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"It seems that after so many years of development and fighting in the universe, the Frozen Clan's combat experience and skills have penetrated into their genes and become their instincts."Ye Shan thought to himself.

The cloning technology on Dura Star is still very reliable in some aspects. At least the loyalty of No. 1 produced by the cloning technology does not seem to have any mistakes.

"If you want to do it, do it on a larger scale. Use up all the blood in the bottle and see how many you can make."Ye Shan is not afraid of making things bigger. Even if there is an irreversible mistake and the clones of the Kurdish king rebel, he can easily wipe them out with his current strength.

Instructing No. 1 to stand aside and wait, Ye Shan continued to infuse drops of blood into the cloning machine.



It took 10 Kurdish kings to make the blood in that small bottle. Ye Shan looked at the 10 Kurdish kings standing in a row with satisfaction.

"Even chicks given oxytocin don't grow that fast.~!"Ye Shan sighed.

There is no need to give it a name. It is just a knockoff anyway. Just number it 1 to 10 in the order it was manufactured. It is simple and easy to remember.

"Very good, all of you stand still. Remember, don't call me master anymore. Call me director!!! I have something to tell you." Ye Shan walked around with his hands behind his back like a leader, and said with confidence:

"Yes~ Director!!"10 fake Kurdish kings responded in unison

"Did someone anger the director? Let me destroy him!"Actually, one of the clones stood out with a vicious look in his eyes and said coldly.

After such a long period of familiarity, the instincts inherited deep in the genes of the nine clones were all revealed. Their expressions and postures were no different from the original ones, except for their strength. However, it didn't matter. If they were given some time, they would be able to become as good as the original ones.

NO~~Ye Shan shook his head and said calmly:"Your genuine body has a son named Frieza, who currently rules most of the planets in the northern galaxy. The 10 of you should go to find him in batches. After you find him, don't show up in front of him with all 10 people at the same time. Treat him as your real son. Only one person can contact him at a time, and the other 9 should hide and don't be exposed. Act better for me, okay?"

No. 1 stood up and asked,"Director, do you have a grudge against this Frieza? Why don't you just capture and kill him?"

"Kill him? I had this plan in ancient times. When I came back, I would kill Frieza, the last of the Frozen Clan. But when I came back, I changed my mind. I wanted to play an interesting game with him..."Ye Shan thought to himself, with a slight cold light flashing in his eyes.

"Don't ask questions that you shouldn't ask. I'm doing this for my own reasons. Just follow my instructions!" Ye Shan waved his hand and said coldly.

"Director, let's do this now." Number 6 showed off his skills and asked with a chuckle.


10 knockoff Kurdish kings soared into the sky, transformed into ten streams of light and disappeared into the universe in an instant.

Ye Shan put away the cloning machine, looked up at the starry sky and smiled playfully.

"It's getting late. I've been here for more than ten hours. I should go back. Frieza, I'm looking forward to the day when I can meet you...."

Back at Bulma's luxurious villa, Ye Shan was sitting on the sofa resting. Bulma ran out with a small phone in her hand.

"Brother Yeshan, Sun Wukong was beaten to death by Master Kame. Bulma sat on the sofa, picked up the glass of water on the table, drank a few gulps, and said while panting.

"This idiot, is he so impatient to go to the North King to train? Please don't betray me...."Ye Shan cursed in his heart.

Ye Shan was in a state of confusion, and asked anxiously:"Bulma, did Kakarot say anything else? For example, who told him to do this?"

This question was very strange, Bulma asked suspiciously:"Brother Ye Shan, why do you ask this question? By the way, it seems that you went out with Son Goku for a while before, and soon after he came back, he talked to Chi-Chi and went to Kame Island to ask Kame to kill him. Did you instigate this?"

"No, I went out just to fight him, but I didn't say anything."Ye Shan looked normal and whistled towards the sky.

Bulma was even more suspicious. After all, he was a genius who could research all kinds of black technology. How bad could his brain be?

"No, you must have said something to Sun Wukong. Qiqi even called me to tell me about it."

"How could it be? Didn't Kakarot tell Chi-Chi about the cause of the incident?"Ye Shan said it without thinking, and then he realized that something was wrong.

"You are such a bad guy. When you were little, you tricked Goku into eating your tail. Now you’re grown up and tricked him again. You are so heartless!"Bulma put her hands on her chest, squeezing her two big breasts out of shape and making her face swollen, said to the female Joe.

Ye Shan was not happy about this. He picked up Bulma and pressed her on the big moon's back and started to slap her.~!~

"I did that for his own good, so that he could go to King Kai's planet to practice and become stronger." After rubbing it twice, Ye Shan stroked the hand and said intoxicatedly.

Bulma's face turned red and she said shyly,"You are so annoying. You always hit me...."

Ye Shan put his hands behind his head and asked,"Well, Qiqi didn’t say anything, right?"

"Yes, Qiqi's tone was very angry. And they only gave Sun Wukong one year, and after one year they used the Long Pearl to revive him."Bu�� leaned on Ye Shan's strong chest, squinted his eyes and whispered

"That's good. It's getting late. We should rest.~~!"

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