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"This idiot, he really fought me for so long! ~" Ye Shan looked up at Thomas in the distance who was still unyielding and outputting energy into the energy wave in his hand, with a playful look on his face.

Seeing that the Saiyan seemed to have come back to life, Thomas said confidently:"Can't hold on any longer? Is your energy almost exhausted? I was wondering how you could have endless energy, it turns out that you only have a little more than ordinary people. Now I am different. As long as I stay in this space, I have endless energy."

""Humble Saiyan, I will drain your strength bit by bit, and then kill you! You dared to treat me like that just now, unforgivable!" Thomas suddenly changed his tone, and shouted fiercely with a murderous aura.

Ye Shan's expression was very calm, and he looked at the demonized Kaioshin who was fighting with him in the distance with disdain. He was actually infected by the devil's energy, which was unworthy of being a Kaioshin.

"Soon you won't be so proud anymore! ~" Ye Shan said in a low voice.

With a thought, the force of time passed through the heart of God and instantly appeared in the palm of his hand. Ye Shan suddenly had an epiphany and understood the use and effect of the force of time.

Since he only had a force of time, the effect could only be applied to an individual, and the method of use was also very simple, just like the energy in the body.

"The effect is really powerful~! It is worthy of being one of the supreme laws...."Ye Shan said to himself in ecstasy

"Hehe~! Let me let you test the power of the power of time first!!"

Ye Shan manipulated the power of time in his palm and applied it to the energy wave.

Boom! The red energy wave containing the supreme power of time instantly crushed the energy black dragon and rushed straight up. The black energy was beaten back step by step and quickly retreated to Thomas. Next came a red dragon with the supreme rhythm of the power of time.

"How could it be possible... What on earth did you do~Ah!!!~"

The scene was so similar that Thomas had no idea how he could be crushed all of a sudden. He was swallowed in one gulp, and his body was once again pounded and beaten by the terrifying destructive spiritual energy. Thomas let out another horrifying scream. The red dragon attacked and dissipated in the air, but Thomas's injury was much more serious than the first time, and he was also.......

" hand, Saiyan, what have you done to me?..."Thomas said with a trembling mouth, looking at the wrinkled one-armed man with disbelief.

Not only on his hands, but also on his whole body where he was hit, there were different degrees of aging. Thomas looked as if he had aged more than ten years in an instant.

Ye Shan was also shocked. He had never thought that the power of time alone had such great power. If he could condense the complete law of time, who would be his opponent?...

With a raised hand, the power of the soul that had been summoned gathered from the void and flowed through the palm of his hand. Ye Shan looked at the power of time that brought indelible scars to Thomas with a fiery gaze.

"How is it possible... I am the world, I have endless life, how can aging befall me?..."Thomas looked at his skin all over his body in a daze, which was wrinkled like that of an old man.

"It's you, lowly Saiyan!!"Thomas gnashed his teeth and glared at the Saiyan Ye Shan who had used despicable means to make him like this.

Ye Shan, who controlled a force of time, was so excited that it was hard to describe in words. Hearing the half-human, half-ghost Kaioshin shouting, he closed his palms and the force of time instantly returned to the Heart of God.

"That's right, I cast a curse on you, and your time was harvested by me."Ye Shan said calmly.

Thomas didn't believe it at all. What kind of curse was so powerful that it could cut off the time of a Kai King God and make him age quickly?

"How is this possible...I am the King of Kings who rules over a universe!"

"Your time has been cut by me, and your remaining life time has been accelerated countless times by me. Do you think this curse is terrible?" Ye Shan said contemptuously.

Seeing that Thomas wanted to say something, Ye Shan became impatient. He had just mastered a force of time and was in a hurry to go back and study it carefully. How could he have the time to brag to him?

"No need to ask, I will send you to another world to engage in pyramid selling! ~"

With a chuckle, Ye Shan attached the power of time to his fist, and blasted forward with a fist that was glowing with a faint silver light.

Damn... Could it be that I, King Kai Thomas, have exchanged for Sun Wukong's body and possessed such infinite supreme power, but I can't beat him?

Thomas was very unwilling. He had only completed one universe in the great mission of eradicating all the termites in the twelve universes. How could he just fall here like this~

With no fighting spirit, Thomas raised his hand high and punched forward, but his feet jumped slightly, preparing to use the power of the opponent's fist to escape in the opposite direction.

Thomas miscalculated!

The power of time attached to Ye Shan's fist was once again powerful. After hitting his fist with one punch, Thomas' time was instantly frozen. The whole person was motionless, like a statue carved from a living person.

The power of time is indeed amazing~

Ye Shan exclaimed in his heart, but the power of time he mastered was still too weak, and could only freeze Thomas' time for about one second.

Bang bang bang~!

Seizing this short second, Ye Shan instantly threw tens of thousands of punches, smashing Thomas's bones into pieces, his entire chest deflated, and then kicked him to the ground.

Thomas lay on the ground with a confused face like a puddle of meat, spitting out flesh and blood crazily. He had no idea what was going on. It was just a punch, but how could he be beaten to death in an instant? He moved his body and found that all the bones in his body were broken into pieces, and he couldn't move at all.

""Shh, don't talk! Think about it slowly after we get on the road!" Ye Shan put his finger on his mouth and smiled mysteriously, and with his other hand, he used a super turtle wave of Qigong to hit the rotten meat on the ground!!!_

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