The next day, the two brothers came running over early in the morning.

Nofi looked at Yeshan, who had turned into a Super Saiyan with golden hair rising to the sky, sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed in meditation, and asked hesitantly:"Are you Mr.

Yeshan?" Yeshan had transformed into a Super Saiyan since he made a plan yesterday and practiced in this state.

The second transformation can only last for an hour.

After an hour, Yeshan's energy is not enough to continue to maintain the Super Saiyan state.

After the transformation, he needs to rest for a long time to recover his physical strength.

It was not until the morning when the two elementary school students came that he transformed into the Super Saiyan state for the third time.

After adapting to the first two times, the third time can last for more than 60 minutes.

Nofi's questioning voice rang in his ears, and Yeshan opened his eyes. His emerald green eyes looked so indifferent, and he looked at the two brothers.

"Well, the teacher also needs to practice. Originally, the teacher planned to get rid of the evil alien and leave this planet to continue practicing, but since he promised to teach you two brothers, he can only stay on this planet to teach you and practice at the same time."

The two brothers were stared at by Ye Shan's emerald green pupils with a cold breath. They were so scared that they couldn't help shaking their bodies.

The energy in their bodies was exhausted again, and they had to exit the super race state. Ye Shan sighed, stood up and said again

"Have you two brothers ever learned techniques to become stronger from other martial artists?"

""Teacher Yeshan, you are amazing. Your hair and eyes can change all the time." Fatty Norn said admiringly.

"No, teacher. People on our planet Dura love a peaceful life. No one likes fighting. They especially like to study how to cook carrots. If there is a conflict between two people, they will cook a dish with carrots on the spot. Whoever cooks the best will be the winner. Our father defeated many candidates with his superb carrot cooking skills and became the king of Dura."

"What a weird duel method... It seems that these two brothers are novices with no combat experience at all."Ye Shan thought to himself

"Okay, I got it.

Now let's start the first step of the training plan.

Both of you have not received any training, and your physique is still too weak.

You must first strengthen your body before I can teach you the rest.

Now you two brothers start running all the way along the beach.

You are not allowed to rest in the middle.

You must run to the end and then run back.

If you don't run back before noon, I will let you know what cruelty is.

"Since I have agreed to be their teacher, I must teach them with a serious and rigorous attitude.

After all, strict teachers produce excellent students...

"Ah~, Mr. Yeshan, this is so far away." Looking at the road that seemed to have no end in sight along the coast ahead, Norn showed a trace of fear on his face.

""Noen, I think what the teacher said makes sense. Hurry up and start running. Do you still want to be a hero who protects Dura Star?" Nofei said firmly to his brother.

"Hurry up, Norn, the teacher said that if we don't run back before noon, we will be in trouble."Nofi pulled Norn and ran towards the designated location as if he had taken stimulants.

Norn saw his brother started running, and thought of his dream of being a hero. His timid look was swept away, and he became determined and ran after Norfi.

Ye Shan shook his head. Norn's perseverance was not as good as his brother Norfi.

Ye Shan, who had exhausted his physical strength, had to sit cross-legged on the ground while waiting for his physical strength to recover and studying the magic of physical clone......

"Nofi, I can't go on. I can't run anymore. How about we sit down and take a break?" After running at full speed for only a few miles, Noen began to shout that he couldn't take it anymore. His steps began to slow down. The white rabbit fur on his head was stained with sweat. He said to his brother while panting.

Nofi's condition was slightly better than his brother's, but he didn't have the same momentum as at the beginning. He jogged at a certain speed, turned around and said to his brother:"No, Noen, the teacher said that we can't rest in the middle of the journey."

"Huh~~ Huh. But I really can't run any longer. My legs feel like they are filled with lead and I can hardly lift them."

"Norn, you are so stupid. You ran so fast at the beginning. You are a little fat. You can't run anymore. You should run at a constant speed like me. Although the speed is much slower, the physical energy consumption is not so fast, and you can run longer."

"Hang on, don't you want to be a hero of Dura Star?" Seeing that his brother wanted to give up, Nofi began to slow down and run side by side with his brother Norn, and said to encourage him.

"I know, Nofi. I can do it! I want to be a hero who protects our home planet!!"Noen shouted loudly.

Under the gentle sunshine, the two rabbits chased their dreams, running and running.....

"It still takes a lot of time. Although I have the 10x comprehension cheat, I am a complete layman in the mysterious world of magic. It will take more than one day to improve further."Ye Shan murmured after eliminating the physical clone in front of him.

"It's almost noon now, and I don't know if these two elementary school students can make it back."Ye Shan took some fresh water from a fresh lake in the grove and watered the seeds of the sacred tree planted yesterday.

Just as he was thinking about this, two small black dots appeared in the distance by the sea, becoming clearer and clearer. The two brothers finally lived up to their teacher's expectations and ran back.

Ye Shan stood there waiting for a moment, and the two elementary school students seemed to have taken a bath. They ran to him and didn't even bother to say a word. They were exhausted and collapsed on the ground.

"Ye... Mr. Ye Shan. We have finished running." Norn said while panting.

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