After a white flash, Ye Shan appeared on Namek!

Ye Shan was teleported to a small village on Namek, with about a hundred people in the whole village. Many Namekians were busy in the village.

The kind-hearted and peace-loving Namekians did not use the LONG beads to do anything to dominate the universe. They preferred to stay in a small temple and enjoy the comfortable life brought by peace.

""Outsider, what do you want to do on Namek?" A middle-aged Namekian came up and asked.

"I came to Namek to see your great elder for something, and I have no ill intentions."Ye Shan said in a gentle voice

"The Great Elder is resting, I can't let you disturb him." The middle-aged Namekian stretched out his hands to stop Ye Shan and looked at him hostilely.

"This is a crisis that concerns the survival of the Namekians. This matter is very important. Are you sure you don't want me to see the Great Elder?" Holding his hands, Ye Shan began to argue. He thought to himself: I'm right. A few decades later, the planet is facing the crisis of being destroyed by Frieza.

"..You are lying." The middle-aged Namek hesitated.

At this time, a powerful young Namek flew over from afar.

Ye Shan held his chin and looked at the young Namek in the distance, estimating that the fighting power should be about 10,000 or 20,000.

"Daner, the great elder wants to meet this outsider. The young Namekian landed on the ground and said to the middle-aged Namekian

"Okay, I'll get busy now. Outsider, follow our Namek's most powerful warrior, Naru, to see the Great Elder."Dan'er returned to the same piece of land and continued to work.

"Come with me, outsider, I will take you to see the Great Elder. I hope you will behave yourself."Neilu said coldly, and flew to the Great Elder's residence without looking back.

Damn! If I hadn't asked for help, I would have beaten you up long ago. Act cool in front of me.

Ye Shan cursed in his heart and followed Neilu to the Great Elder's residence.

""You go in by yourself!" Flying to a huge building, Neilu stood outside the door and said something to Ye Shan.

Walking into the building, the huge elder sat on the throne with his eyes closed.

"Outsider, I saw you, your soul is different from the people in this world. And I also know why you came."The elder opened his eyes and a strong and loud voice sounded.

The elder of Namek possessed a mysterious power. This ability to foresee the past and the future made Ye Shan very envious.

"You even know that I come from outside this world. You are really extraordinary. Tell me, can I go back to my original world?"The elder knew that he was not from this world. Ye Shan was not surprised. He was looking forward to whether the elder could help him return to his original earth.

"this...I don't know. I can't see your future in my dreams. I can only see you in the future crisis of Namek."The elder said slowly.

"Well, Great Elder, I know you have the ability to help people develop the potential hidden deep inside their bodies. Can you help me develop my potential?"Ye Shan's eyes flashed with disappointment, and then he said with expectation.

"Outsider, come to me.~!"The Great Elder is indeed a straightforward person.

Hearing this, Ye Shan came to the Great Elder's equally huge seat.

A green hand full of wrinkles, bigger than Ye Shan's head, pressed on his head.

Ye Shan only felt that an extremely powerful force surged from the depths of his heart, filling his whole body continuously.

His fighting power soared like a rocket.

6 million~

7 million~~

9.5 million~....

9.99 million~~

10 million!!

"Outsider, the potential in your body is like a bottomless pit. I can only help you develop a small part of your potential."

At this time, Ye Shan had no time to pay attention to what the elder said. After reaching 10 million combat power, all the cells in his body seemed to awaken. Endless energy surged out from all parts of his body as if it was free.

Ye Shan could no longer suppress it~~

In order to avoid destroying the elder's residence, Ye Shan instantly flew dozens of kilometers away.

The energy in his body had gradually turned golden. The Saiyan's unique black hair changed into another form from time to time, as if it was born with golden hair that grew upward.


An extremely terrible energy burst out from Ye Shan, sweeping across the entire Namek planet.

The figure in the air was surrounded by golden flames, with golden hair and emerald green pupils.

Super Saiyan!!

"Sure enough, as long as I break through the critical point of 10 million combat power, I can transform into 50 times the normal combat power without the need for anger transformation. Now I have a combat power of 5E. I can easily kill Frieza and his father, King Cold."Feeling the surging and violent energy in his body, Ye Shan can't wait to find an opponent to fight with.~~

"this...This energy is so terrifying, it is several times stronger than Frieza's space demon. How could someone stronger than Frieza suddenly appear in the North Galaxy?"The antenna on the head of the North Kai King on the Kai King Planet suddenly shook wildly. Feeling the energy emitted by Ye Shan, he fell to the ground in fear, wiped the sweat on his head and shouted

"Stronger than Frieza, haha~..ha~!~Ha. This joke is so funny. Ha~!!."King Kai of the North was lying on the ground with his limbs spread out, punching the ground with his fists crazily, laughing non-stop.

King Kai's Realm!

King Kai of the East looked through a crystal ball at Hayama on Namek and muttered to himself,"After thousands of years, a more powerful Super Saiyan has appeared.....Why does this Saiyan give me a familiar feeling?....."

After flying in the air for about ten minutes,

Ye Shan fired several shots into the sky. He canceled his transformation and regained his composure. He flew to the direction of the Great Elder again. All the Namekians on the road looked at Ye Shan flying overhead with horror.

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