"Get up." Gula stared at Shaviza who was kneeling on one knee.

"Thank you, my king."Saviza said, standing up.

""Speak." Gula said.

Shaviza:"It's like this, we have collected two clues that have a high probability of finding Namek."

"One of them is the Sita Group. As long as we provide enough commission, the Sita group will find a way to get the address of Namek, and we just need to wait for them to submit the task."

Gula frowned:"Sita organization? I know this, they were just running dogs of Frieza back then."

"Is the leader called Alec?"

Shaviza responded:"Yes, the leader of the Sita brothers is Alec, the second brother is Oyl, the third is a woman named Maggie, and the fourth is Jas. The four brothers in their family are the backbone members of the Sita Group."

Gula nodded and said,"Well, that's right. That Alec looks very annoying. I always feel that he is planning something. He is a scheming guy."

"What is the other clue?"

Shaviza continued:"The other clue was obtained from the Galactic Patrol."

"We got a piece of information from a galactic patrolman. According to him, there is a man named Zuno who knows everything. He is a superpower who knows everything in the world. As long as we meet this man, we can get the address of Namek from him."

"Oh? Did you get the address?"Gula asked.

Shaviza nodded:"Well, we spent a lot of money, and the Galactic Patrol gave us the address and told us about Lord Zuno's strange request."

"This Zuno-sama does not need payment to ask him questions, but only needs a kiss from someone else. A man's kiss can ask a question, while a woman's kiss can ask more questions."

"What kind of disgusting creature is this?"Gula raised his head and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

What about those without gender characteristics?

""My king, what should we do then?" Shaviza asked carefully.

Gula said:"Send two people to the Sita Group to issue a bounty mission, and send two more people to meet that disgusting guy called Zuno. It depends on who gets the address first. The one who gets the address first will be rewarded heavily."

"Go and do it quickly." Gula waved his hand.

""Yes, my king." Shaviza replied, bowed to Cooler, and left quickly.

Cooler's purpose is actually very simple.

Dragon Balls.

He needs Shenlong to help him build a different space similar to the spiritual time house on Earth.

Only in this way can his strength catch up with Son Gohan.

So far, there are three known sets of Dragon Balls.

One of them is the Dragon Balls on Earth.

However, there is a huge risk in taking this set of Dragon Balls, so Cooler was excluded.

The second set of Dragon Balls is the Super Dragon Balls that appeared in the Power Conference.

Although Cooler is proud, he does not think he has the ability to collect this set of Dragon Balls, so he is also excluded. In this way, only the Namek Dragon Balls, which are the easiest to collect, are left...

At the same time, on Beerus' planet

"Ah, it's another beautiful day."

Beerus closed his eyes, opened his arms, and felt the warm and comfortable air around him.

This is a world without alarm clocks and work. It's so beautiful.

It's really wonderful.

Not far away, Whis was teaching Broly how to use his breath correctly.

Son Goku and Vegeta were fighting.

Trunks sat cross-legged on the ground meditating, rehearsing the scene of fighting with Son Gohan in his mind.

Beerus, who had just woken up, decided to go back to sleep.

The kind of sleep that no one can wake up.

"Hey, I have to sleep, otherwise there will be no sleep when Son Gohan comes back."

After making such a happy decision, Beerus walked back to his bedroom.

Soon he could hear the sound of snoring.


Universe 6.

Bardos is destroying a planet with a listless Champa and an energetic Son Gohan.

They are floating above a ruined planet.

This planet is a dead planet, lifeless and there is no possibility of saving it.

Son Gohan reaches out to this dead planet.


He uttered two words lightly.

The Death Star quickly turned into particles and melted away.

A wisp of black and purple destructive energy wrapped around Son Gohan's fingers, making him feel that he had become stronger.

This feeling was really fascinating.

It was great to be able to keep getting stronger.

As the Death Star was destroyed, the listless Xiangpa's eyes lit up.

"Haha, today's work is finally over."He put his hands on his hips and smiled.

The previous decadence was swept away.

There was a kind of joy like a poor student finishing class or a social animal finishing work.

"Let's go to Earth to eat." Xiangpa suggested.

He was ready to eat.

At this moment, a beam of light shot from the sky and stopped not far from them.

"Son Gohan, it's you."

The voice sounded, and a figure walked out of the light.

Son Gohan looked up.

The person who came was the number one killer in the sixth universe, Hitman.

""Long time no see." Son Gohan looked at him curiously and greeted him with a smile.

In fact, the two were not familiar with each other.

At most, they had met a few times during the Tournament of Power.

But this did not affect Hit's admiration for Son Gohan.

Hit had a cold aura, a cold personality, and spoke very little.

But he recognized Son Gohan's strength.

In an era where the strong are respected, people with great power often have incredible charm.

This is beyond words.

There was no surprise that Hit came for Son Gohan.

But he could not ignore Champa and Bardos standing aside.

After all, these are the gods of destruction and angels of the sixth universe.

They are the supreme existences of the sixth universe.

They are the ceiling of the combat power of the sixth universe, and they are also the masters of the sixth universe.

Hit nodded lightly to Bardos and Champa to show his goodwill. He turned to look at Son Gohan.

He clenched his fists, and a strong fighting spirit broke out in his eyes.

That's right, he wanted to fight Son Gohan.

Champa looked at him, frowned and said,"Hit, what's the matter with you?"

"I want to fight Son Gohan." Hit spoke frankly and expressed his inner thoughts.

It was a pity that he had not been able to fight with Son Gohan during the Tournament of Power.

In the end, it was Cooler who eliminated him.

As a result, he had never touched Son Gohan.

He knew that Son Gohan was very powerful and he was definitely not his opponent.

But he still wanted to try it himself.

This is a warrior's pursuit and desire for power.

Although he is a killer.

But before that, he was a warrior first.

Hearing Hit's words, Champa looked at Son Gohan with an inquiring expression.

Whether to fight or not should be decided by Son Gohan.

There was no need for him to interfere.

Son Gohan nodded and said,"Okay, I also want to try your Flash Time Skill."


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