

Everyone's heart trembled uncontrollably, and they looked at Ning Tian carefully, thinking it was impossible to believe.

One of the old generals shouted: "We don't believe in gods, stop playing tricks!"

"Wait until I catch you!"

After saying that, he jumped up like a whistle and punched Ning Tian.

Ning Tian estimated that this man's combat power should be only about 300 points.

And now using this punch, it is already a full punch.

His estimate was not wrong at all. For Ning Tian who suddenly appeared, everyone present was very confused, but they did not dare to underestimate the enemy.

Because no one knew how he appeared, just as he said, he suddenly appeared like a god.

This has already proved the horror of his strength.

Ning Tian sat on the chair, just slowly raised his hand and flicked his fingers.



The old general who rushed up suddenly felt a huge mountain pressing down on him.

He couldn't move forward at all. In less than three seconds, he was pushed away by this huge and powerful force.

He fell heavily to the ground with a "bang".


Seeing this scene, everyone present couldn't help but take a cold breath.

Although their colleague was not the strongest among the generals, he was also one of the top three in their country, and in the world, he was also ranked in the top ten.


Such a strong man was defeated so easily and fell to the ground and couldn't move!

Thinking of Ning Tian just flicking his fingers and looking relaxed, everyone felt shocked.

Seeing everyone stunned, Ning Tian slowly opened his mouth again: "Who else wants to come up and verify my strength?"

Hearing this, everyone immediately reacted and looked at him in shock.

Kortai had a strong psychological quality and was the first to react. He immediately stood up and bowed his hands respectfully and greeted: "Hello!"

"It was our fault just now, please forgive me!"

Ning Tian waved his hand gently: "It's okay, I came here just to inform you that I will hold a meeting in the air at the western junction of Leiming Country and Moyang Country tomorrow!"

"Hold a meeting in the air? How to hold a meeting in the air? On the plane?"

"You don't need to worry about how to hold the meeting, you just need to take the plane and arrive at the location I specify!"

"The content of this meeting is that you are strictly prohibited from using nuclear energy. The specific content will be discussed tomorrow. You must not be absent or late, otherwise I will directly wipe out your Moyang Country from this planet!"

Hiss hiss--!

When everyone heard this, they took a cold breath. Wipe it directly from this planet? How great a skill does this require? Is it more terrifying than nuclear energy?

"Do you understand?"

Although Kortai didn't know whether what Ning Tian said was true or false, he didn't dare to confront such a powerful Ning Tian.

Especially the momentum and oppression of the other party made his body slowly stiffen, and a coldness that invaded the bone marrow gradually penetrated into his body. He immediately urged his strength to resist, but found that it was useless and useless.

Agree first, and other things can be discussed later.


After Ning Tian got his answer, a silver-white light suddenly enveloped him, and he disappeared in an instant.



This made everyone dumbfounded.

One of the generals said: "Is it invisibility?"

He immediately urged all his Qi to explore, but could not find anything: "It seems that it is not invisibility, but it really disappeared!"

"Leader, what do you think we should do? Is what this person said true or false!"

"Discuss, discuss!"

Half an hour later.

Kortai and others were still discussing whether to go tomorrow. Would it be a conspiracy of the Thunder Country or other countries? How much credibility can this person who said he was a god have?

At this time.

They suddenly felt the ground shaking violently.

"What's going on? Why is there an earthquake suddenly?"

"I didn't receive any notification!"

Kortai asked.

Their technology can detect when an earthquake occurs, and then take precautions. As long as it is not an earthquake above magnitude 8, it will not cause them any harm.

The shaking lasted for one minute and then stopped.

After everyone calmed down for three minutes, one of the old scholars in this field immediately said: "Chief, based on the frequency of the shaking just now, this does not look like an earthquake!"

"Not like an earthquake? What is it?" Kortai asked.

The old man shook his head. He didn't know, but he was sure that it was definitely not an earthquake.It was caused by an earthquake.

Just when they were confused, a middle-aged man ran in in a hurry, panting.

Everyone in the meeting saw this scene, but now that Chief Kortai was there, it was not their turn to question.

After Kortai stabilized the situation, he frowned and asked: "What happened? Panting? It's like he just got out of bed, how can it be!"

This person didn't care about the chief's words, without any pause, he still panted and reported: "Chief... Rizhao Country... Rizhao Country..."

"What happened to Rizhao Country?" Kortai asked.

A group of literati were shocked: "Could it be that Rizhao Country helped Leiming Country and attacked us together?"

As soon as this was said, everyone immediately frowned, very nervous, the situation was complicated!

It seems that nuclear energy really needs to be used, but the mysterious man who suddenly appeared just now said that nuclear energy cannot be used, otherwise the entire Moyang Country will be wiped out.

No! Although that person is quite powerful, does he have the ability to wipe out the entire Moyang Kingdom? Not reliable, not reliable at all.

The middle-aged man who came to report breathed a sigh of relief: "Rizhao Kingdom is finished!"


Kortai's heart trembled uncontrollably, his eyes widened, and the first thing that came to his mind was nuclear energy. Apart from nuclear energy, there is no such terrifying power.

At the same time, he also realized one thing. The shaking just now should be the impact of using nuclear energy.

If you want to destroy Rizhao Kingdom, at least twenty nuclears must be released at the same time. The power of twenty nuclears... It's terrifying to think about it.

And the only country that has the ability to launch twenty nuclears at once is Shenlong Kingdom.

In addition, Shenlong Kingdom and Rizhao Kingdom are fighting fiercely, from which it can be inferred that Shenlong Kingdom uses nuclear energy.

Before, he and others were still considering whether to use nuclear energy, it seems that there is no need to consider it now, and it must be used.

Kortai leaned back in his chair with some fatigue: "I didn't expect that Shenlong Country, which has always been sober and does not advocate the use of nuclear energy, would be the first to use nuclear energy!"

Everyone present had the same idea as Kortai, and they all thought that the fall of Rizhao Country was due to Shenlong Country's use of nuclear energy.

And those who came to report realized that they had misunderstood.

Explained again: "Misunderstood, misunderstood, leader!"

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