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Tải ảnh: 0.022s Scan: 0.021sWith a light punch, the space was broken, and colorful distorted light shone in the broken space fault

"It can be broken by a light punch. The space barrier of this dimensional world is very fragile. It is incomparable to the space in the universe that is as solid as a prison wall."Ye Shan murmured as he looked at the broken space in front of him that was hit to the size of a basketball and was slowly healing.

An energy ball was thrown into the sky, and then Ye Shan detonated it. The energy ball, which was several meters in size, exploded instantly, and the energy spread everywhere. A light hole of about ten meters was blasted out in the exploded space. The space outside the light hole was densely packed with tiny cracks that quickly extended into the distance. From a distance, it looked like a huge mirror with a hole in the middle and cracks all around.

Carrick II had no idea what the fierce god in front of him was trying to do by blowing up so many space channels. He stood there stupidly, not daring to move, praying in his heart that this demon-like outsider would leave here quickly.

"It is true. The spatial fluctuations in this incomplete dimensional world are very violent. It can be easily broken with a little effort. If I stay here for a while, I am very confident that I can cultivate the power of space....."

Ye Shan was overjoyed, and the idea of staying here for a while flashed through his mind. Just thinking that he had been in this future world for a long time, and that the unstable factor had been eliminated, he couldn't help but be eager to return to the original earth. He didn't want to stay in this strange world for a moment.

"First find a way to enter this dimensional world, and then when you have time, enter this evil star to practice the power of space, which is not much different from time....This Carrick II has crossed the cosmic barrier several times to reach Earth. Maybe he has some way to quickly travel back and forth between the two worlds."Ye Shan thought to himself.

"Carrick II, do you have any other clever ways to travel between the Demon Star and the universe?"Having made up his mind, Ye Shan turned around and said seriously to the dwarf behind him

"Can't you easily travel between the two worlds? Although I don't know why he asked such an idiotic question, since this evil god asked this, there must be some other deep meaning in it....No, you are not testing me, are you? If I don't answer you well, will you kill me?.."Ye Shanrik II was startled and looked up at the fierce god. He didn't look like he was joking.

Karik II said in a trembling voice,"Sir, don't you know this method too? And it seems like you can do it easily....."

I can do it, too? And I can do it easily...

Ye Shan held his chin and stared at Rick II in front of him. He dared not breathe. After a while, he raised his eyes and looked at the space light hole that he had blasted into a huge hole and had recovered half of it.

"You mean... the hole with colorful lights inside that I just punched is the passage to the outside universe?" Ye Shan said quietly.

Although such questions seemed very stupid to Carrick II, the Lord of the Demon Star, all the demons in this world knew that the space leading to the outside world was like that, but it was impossible for them with their low strength to punch out such a space passage.

Carrick II was the strongest on the Demon Star, but with his current strength, he was no better than an ant compared to the evil god in front of him, and it was even more impossible for him to punch out a space passage with such a casual punch.

"That's right, sir! You... you can create a passage to the universe with just a punch, that's amazing!! We demons can only open such a passage by gathering most of the demons' power at the moment when the Demon Star is at its strongest."Carrick II explained in a low voice.

The colorful light hole in front of me is the passage to the universe. I'm so stupid that I didn't think of this!

Ye Shan slapped his head, secretly cursing himself as an idiot, and his figure flashed up quickly, arriving in front of the light hole, observing every change in the light hole in a trance.

"Gone... This evil god is finally leaving. My demon master is finally freed! What a scary guy!..."Carrick II heaved a sigh of relief and jumped up and down in joy....

Afraid that he would never be able to return to this treasure land of comprehending the power of space once he left, Ye Shan flashed back after a while, looked at Carrick II jumping around and shook his head, and shouted:"Hey, do you know how to get back here after you go out?"

Ye Shan just sensed in his mind, but he did not find the location of the Demon Star in the star map. He could find it in the five king planets and the king god realm, but he could not find the Demon Star. This was really a bit strange.

"" Ah! My Lord, why are you back again?" Just as he was enjoying himself, that voice rang in his ears again. Carrick II was frightened and fell to the ground, stammering.

Ye Shan was not angry, and waved his hand and asked again:"Do you know how to come back here again? I can't find the location of the Demon Star. It is neither in the universe nor in a higher level of space. This dimensional world is a bit strange. Even I can't sense it!"

"My Lord... The Demon Star is a low-level dimensional world that floats in the gap between the universe and other high-level spaces."Carrick II also has some understanding of higher-level spaces.

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