After a while, the old man was very tired.

Granola took a look and said, "Maybe I can fix it."

"Oh, that's a problem for you." Son Gohan handed him the combat power detector.

"Okay." Granola took the combat power detector again and asked his glasses-shaped robot, Otmire, to repair it.

In just a few breaths, Otmire successfully repaired the old combat power detector.

He's really good at it!

Son Gohan took the combat power detector, put it on his ear, and then adjusted it a few times.

But he didn't dare to use it to detect his own combat power or Granola's combat power.

In his memory, he remembered that this old combat power detector would be overloaded and explode when it detected a combat power value of tens of thousands.

In that case, why did he bother to repair it just now?

"Ding, ding~"

He tried to press a few times and actually called up some audio recordings from that year.

One of them was when he was fighting with Jias.

At that time, Bardock was in a desperate situation, and then the protagonist's aura burst out, breaking through the limit on the spot and defeating Jias.

His words at that time sounded quite passionate.

"What were you thinking about when you were fighting?"

"In the face of a life-and-death battle, I would not think about anything except winning."

"The reason I fight is just to see if I want to beat the opponent, that's all!"

"Whenever we Saiyans face desperate situations, we will break through the limit, continue to evolve, and become stronger and stronger."

And when he made a wish to the Cyril Star Dragon.

"If you wish like a shooting star, please make a wish for me, so that my sons can grow strong..."


Son Gohan was silent for a moment.

Bardock is still very charming.

Monet, who was standing by, looked at Son Gohan and muttered to himself, "I didn't expect that Bardock's will would be passed down like this..."

"Thank you." Son Gohan said, and put away the combat power detector.

Retracting his thoughts, he asked Monet, "Grandpa, did you make the Dragon Balls here?"

Monet shook his head and said, "No, the elder who made the Dragon Balls died more than 50 years ago..."

Son Gohan said, "But as far as I know, on Namek, or our Earth, as long as the life of the Dragon Ball maker ends, the Dragon Ball will be petrified and lose its function. Why is the Dragon Ball on Cyril different?"

Monet was a little surprised.

He was surprised that Son Gohan knew Namek, and also surprised that there were so many sets of Dragon Balls in this universe, and the rules were different from those of the Dragon Balls on Cyril.

Monette said: "On Cyril, as long as the Namekians are not completely extinct, the Dragon Balls will continue to exist..."

The implication is that as long as he does not die, or if he gives birth to offspring, the Dragon Balls of these two stars will continue to exist.

It seems that the Dragon Balls on Cyril are indeed more powerful, and they are not turned off once they are turned on, and there is not even a cooling time.

It is a bug that you can use it after making a wish and then collecting it.

In the words of the readers, it is a collapse.

The garbage hang is always on! There is no turn-off.

Son Gohan continued: "Well, old man, I see that your vitality is weak, like a flame that is about to go out. Why don't you make a wish to the Dragon Ball to increase your life?"

Speaking of this, Granola on the side seemed excited, and his breath was not stable.

And Monette sighed.

"Ah~ I know my own life, and I really won't live long. What's more, we are strictly forbidden to use the Dragon Balls for personal desires, so I won't make a wish to the dragon."

"Besides, how can the Dragon Balls be collected so easily?"

Son Gohan was a little speechless, so pedantic.

He was about to die, and he still said that he couldn't make a wish for personal selfishness. Chunchun was a little sick.

He didn't quite understand this behavior.

He looked back at Granola and said, "What about you? Don't you want to extend the old man's life?"

Granola's face flushed and said, "I do."

Son Gohan looked at him strangely: "Then why don't you make a wish?"

To be honest, Granola's motivation for collecting Dragon Balls is to make a wish to increase Monette's life.

After all, Monette can be said to be his only relative, and he doesn't want to watch Monette die of old age.

He also talked about this with Monette.

But Monette gave him

The answer is that you can't make a wish to the Dragon Ball for your own selfishness.

But he decided to violate Monette's instructions and collect the Dragon Balls to extend Monette's life.

But now another problem has arisen.

He swallowed the first planet. Now even if Son Gohan sent the second planet, he couldn't summon the dragon to make a wish.


Granola's face flushed, and he looked a little struggling. After a few seconds, he said to Son Gohan: "Come with me outside."

Son Gohan looked at him in confusion, not knowing why Granola wanted to call him outside, but nodded and said: "Okay."

The two went outside.

Make sure that Monette can't hear their conversation.

Granola said: "What's your name? Can I trust you?"

He trusts Monette very much.

So he didn't doubt the story Monette told just now.

After knowing that Son Gohan was actually the grandson of his savior, Granola had no hatred for Son Gohan, only gratitude.

But the current situation is very critical, so I asked this question.

Son Gohan said: "My name is Son Gohan. If you don't believe me, it's useless for me to say anything. You should have your own judgment."

"Son Gohan? This doesn't sound like a Saiyan name." Granola said in surprise.

Son Gohan said: "I am a mixed-blood Saiyan, I grew up on Earth, so I took an Earthling name, which is not surprising."

Granola suddenly realized, "So that's it."

Then he said: "At this point, I can only believe you."

"What do you mean?" Son Gohan asked in confusion.

Granola told the truth: "To be honest, the dragon ball on my forehead is not a pattern. It's because I ate a planet, so it became like this..."

"Uh..." Son Gohan was stunned, thinking of the familiar picture.

It turns out that you are all geniuses.

Granola continued, "So now, even if you find two planets for me, you can't make a wish. You can only summon the dragon by taking out one planet from my body."

"Then take it out."

"Uh, just dig it out?" Granola looked a little gloomy.

Remembering that he was resurrected by swallowing the dragon ball, he continued, "If I dig out the dragon ball, I might die, so I called you out to teach you how to summon the dragon. If I really die because of this, please summon the dragon and make a wish to help Grandpa Monette regain his youth. Sorry for the trouble."

Son Gohan didn't expect that Granola had this idea.

He actually wanted to exchange his life for Monette's life?

Son Gohan couldn't help but look at Granola with a new eye.

This is really a sincere and filial person.


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