God Jebit didn't even have time to ask about the situation on the scene, and hurriedly took the order and left.

He didn't dare to ask more questions, because the ancestors had repeatedly told him not to provoke this great god!

He is really a great god, at least the level of the gods is much higher than them, the Kai King Gods!


After watching Baby fall quickly and smash a hole in the ground.

"It's almost over!" Sute said, stepping into the air and floating towards Baby.

At this time, Baby in Vegeta's body should be forced out.

But the next moment, a sudden change occurred.

In the incomplete Universal Capsule Company, a laser energy cannon appeared from the wall.

"I warn you, don't hurt Lord Baby again!"

Bulma's voice attracted the attention of everyone present through the loudspeaker.

Just as everyone turned their heads to look at the roof of the Universal Capsule, the background boards controlled by the living eggs came to the edge of the hole one after another.

Those rows of people seemed to be escorting Baby.

"How about I kill them, and then you can revive them?" Surte looked at Krillin and the others who were blocking him, and then looked back at Goku and asked.

"This..." Goku was stunned by the question and hesitated.

At the moment of questioning, a strange light wave shot out from the top of the ten thousand year capsule and hit Baby directly.

"Hey, what's going on?" Looking at Baby covered by the light, Xiaofang widened her eyes and expressed disbelief.

"Could it be that Bulma was not controlled by Baby?"

"No, that's..." Goku frowned, and his tender face was full of solemn expressions.

"No, that's the same blue light as the full moon!"

Hearing this, Surte couldn't help but turn his head to look at Goku, "Do you know this?"

Goku obviously didn't have time to answer, and Baby wrapped in the light had already begun to grow huge.

The small vest on his body was not blown up by his giant ape transformation, but it could still support his huge body.

The golden fur indicated that this was not an ordinary giant ape, but a golden giant ape.


After a few roars, the giant ape-transformed Baby looked at Surt who was suspended in the air with a poisonous gaze.

"I am stronger now, so strong that I am the strongest in the universe. You'd better be prepared to die!"

"You didn't lose your mind!" Surt didn't take it to heart at all and looked at the golden giant ape curiously.

"Oh? Is it because of Vegeta's body?"

Remember the original GT plot, it was Goku who turned into a golden giant ape first? !

And it was the irrational one.

Under Xiaofang's various family cards, Goku finally awakened his reason and successfully entered the Super 4 form.

Speaking of Super 4, is it good or bad for him to take over Goku's business now?

Forget it, I don't bother to care about him!

Even if I don't help, he won't have a good life of leisure, so I'll help him reluctantly!

The next second after Surte made the decision, Baby's huge fist had already rushed towards Surte with the sound of breaking wind.

"Be careful..."

Seeing this scene, Xiao Wukong struggled to get up and wanted to help Surte.

But does Surte need help?

No need!

Surte stretched out his index finger, and in the stunned eyes of everyone, he blocked the giant ape Baby's fist with the normal force of one finger.

"Just... just normal?" Xiao Wukong, who had just stood up, looked up in shock.

I just felt that the scene in front of me was so incredible.

"How... how is it possible?"

Don't say that Xiao Wukong was shocked, even Baby, who was blocked, was also stunned at this moment.

The other party was just normal. As the enemy of the Saiyans, he naturally understood the Saiyans.

Normal, that is, the most basic combat power!

If the opponent can enter the Super Race, wouldn't it be so terrifying? !

Baby couldn't imagine it at all, and even a strong fear emerged in his heart at this moment.

"Don't make trouble, I prefer peace!" Sutter smiled, slowly extended his middle finger, and flicked it towards Baby at a slow speed visible to the naked eye. ,

This move, seemingly ordinary finger flick, caused an unimaginable horror scene for everyone present.


Baby seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer, and his entire huge body was like a piece of paper, quickly retreating with the whistling wind.

The speed of retreat even exceeded the speed of light, and with a "whoosh", the giant ape disappeared on the horizon.

In the scene where everyone dropped their jaws, Sutter wiped his nose awkwardly but politely and smiled.

"Huh, is the attack a bit heavy?"

Seeing that everyone was still dumbfounded, Sutter was helpless.Shrugging his shoulders, he compromised and said, "Okay, I'll go get him back!"


Looking at Surt who disappeared in an instant, Satan's mind turned to Goku stiffly as if it was wound up.

"That... uh... am I dreaming?!"


Just after landing, Xiaofang punched Satan's bald forehead without any hesitation.

"Grandpa, does it hurt?!"

"It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!" Satan touched his head, and his eyes were in pain and he shed physiological tears.

"Old Sun, if that guy is an enemy, how terrible would he be?"

Picco said as he landed next to Goku, and suddenly said this.

Goku looked indifferent, but said firmly, "He should be a good guy. If he is really a bad guy, I will do my best to defeat him!"


In the air, the huge body of the giant ape Baby suddenly appeared.

If you look carefully, you can also see Surte holding the tail of the golden giant ape.

"Hey, I'm back!"

Surte grinned and asked Goku and others, "Can you handle this guy?"

But before Goku could speak, the unconscious giant ape Baby suddenly opened his blood-red eyes.

"Hmph, you want to defeat me? Impossible! You will die!"

The pitch-black energy ball gathered from the mouth of the giant ape Baby and shot straight at Surte above.

The distance was so close that it was impossible to avoid it.

"Death Revenge Bomb!"

"Get out of the way!" Goku was also trembling with fear and hurriedly shouted at Surte.

The calmest person might be Surte who was in danger.

He sneered and caught the terrifying energy ball with one hand, and then suppressed the energy ball and stuffed it directly into the giant ape Baby's huge mouth.


The giant ape Baby was restrained by Sutter and couldn't open his mouth. He struggled in pain, whimpering and screaming.

His blood-red eyes almost jumped out of his sockets, showing how painful he was!

"Everyone has a responsibility to protect the environment!"

Sutter looked indifferent, just looking at the giant ape Baby who stumbled and fell to the ground with twitching limbs, and said something very social.


The giant ape Baby, with blood and thick smoke constantly coming out of his mouth, did not show the weakness of defeat.

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