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"Four thousand combat power, Raditz has become much stronger since he was seriously injured last time."Napa stood there with a flash of disdain on his face, muttering.

Sun Wukong shouted:"You guys are stronger now, it's so exciting to fight with a strong man like you."


"Kakarot, you are so naive. I am not interested in playing with you. If you don't want to go back with us, just die here. But will the Saiyan named Yeshan stop us?..."Raditz snorted in his heart, and glanced at Ye Shan and others who were sitting nearby.

Seeing that Raditz's strength had improved a little, Ye Shan's eyes flashed with a barely visible fluctuation, and he whispered,"This guy Raditz has become stronger, but I don't know if he can force Kakarot to use the Kaio-ken he learned on King Kai's planet.""


Krillin and the others were a little surprised. What kind of move is this? Although Piccolo looked indifferent on the surface, his ears perked up secretly. Obviously, he also wanted to know what kind of move this was.

Several people all turned into curious babies. Ye Shan said calmly:"Since you want to know, I will give you some popular science. King-fist is a magical physical technique. It can instantly increase a person's strength several times or even ten times in a short period of time. However, this physical technique puts a lot of strain on the body. Without a strong physique, it is easy to cause the collapse of the body."

"What a magical trick....It seems that these two Saiyans with bad faces cannot defeat Goku...."Ye Shan, you are so powerful and knowledgeable, can you guide me in my training?" Krillin asked with hopeful eyes.

Upon hearing this, Ye Shan's expression froze for half a second. He whispered,"Let's talk about this later. Kakarot and his brother are fighting again. It's really interesting for the two brothers to play a life-and-death battle."

"King Fist? I wonder if I can learn it...."Piccolo calmed down and thought to himself, then his eyes turned to the two people who were concentrating on the battle.

It was not so easy for Son Goku to deal with Raditz, whose combat power increased by 1,000 again. Seeing his busy movements, he seemed to be a little unable to keep up with Raditz's speed. He was hit by many punches, and there were several punch and foot marks on the Kame uniform.

"It seems that Goku can't beat this Saiyan. Damn... there is another Saiyan who hasn't made a move yet. He looks even stronger." Yamcha punched the ground and raised a cloud of dust.

Krillin was also worried and said,"Goku has been beaten so hard that he has no strength to fight back. If he continues like this, he will be defeated soon and then all the humans on our planet will be wiped out. Why don't you make a move, Ye Shan? Bulma is also an Earthling."

Ye Shan didn't even turn his head, staring at the trapped Son Goku and replied,"You guys look down on Kakarot too much. Look carefully. Although Kakarot has been being beaten, his breathing rhythm is still balanced and even, and he obviously still has strength. Raditz is a little out of breath at this time, and he should be hit back."

Indeed, although Son Goku seems to have been fighting all the time, he actually didn't suffer any injuries. It is obvious that he is still retaining his strength.

Raditz was tired of fighting, and quickly returned to Napa's side and laughed wildly at Kakarot who was lying on the ground motionless.

"You are really powerful, it hurts me a little, haha~!"Sun Wukong got up from the ground and patted his kimono which was torn in the fight.

Seeing Sun Wukong pretending to be so arrogant, Ye Shan couldn't help but chuckle,"You see, I was right. His strength is more than this. This Raditz will be defeated soon.""

"Sun Wukong still has some strength left. This guy has surpassed me so much in such a short time...."Piccolo gritted his teeth and clenched his hands.

Yamcha and Krillin looked tense, staring at the two people fighting on the field without blinking.




"What...7 thousand..."Napa looked at the Monkey King, whose power was only 7,000, with a dreadful look.

Ye Shan looked at the Monkey King, who had fully demonstrated his strength, and shook his head. He stopped watching the battle and lowered his head to eat a pile of delicious snacks.

The result was obvious. The Monkey King, who had a power of 7,000, knocked Raditz to the ground with two punches, and he screamed in pain.

"Very strong..."Krillin and the other three were stunned. The situation changed so quickly. Before they could react, Goku instantly knocked the Saiyan who had just beaten him to the ground.

The detector in Napa's hand was crushed to pieces. He looked at Raditz who was lying on the ground with contempt.

"Hey, big guy, hurry up and leave the earth with your companions, I will not go back with you to build any Saiyan homeland." Sun Wukong shouted at Napa who was walking forward.

Napa said with a cold look:"Kakarot, I am not like your useless brother. My fighting power is 1,000 stronger than yours now. Let me personally put an end to you, the waste who betrayed the Saiyan nation!"

Napa's body was filled with amazing momentum, and his fighting power quickly exceeded Sun Wukong's limit of 7,000 and stopped at around 8,000.

"Oh? You still want to fight me? I'm looking forward to it. If that's the case, I'll let go." Sun Wukong's expression became serious. This person's strength was much stronger than the one he just defeated. He couldn't hold back any more!

"Hahaha! Kakarot, are you kidding me? Do you still have strength left?"Napa sneered and laughed sarcastically.

Sun Wukong responded casually, clenching his hands tightly. He shouted loudly!


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