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Tải ảnh: 0.036s Scan: 0.019sThe outcome of the battle is beyond doubt. Sun Wukong has done everything he can to no avail and can only admit defeat.

""Kakarot, do you want to know why I am so powerful?" Ye Shan leaned against a rock and smiled faintly.

Sun Wukong asked in surprise:"Isn't it because of your own practice?"

"Yes, another reason is because I have someone above me."Ye Shan laughed and pointed to the sky.

""People? What does this have to do with people? Is there someone very powerful up there? You trained there?" Sun Wukong sat cross-legged on the ground, scratching his head and thinking hard. With his simple mind, he could only come up with this conclusion.

"No, I'm kidding. Haha~! This has nothing to do with the people above, but it has to do with the people below." Ye Shan said mysteriously in circles.

Sun Wukong was confused. What about the people above and the people below made his brain a mess. After thinking for a long time, he shouted in surprise:"You are kidding again!"���I think you are lying, not a word of it is true."

"No, what I said this time is true. If you want to become stronger, there really is something down there that can help you." Ye Shan said with a straight face. This time it's not fake, isn't there the underworld down there? There is a snake path in the underworld that leads directly to the King Kai's planet, the fat man North King Kai.

"Anyway, Kakarot will die soon, and then go to the fat guy North Kai to practice, so let me take him there a little earlier."Ye Shan thought to himself.

With Sun Wukong's simple thinking, he really couldn't figure it out. Ye Shan held his chin and tempted with a devilish voice:"Kakarot, do you want to understand the meaning of life? Do you want to become stronger? Go down there, you can become stronger!"

"What's down there? Can you let me dig a hole down there?"Sun Wukong was dazed and asked,"

Are you an idiot?"....

The corners of Ye Shan's mouth twitched unnaturally, he rubbed his face and said in a sinister tone:"You guessed wrong, I meant for you to die!!!"

"What? Why should I die for no reason? What will happen to Qiqi if I die?"Sun Wukong scratched his chest with a depressed look on his face. How could this guy want me to die? He is so mean.

"Besides, I won’t be able to eat after I die, what a pity."

You still have some conscience and feel sorry for you....

""Okay, I take back what I was about to say." Ye Shan shook his head and smiled bitterly, took out some holy fruit from his dimensional pocket and threw it to Kakarot.

Sun Wukong took the strange fruit in his hand and asked in surprise:"What kind of fruit is this? I have never seen it before. Ye Shan, are you a magician? It's amazing that you can suddenly create something like this."

"Don't you want to eat it? This is for eating, don't ask anything else." Ye Shan peeled the fruit and started eating it. Sun

Wukong ate the holy fruit in two bites just like Zhu Bajie ate the ginseng fruit. He smacked his lips and exclaimed:"What a magical fruit. By the way, Ye Shan. You haven't told me how to get down there yet. After seeing how powerful you are, I can't wait to become stronger.""

"Then I will tell you in detail.

As long as you experience death once, your soul will get a pass from Yama King after reaching the underworld.

After going through hardships along the way, you will go through a long journey to a very small gravity planet.

Then you will meet a fat guy there.

As long as you can get his approval and complete the practice in his hands, you can get the true scriptures and increase your strength.

How about it? Isn't it very simple?"Ye Shan's expression was very serious, but his tone was a little playful.

Sun Wukong was not tapping his forehead when he was counting with his fingers, and he was carefully recording every word Ye Shan said.

"Then how can I come back after I die?" Sun Wukong asked as a thought flashed through his mind.

Ye Shan chuckled and said,"You are not too stupid to care about this issue. Aren't there long beads made by the gods on Earth? Let Krillin and the others gather the long beads and agree on a time. Then they can call the gods out to revive you."

"Soga, so that's how it is~! I forgot about the LONG Pearl." Sun Wukong suddenly realized and said embarrassedly while scratching the back of his head.

He threw away the half-eaten holy fruit in his hand and said solemnly:"Yes, the fat man's place is a very good place for practice. I suggest you stay there for a few years to practice well. But there is no rush now. You and Chi-Chi have just got married, so you should go back and spend more time together."

If Kakarot committed suicide shortly after getting married, even though he could be resurrected with the LONG Pearl, I am afraid that Chi-Chi, who is immersed in sweetness, would not be able to accept this. If she knew it was her idea....

Ye Shan shuddered.

"It turns out there is such a place under the underworld that I don't know about. Ye Shan, you are amazing. You know everything. No wonder you are so powerful. I am afraid you have practiced there a long time ago."Sun Wukong stood up and punched the air excitedly.

Uh~! I don't think I'm going to die.

Ye Shan naturally wouldn't tell Kakarot that he had never been to King Kai's planet, so he could only laugh it off.

"Okay, I can't wait to go to that magical place you mentioned to practice. Go back and inform Qiqi.~!"Sun Wukong flew up, waved to Ye Shan and headed back home.

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