Chapter 343 Gourmet advance team (for subscription)

Just when the thousands of meters of turmoil was about to slap on the Juxia, Son Gohan waved his right palm again, a barrier that was visible to the naked eye, and ripples of energy appeared in the space.

A gas wall was formed, blocking the front of the Juxia.

The huge wave slammed on the barrier, the barrier was not affected at all, and then it flowed down the barrier.

“I…I’m going, is this doing magic?”

At this moment, the eight people 8, including Rena and Qiangwei, all looked astonished.

No… Believe it, the scene that happened just now can’t be explained by science at all.

But that scene happened very real in front of them.

“How many methods does this guy have?”

Rena’s face sank, looking at the method Son Gohan had just used.

I don’t understand the principle at all.

“Society, my fan, my fan, please take my knees.”

Liu Chuang took a step forward, his admiration was beyond words.

If I was shocked by Son Gohan’s defeat of Son Goku yesterday, then at this moment, my heart has turned up with the huge wave just now.

Son Gohan just played it out of thin air, completely out of thin air! With a casual wave, it made such a big move.

“Brother Fan Fan, count me, I want to learn from yours too… “Boom!”

Then hit the wave of tricks!”

Xin Zhao’s expression was similar to that of Liu Chuang, except for the admiration, it was a little bit more tinged.

“Then… then count me as one!”

Ge Xiaolun touched his head awkwardly. Although he was a bit concerned about yesterday’s events, to be honest, Son Gohan’s pretense just now really made him irresistible! Of course, Qiang Weiqilin and Rui Mengmeng and others, although they did not act well. It is as exaggerated as Liu Chuang and Ge Xiaolun, but the hot color in the eyes is also difficult to hide.

After all, you have to fight in the future, but you are in danger of losing your life at any time.If you learn the control of Qi, you can also protect yourself in battle.

“Go back, please call me instructor in the future!”

Son Gohan screamed at the trio 3, the tone, the instructor’s aura was full.

Obviously, Son Gohan’s scolding was very effective, and the eight people stood neatly in a row.(Read more @

Looking expectantly at Son Gohan.

“Well, from now on, I will teach you how to control and use Qi…”

…At this moment, in space, a huge battleship is floating.

Two aliens in blue and white armor stared at the display inside the spacecraft and said: “Our pioneering action to reach the Chiwu star system may have been discovered by some divine civilization!”

The alien sitting in front of the console looked at the screen and said in a low tone.

“With my god, Karl, besides… Angel, what else do we need to pay attention to”

The standing alien has a haughty tone and disdains it.

“Previously, it was reported that a large number of intelligent creatures that surpassed pre-nuclear civilization appeared on the earth star giant, but Tianhe City, which also has a civilization monument, did not respond to our defense at all! So we can create death from there first!”

“The earth has now entered the pre-nuclear era, with nuclear explosives of different magnitudes. Their conventional weapons cannot break our defenses. Air combat is not our opponent. It’s just that if they use nuclear explosives, they will be against us. Cause a huge threat!”

The alien sitting in front of the screen looked at the display on the screen and analyzed it accurately.

“Don’t worry, they belong to the old Shenhe radiation civilization, they respect life and morality very much, and will not throw nuclear explosives on their cities and compatriots! So my idea is to fight at low altitude!”

… Lieyang Star! “Mao God, the gluttonous advance troops have arrived in the solar system with absolute combat intent, you go to inform Rena, so that she can take precautions!”

Pan Zhen, who was wearing a suit of armor, had a serious face, and said to the Mao God in front of him.

“Yes, General!”

God Mao hesitated for a moment, and asked: “The gluttonous advance team is attacking the earth, do we need to help?”

“No, you only need to protect the safety of the goddess Lena. As for the rest, leave it to the people on earth to deal with it by themselves!”

Pan Zhen narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

God Mao nodded, and instantly disappeared in front of Pan Zhen.

After Maoshen disappeared, Pan Zhen looked at the front and said faintly: “It seems that you are going to be a little wronged!”

…At this moment, the earth is already late at night.

After Son Gohan briefly taught Lena, Liu Chuang and others about the control and function of Qi, he went home and rested! At this time, Son Gohan suddenly felt a strange aura, which was stronger than that of Ge Xiaolun and others. It’s a lot stronger.

And suddenly appeared on the earth! “Are people from other planets?”

Son Gohan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and his body disappeared instantly.

…And as soon as God Mao’s body fell on the Juxia, a cold voice rang out behind him.

… “If you go one step further, I will make you immediately.


The cold voice made Mao Shen’s body tremble fiercely, and an inexplicable pressure made him wet his back in an instant.

Then, frowning and turning around, he saw a young man looking at him coldly.

The boy was Son Gohan who Instant Transmission came over after feeling Mao’s anger.

In his eyes, the killing intent was awe-inspiring.

“I have no hostility in coming to Earth. I just want to inform the goddess Lena that the gluttonous vanguard has approached the solar system with absolute malice!”

God Mao naturally felt the horror of the youth suddenly appeared in front of him, and he didn’t say much nonsense, and directly explained his purpose.

“I will convey the words, you can go back!”

Son Gohan’s eyes narrowed slightly, casting a cold light.

God Mao hesitated for a moment, then nodded to Son Gohan, and wanted to leave.

Because instinct tells him that if he doesn’t leave at this moment, he is afraid it will be difficult to leave the earth.

“Wait… Go back and tell the guy behind you, if you dare to set foot on the earth, I will let you all disappear!”

Son Gohan’s tone is still very cold.

Since he is on the earth, he will never allow any aliens to come to the earth to make trouble! No matter what star he is, what god…The corner of Mao God’s eyes twitched slightly, seeing Son Gohan’s cold gaze , I swallowed it when I reached the corner of my mouth.

One turned around and disappeared into the earth billions.

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