making material in the refining furnace.

"Dad, it's really not us who took the brocade box. You must believe us!" Men Jianqiu said to Men Daqi with a solemn oath.

"Okay, it's better not to let me catch you, otherwise, all of you will not be able to escape the family law, hum!" Men Daqi left the weapon refining workshop with a sullen look on his face.

Didn't Men Jianqiu and others put the sword-making materials into the weapon refining furnace for calcination? Of course they had put them in, but when Tong Bo, who was in charge of the lookout, saw Men Daqi walking towards the weapon refining workshop, he reminded everyone, so Yin Zhong took out the already hot sword-making materials from the weapon refining furnace with his bare hands!

When Men Daqi was giving a lecture, Yin Zhong's hand holding the sword-making materials was always behind his back, and he didn't even make a scream, and on his face, he pretended that nothing had happened.

"Big fool, is your hand okay?" When Men Daqi had completely walked away, Men Jianqiu went to check Yin Zhong's hand holding the sword-making material.

"It's okay, it hurts at first, but it doesn't hurt anymore!" Yin Zhong wanted to take the sword-making material from his hand, but he couldn't take it off no matter what.

"Oh no, this piece of iron is now stuck to the flesh!" Dazhu said with horror.

"Then what should we do? You guys think of a way!" Men Jianqiu looked at Yin Zhong's hand with a distressed look.

"Let me do it!" Tong Bo held Yin Zhong's wrist with one hand, and held the sword-making material with the other hand, and then he used all his internal strength, and in just a moment, the sword-making material was pulled off Yin Zhong's hand.

"Ah!" In order to prevent Men Daqi from hearing the noise, Yin Zhong clenched his teeth tightly the moment the sword-making material separated from his hand, allowing himself to utter only a tiny scream..

When Men Jianqiu took the sword-making material, she threw it into the refining furnace. It was unknown whether it was because of the blood of Yin Zhong, but after only a quarter of an hour, the sword-making material showed signs of being gradually burned.

When the sword-making material was burned, Men Jianqiu, who was bandaging Yin Zhong's wound, found that the hand that was still bleeding just now was miraculously healed in an instant.

"Who... who are you? Is this the legendary sorcery?" Dazhu looked at Yin Zhong in shock and fear.

"I... I don't know what's going on. Why did my hand heal so quickly?" Yin Zhong also looked at his hand in disbelief.

"Big fool, you should know magic! I have seen a group of people who know magic. You should have used magic to make your hand recover quickly!" Tong Bo patted Yin Zhong's shoulder with a smile.

"Magic? Let me think..." Yin Zhong closed his eyes and began to mutter a spell, and then some hammers and other tools in the workshop slowly floated to a height of more than one meter above the ground.

Seeing Yin Zhong use the magic, Dazhu, who had a relatively low psychological endurance, fainted directly, while Men Jianqiu looked at Yin Zhong with admiration, and Tong Bo said expressionlessly that all this was natural.

After Yin Zhong demonstrated some of his own magic skills, he went to the refining furnace and began to forge the weapon he wanted to make.

Kaiyu, who was watching the show, remotely controlled Yin Zhong's thinking through the space skills of the spirit mirror. She wanted him to make the sword-making material into the appearance of the Nether Sword.

When Men Daqi discovered that Yin Zhong was forging a weapon, the ironmaking process had already reached the final stage of hammering and shaping. Therefore, knowing that the situation was irreversible, he had to acquiesce to the occurrence of this incident, and he also provided Yin Zhong with some knowledge and experience in forging weapons.

No matter how Yin Zhong wanted to forge it, and no matter what experience Men Daqi taught Yin Zhong, under Kaiyu's remote intervention, the final forging form of this sword-making material could only be exactly the same as the Nether Sword.

When the counterfeit of the Nether Sword was made, Dazhu picked up the sword and tested the sharpness of the sword on the spot. Then he said to Men Daqi happily: Master, we finally made the first weapon that does not break with one cut!

"Dear ancestors, your unworthy descendant - Men Daqi - has finally lived up to your expectations. Today, my disciple has finally created a genuine magic weapon!" Men Daqi held high the counterfeit of the Netherworld Sword and came to the tablets of the Men family's ancestors. Then he kowtowed three times in succession to the tablets!

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