The battle in the sky became more subtle.

After Broly successfully transformed into a Super Saiyan, his strength was greatly increased. He actually surpassed Super Saiyan 4 Trunks in an instant.

At this time, Trunks was beaten back step by step and could only defend himself.

"Boom boom boom!"

The energy kept exploding.

Every collision between the two was extremely fierce.

After being hit by Broly's gravity several times, Trunks felt a surge of blood and felt that his internal organs were injured.


On the ground.

Paragus finally woke up after being shaken by Son Gohan several times.

He looked confused and felt uncomfortable with a sticky feeling on his face. He raised his hand to rub his face, but ended up rubbing out a sticky blood.

"Ahhhh……"He was frightened instantly, and his body trembled.

Paragas moved his butt backwards frantically, and his pupils showed fear.

After all, he was a little old, and he was no longer scared.

"I, what's wrong with me?" His hands were shaking.

"Don't worry, uncle, that's my blood, you're fine." Son Gohan said as he took out a bottle of water

"Come, wash your face."

He said as he unscrewed the bottle cap and began to pour water for Paragus without saying anything, as if he had practiced it in advance and it was as smooth as silk.

Paragus washed his face in confusion, then raised his head and looked around, and then he saw Vegeta's face that made him hate it.

The face of King Vegeta who he had strangled to death 999 times in his dream.

"Damn it, Vegeta, he's Vegeta……"Paragus clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

He felt like a mad dog with a lame leg meeting the person who hurt him. He was full of hatred, anger, and hostility.

Paragus's hostility was too obvious.

And his voice was loud, so Vegeta naturally heard it.

Vegeta turned his head with his hands on his chest, raised his chin slightly, and looked at Paragus with contempt.

"Humph, do you know me?"

Paragas was so hostile to him, Vegeta certainly wouldn't look at him well.

Paragas looked at Vegeta with hatred and said,"Of course I know you, your face looks exactly like your father's, damn it.……"

"Humph, so you have a grudge against my father, so what?" Vegeta said coldly

"you……"Hearing Vegeta's arrogant answer, Paragus couldn't help but get angry.

""Okay, okay, let's put aside the past grudges. Besides, you can't beat Uncle Vegeta now, so what's the point of showing your teeth to him? If you are really angry, you can just let Broly beat him in the future, what do you think?" Son Gohan said.

Hearing Son Gohan's words, Vegeta couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

Paragus remained silent, but after calming down, he felt that Son Gohan's words were too reasonable.

After all, he only has a combat power of several thousand, and he is old and useless.

Of course, he can only rely on Broly for revenge.


The battle in the sky was still going on, but it looked a bit horrible.

Because now Broly was chasing Trunks relentlessly.

Broly had completely lost control, and he showed no mercy when his power was running wild, and he beat Trunks so hard that he doubted his life.

Green energy flew everywhere, bombarding him wildly.

Trunks moved at high speed and kept dodging, but he was also hit a lot, and was in a very embarrassing situation.

Suddenly, Trunks' feet were firmly grasped by Broly. Trunks struggled hard but couldn't break free from Broly's control.

Broly directly swung Trunks like a sledgehammer and smashed him madly on the ground.

There was a loud bang, and the ground cracked.

Trunks was hit so hard that his head was dizzy, blood spurted out of his mouth, and he was numb.

But even so, Broly had no intention of stopping.

Trunks threw an energy bomb at him with all his strength, trying to break free from his control.

But it turned out to be completely useless.

Broly was like a demon god, not only was he extremely powerful, but he also had amazing defense that was impossible to break.

Under continuous attacks, Trunks felt like he was about to pass out.

However, he endured the severe pain and did not even scream.

"Damn, I can't stand it.……"Seeing his son being beaten like this, Vegeta could no longer bear it. He shouted, flashed, and rushed towards Broly at high speed.

During the high-speed flight, a blue light shot up into the sky, and Vegeta directly turned into Super Blue.

"Ahahaha!"He kicked across the air and swept directly towards Broly's head.


The kick hit Broly in the front.

But Broly didn't even take a step back.

He turned his head under the heavy pressure from Vegeta and gave Vegeta a grim laugh.

""What, what? How is this possible?" Vegeta was stunned.

What on earth is this guy made of?

Suddenly, he pulled away and was about to retreat.

But Broly had already dropped Trunks in his hand and punched him.

Vegeta's pupils quickly dilated, and he quickly put his arms in front of his forehead to block Broly's fist.

""Boom!" There was a loud noise.

Vegeta was knocked out by the punch.

Countless boulders were smashed with a rumble, and thick smoke billowed.

Broly stomped his feet hard, the ground jumped open, and chased after Vegeta.

Vegeta, who took Broly's punch, felt his hands numb and almost lost consciousness.

But what shocked him was that Broly had no intention of letting him go, and chased after him like a crazy beast.




After several collisions, Vegeta flew up into the sky in a mess, with traces of blood already flowing from the corners of his mouth.

He looked at Broly who was chasing him again in shock, his mood was extremely complicated.

Just now, when he saw Trunks fighting, he wanted to take action instead.

But after he took over, he found that he was beaten even worse.

Trunks, lying on the ground, took out a Senzu Bean with trembling hands and swallowed it, recovering from his injuries.

Then he stood up and looked at Broly who was chasing Vegeta and beating him madly, and the shock in his eyes could no longer be concealed.

What kind of pervert is this big guy?

He can beat himself and his father in Super Saiyan Blue with this most ordinary Super Saiyan form?

This... is simply against the sky. It is so powerful that it is indescribable. Son Goku, King Kai and Jepit, who have been watching the battle on the side, are also shocked beyond words. Broly's power is too violent. His fighting style is also wild. They have never seen such a fierce and brutal invincible warrior. It gives people a feeling of invincibility.

"Kid……"Paragus patted Son Gohan on the back

"Huh?" Son Gohan looked back at him in confusion.

"Broly has already won, so what he said just now must count."Paragas said.

So this is what Paragas has been thinking about, fearing that Son Gohan and the others would go back on their words.

""Okay, it counts. I'll remember that." Son Gohan promised him, and turned around to continue watching the battle.

After just a few rounds, Vegeta was defeated and was chased around by Broly. He was even more embarrassed than Trunks just now.

Vegeta soared into the sky, recreating the classic prince's fighting method.

Suddenly, the Vampa planet shook wildly, and energy exploded wildly.

But a huge green gas shield suddenly expanded, accompanied by a violent roar, Broly soared into the air unscathed, and a green gas bomb in his hand hit Vegeta.

Vegeta also frantically increased his momentum, and also fired a powerful afterburner in his hand to meet Broly's attack.

The two energies collided and exploded. Vegeta spit out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards with serious injuries.

"Vegeta!"Sun Wukong shouted, and suddenly turned into Super Blue and rushed to the battlefield


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