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""How can you, lowly life, overwhelm me!" Thomas roared, using all his strength to release the surging energy in his body. A black stream of hundreds of meters, nearly solid, poured down, and a circle of space cracks vibrated around the energy wave, surging wildly towards the intersection of the energy battle in the middle.

"Humph! You're going to die so soon!.."Ye Shan snorted coldly, and the energy wave in his hand suddenly accelerated and blasted back.

It grew bigger and bigger, and what followed was not an explosion, but annihilation!!

The two violent energies had been confronting each other for so long and had reached a balance point. Now two more powerful energies suddenly poured in, and the balance was instantly broken. The black and red energy waves seemed to have discovered some kind of chemical change, and kept disappearing in the middle, without emitting a single light.

The speed was very fast, and the two energy waves flowed silently like water into the black spot in the middle.

"It seems that something incredible has happened during the collision!"Ye Shan looked at the small black dot in the center that was gradually growing larger after absorbing the energy of the two people.

The small black dot quickly became as big as a basketball, and then stabilized at about 2 meters wide. The black smoke and fire spirit in the sky were rolled into a black and red spiral and quickly rushed into the 2-meter-wide black hole.

A wonderful scene appeared in the sky, and the colorful light twisted wildly, twisted into a ball and poured into the black hole leading to the unknown world.

"Haha! ~ Lowly ant, you should also disappear along with this black hole in front of you." Thomas suddenly appeared behind Ye Shan and sneered.

""Oh? Really? You sneaked up behind me like a thief, and you thought I didn't know?" Ye Shan grabbed Thomas's hand that was about to be wrapped around his waist and held him tightly, unable to move at all. He bent his body 90 degrees and stretched out his foot, kicking Thomas hard in the crotch, then turned 180 degrees and kicked him in the chest with his other foot.

Thomas' chest was kicked by this powerful kick, and he almost vomited bile. His eyeballs popped out of his eye sockets. His body quickly retreated half a meter but was pulled back in an instant. It turned out that his wrist was tightly grabbed.

Ye Shan sneered, stretched out one hand into a palm, and under the palm blade was a sharp and awe-inspiring spiritual blade, which cut towards the silver wrist that was grabbed!


The palm with the extraordinary ring was instantly cut off. Ye Shan quickly grabbed the broken palm and punched Thomas' chest again, knocking him a thousand meters away.

"This is the ring that can open the space-time ring..."Ye Shan had no time to care about Thomas who was a thousand meters away. He took out the ordinary ring with an ancient atmosphere from his broken palm and put it in his palm. He looked at the ring in his hand with a fiery gaze.

"Ah! ~! How dare you, lowly creature? My hand..."Thomas covered his broken wrist with one hand, where blood was gushing out like a stream of water. He roared like a madman, his head filled with anger, and the murderous intent in his eyes condensed into a bloody cold light.

Ye Shan looked at Thomas, who was emitting a terrifying murderous intent, and remained unmoved. He calmly put the silver ring on his hand into the dimensional pocket.

"Lowly? The body you are using now seems to be a lowly mortal life form, right? You say I am lowly, but I think you are even more disgusting now. Humph~! Look at your arrogant look, I really feel sorry for the creatures in the universe you manage!" Ye Shan looked at this false god with disgust and sneered.

Thomas laughed madly and said,"What do you know, a lowly creature? For the future of the universe, only by eliminating all those termites who only know how to keep asking for things but don't want to make any contribution to the world, can the world be truly peaceful. Hahaha~! The universe I manage has ushered in true peace~! Why don't you understand me? Why!! It's not my fault, it's the lowly lives standing in the universe that are wrong!!!"


Ye Shan was silent for a while. This sick Kaioshin who thought he was superior and looked down on all the beings in the universe was beyond help. He even spared the entire universe under his management. How many lives were there? Trillions and trillions?

Although there were also many lives that died at Ye Shan's hands, they were all self-inflicted. Ye Shan would never do such a cruel thing as to massacre all the beings in the universe.

"You have gone astray and there is no hope for you. Let me purify you!" Ye Shan said in a cold voice. If the possessed Kaioshin in front of him is not removed as soon as possible, the consequences will be disastrous.

Thomas is a Kaioshin after all. He quickly calmed down, clasped his wrist with one hand, and looked at Ye Shan with a flickering look, as if he was planning something.

"Damn it~~! My hand..."Looking down at his broken wrist, Thomas cursed inwardly. He couldn't defeat this Saiyan even when his hands were intact. Now that one of his hands was broken, his fighting power had undoubtedly dropped sharply. He could only exert 70% of his full strength at most. He was no match for this tireless Saiyan. He would be defeated and killed in just a few rounds!

Thomas had no intention of fighting anymore. On the surface, he remained calm, but he was looking around for a chance to escape.

"No, the great goal of clearing out the termites in the universe has not been completed! I can't die here~! That... that black hole leading to the unknown world..."After looking around for a while, he could not find any chance of survival. Thomas, who was a little desperate, suddenly had an idea and looked up at the 2-meter-wide black hole in the sky, which was slowly shrinking because of the lack of energy support....

Ye Shan looked at Thomas, whose eyes flickered after his palm was cut off. He knew that he wanted to escape, and said calmly:��"No need to look, no matter where you run to in the universe, I can find you. Besides, you can't escape from me now, unless you escape to the black hole in the sky...."


That's right, I want to escape inside.

If I stay here, I will die.

If I enter the unknown, I might be able to survive!

Saiyan, when I recover from my injuries, I will definitely go to the time and space where you are and kill all the humans related to you!!!

" Thomas said fiercely, and his figure rushed to the entrance of the black hole in an instant, turned around and showed a ferocious smile, then jumped and disappeared into the black hole....

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