"Not good!" Feeling the destructive energy coming from the ring below, the clown's face changed drastically.


The dazzling purple light burst out, raising billowing smoke, covering the figures of several destroyers in the air.

"Will it be okay?" Sutter stretched out his hand to block his eyebrows, as if he was not a contestant, but a spectator.

The billowing smoke quickly dissipated, and the people in the air were fine.

"Thanks, Sidara!" Looking at the protective shield that wrapped several people, the sea monster destroyer breathed a sigh of relief with lingering fear.


The bearded dwarf Sidara smiled proudly, put his hands on his waist and showed off, "This is also what I learned recently..."

It was to prevent that guy Sutter from coming to Mojito for some guidance and exchange.

When the two fought, he would not follow the trend.

But unfortunately, before he finished speaking, a black shoe with a pointed tip had stepped on his cheek.


The relaxed Sidara was kicked out and flew out of the ring and embedded in the viewing platform on the side.

"Hey, Weimei, what are you doing?" Seeing this scene, the sea monster shouted at the clown in disbelief.

"Tsk, your whole body is full of flaws..." The clown put his hands on his waist and smiled coldly.

"There is more than one Beerus in this ring. You and we are enemies to each other!"

As soon as these words came out, the alliance that wanted to unite to deal with Beerus collapsed instantly.

The sea monster and the hairy monster, who had a good relationship, looked at each other and directly joined forces to deal with the clown in front of them.

The clown was not a vegetarian. He showed the poker cards between his ten fingers and threw them at the two monsters.

"Swish swish swish"

The overwhelming poker cards were like sharp blades, involving the elephant and the alien not far away.

Xiangpa's fat body kept twisting, trying to dodge the densely packed poker cards.

Unfortunately, no matter how he dodged, he only had more and more scars on his body.


When he finally came to Sute, he was greeted by a whistling fist.

"Little fat cat, we are enemies now..." Sute said mercilessly.


This move seemed to put makeup on Xiangpa, and it was the kind of dark eye smoky makeup.

"Woo woo... Damn it, Beerus, and you Sute, you are all damned!" Xiangpa simply lay on the ring and didn't get up.

Not far away, the fox and the Egyptian woman also fought together because of their feud.

The nine tails in the lake kept swaying, shooting out bright yellow energy balls.

The Egyptian woman ran at a very fast speed with a bow and arrow, and shot the fox from time to time.

The elephant and Beerus were also chasing each other on the ring.

The ring was shaken by the huge force of the elephant's shriek.

Even Surt, who was watching the show leisurely, was targeted by the robot God of Destruction who had fallen to the ground and got up at some point after dealing with the little fat cat.

"You are just a human standing on the ring, so you should get off quickly..."

As he spoke, the robot's eyes fired two energy beams at Surt.

But for Surt, who had entered the Super Saiyan God, this was just a trivial, tickling attack.

He let the two energy beams hit him, and then Surt slapped him.

In the blink of an eye, the huge robot was slapped out of the ring by him.


There was a noise everywhere, accompanied by the sound of falling gravel.

Countless energy light balls appeared in the entire ring and above the ring, and there were also the sounds of fists and kicks.

In short, it was quite chaotic!

"I can't see..." The King of All looked at the smoke on the stage and complained unhappily.

The Future King of All followed up and said, "Yes, yes, I can't see anything!"

"Then... should we ask them to stop fighting?!" Hearing the words of the two Kings of All, the High Priest turned back in a hurry.

"It's boring, they are too fast!" The King of All continued to complain.

The Future King of All also nodded, "Yes, such a meeting is not fun at all!"

"Then stop..."

Before the High Priest finished speaking, a loud shout suddenly came from the stage.

Then, a powerful air wave burst out, blowing away the rolling fog.

Surt stood alone on the dilapidated stage, and the red hair of the Super Saiyan God swayed slightly with the air wave.

His figure stood upright, like a god.

As for the rest of the Gods of Destruction, some were lying down, some were lying down...

Only Beerus was left, with wounds all over his body,He knelt on one knee in front of Su Te, trembling like a sieve, gritting his teeth.

"You bastard... You don't give me any face!"

"That's right, I wanted to protect you a little, but you punched me. What's the matter?" Xiang Pa, who was lying not far away, was also angry.


Su Te patted the non-existent dust on his shoulder and said innocently, "Isn't this giving you face?"

He didn't rush to take action before, waiting for the smoke to billow up, and then he quickly solved these destruction gods one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one!

Is this not enough to give face? !

Could it be that they all prefer to be beaten in public?

Looking at this scene on the ring, a trace of surprise appeared on the face of the high priest.

Originally thought that Su Te would never be able to stand to the end, but this result...

When did Su Te grow to such a terrifying level?

Remember the last time this guy came to the Temple of the Omni-King, his strength was at most equivalent to that of a God of Destruction, right? !

"Hey, I won!"

Sute grinned and waved at the two Omni-Kings sitting high up.

At the same time, he also showed a provocative expression to the High Priest.

Want to deal with him? Don't even see if he agrees or not!

"Ahem... Then the final winner of this game is Sute!"

The High Priest pretended that he couldn't see Sute's provocation and announced it seriously.

At this scene, Sute felt like he had punched cotton and felt very uncomfortable.

The atmosphere gradually fell into awkwardness.

But it didn't last long, and soon the Omni-King broke the quiet atmosphere with a shout.

"Hey, Sute, you look different?!"

The Omni-King, who was originally uninterested, suddenly became curious after seeing Sute's appearance change.

"His hair turned red... How did he do that?!" The future Omni King also tilted his head, his face full of interest.

"This... is called transformation, he can do it!" Su Te was too lazy to perform, and pointed his index finger at Sun Wukong not far away.

"Omni Kings, you can let him come up and perform for you!"

This blame-shifting made Sun Wukong very happy.

After hearing Su Te's words, he immediately flew to the ring and said with a smile.

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