"Where are the remaining guys? Where did you hide them?"

These damn guys are all the food she ordered early, and none of them can be missing.

"This guy..."

The moment he saw Android 21, the old Kai was not like a lecherous old man at all, and rushed away at the speed of a rocket.

"Tsk... old man's meat, I don't like it!"

Android 21 stretched out his hand to move his hair, and disdainfully complained about the old Kai's behavior.

"Hua La..."

Just when Android 21 set foot in the Kaishin Realm, Surt finally found the space node to return to the earth and broke the barrier.

Suspended in the vast galaxy, Surt took VOMI, who was caught by him, as if talking to himself.

"Hey, where is the earth?"

"Maybe you got the node wrong?" VOMI rolled her eyes shamelessly.

"Heh... If you didn't think I was wasting time looking for the node, would I let you find it?" Surt sneered.

Before, VOMI thought that Surter was too slow, so she said she would come to find him.

Surter was not afraid of VOMI's tricks, so he let the woman really look for him.

As a result, the woman took him to other dimensions, wasting a lot of his time.

After spanking the woman three times, Surter suddenly found the node of space and came back.

But now, where is the Earth?

Where are the humans on Earth?

"Gohan, Piccolo and the others' Qi are over there, on King Kai's side!" Surter sensed quickly and turned his eyes to the vast sea of ​​stars.

"Goku and Vegeta... and Android 21 are also over there, it seems that I am not too late to come back!"

"Isn't it too late? The Earth is gone, maybe it was destroyed by Android 21..."

VOMI said sarcastically without any pain in her waist.

Sutter narrowed his eyes and looked at VOMI coldly, "Shut up, be honest, if you make me angry again, I will kill you!"


VOMI also snorted arrogantly. She was acting like a demon because she thought Sutter didn't want to kill her.

But now, seeing that Sutter was really angry, VOMI didn't dare to make trouble anymore and was caught by Sutter obediently.


Sutter used instant teleportation and disappeared with VOMI.

Kaioshin Realm.

"Become my food, your struggle is in vain!"

Android 21 looked at Super 5 Goku and Super 5 Vegeta who were ready for battle, licking his beautiful red lips.

"How do you know that struggle is in vain?"

Android 21, who was about to shoot the transformation beam, trembled with his hand, and turned back in horror, ignoring the tree in the distance turning into a biscuit.

"Sutter, you're not dead?!"

After seeing Surter, Vegeta's mouth corners lifted.

This guy appeared by chance, he and Kakarot don't need to merge!

Whether it's the Potara earrings or the Metamo star fusion technique, he doesn't want it!

"How is it possible? You can find the space node back?!"

After seeing Surter's familiar figure, Android 21 suddenly felt a little pain in her butt.

She muttered depressedly, pointed the spearhead at VOMI, and asked, "Did you help him?"

"Don't say it so harshly, there are only eternal interests, but no eternal friends!"

VOMI didn't care much, one hand on her waist and the other hand playing with her long brown hair.

"Wow... a beautiful woman!"

When the old Kai who had been hiding far away saw VOMI, he slowly approached with a lustful look.

"How did they destroy the Earth?" Surt also heard the obscene words of the old Kai, and squinted his eyes to look over.

"Uh..." God Jebit was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately explained the process at a very fast speed.

"The power of Super 5..." Surt nodded, looked at Vegeta with a slanted look, and said meaningfully.

"Next time, don't make some boring wishes. If you have something to do, consolidate the simplicity of the Earth!"

"...Tsk!" Vegeta suddenly felt that he was implied.

Surt just mentioned it, and turned his eyes to Android 21 and asked.

"What about you? Have you made a choice? If you don't listen, I will have to send you on your way!"


The android didn't answer with words, but threw a huge air bomb at Surt, and then pretended to run away.


Sute spat in disdain, raised his hand to knock the gas bullet away, put down VOMI and rushed towards the personAndroid 21 chased after him.

Originally, in the imagination of Goku and Vegeta, this battle should be fierce, even rigorous to the point of life and death.

But when Surter rushed into the air like a stream of light, everything became inexplicably funny.

Android 21, who was originally no match for Surter, was stopped by Surter in mid-air.

Then, Android 21 was held by Surter by the back of the neck and pressed on his thigh like a kitten.

"Pa pa pa"

The crisp sound of slapping sounded, and it was Surter slapping Android 21's butt.

"Let you be dishonest..." Surter's strength was very strong, and the force of the slap echoed back and forth in the air.

"Huh?!" Everyone present was stunned for a moment.

Only VOMI had a calm face, with a hint of blush on her face, while Old Kai showed an envious expression.

He also wanted to pat the android's butt... It looked really elastic!

"Let me go! Bastard..." Android 21 felt the double crush from strength and self-esteem, and yelled angrily.

"Damn it, you might as well just kill me!"

"Don't kill her, eat her!" VOMI heard the roar of Android 21, and instantly jumped into the air, swallowing her saliva.

"Humph... If you hadn't been so nosy, would I have ended up like this?" Android 21 saw VOMI and became more and more angry.

If they hadn't separated and merged into one person, then their strength wouldn't be so bad!

"Hehe, please, Sute..." VOMI ignored her, threw a glare at Sute, and puffed out her proud chest.

"My dear, please, I am willing to follow you and be your bed-warming maid!"

"...Don't be so frivolous!" Sutter looked at the two Saiyans and two Kaioshins who were dumbfounded, and scolded.

"Okay... Then please, please..." VOMI came to Sutter with a smile, and blew gently into his ear.

Sutter couldn't stand the coquetry from a woman, or the normal android VOMI that he liked very much.

"Asshole, you are not allowed to let her eat me, I can give you what she can give you!"

Seeing that his life was in danger, Android 21 didn't care about his self-esteem or strength, and immediately began to beg for mercy.

"I don't want to merge, I want to devour her, so that I can suppress my desire to eat!"

VOMI glared at Android 21, and then looked at Sutter with hope.

Looking at the strange scene in the air, Vegeta and Goku looked at each other, totally confused as to why it turned out like this!

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