"Super Saiyan, you are very powerful. I can see that you didn't use your full strength when fighting with my father. Even if I didn't transform into the fifth stage, I might not be your opponent. The fifth stage of transformation, only I can achieve it among the Ice Clan. Even my brother Frieza, the most talented in the history of the Ice Clan, can't transform for the fifth time."Kula said slowly.

Kula stood on the ground with clenched fists, legs bent, face tightly pinched, and screaming.

Ye Shan clasped his chest with both hands and stood still. He really wanted to say one thing in his heart: You can't poop, are you constipated?

In his previous life, every time Ye Shan saw a villain BOSS in the original work making such a bird's eye, he couldn't help but type such a barrage.

The energy sealed in Kula's body began to burst out, and muscles all over his body swelled and grew larger. The original appearance of the whole head was gone, and the whole head was like a helmet with two horns.

"Let's go, Saiyan. I can't wait to kill you in my hands.��After the transformation was completed, Kula clenched his fists. His strong strength gave him great confidence.

"I almost fell asleep waiting for you to complete your transformation."Ye Shan squinted his eyes, looking listless. But in his heart he was thinking: If I hadn't finally found an opponent of equal strength, the time you took to transform would have been enough for me to kill you countless times.

"Saiyan, I want you to know that our noble ice clan is not someone you can afford to mess with!!"

Kula closed his mask and attacked with all his strength, holding back.

Ye Shan also rushed towards Kula with an all-out look. If he still held back at this time, it would not be confidence, but courting death.

Although Ye Shan's combat power is tens of millions higher than Kula's, both sides are at the level of 5E combat power. The gap of tens of millions is not as big as imagined. Although he can suppress the attack, it is not enough to form a crushing.

If you are hit by someone carelessly, it is still very painful. If you accidentally take a big move from Kula, it is enough to cause a fatal threat.

Bang~! Bang!!

The two fought with all their strength, and every punch was fatal and merciless. The collision of fists and feet caused sparks, and in a few seconds they had already circled the entire planet.

Dodging the energy beam from Kula's hand, Ye Shan learned and applied it on the spot, and also returned a light blue energy beam to Kula.

Kula was shocked. He never expected that the Saiyan in front of him could use the same trick as himself, and narrowly avoided the beam shot at his shoulder. With a gloomy face and fierce eyes, he stared at Ye Shan

"Don't be too surprised, basically, as long as the moves I have seen once, I can use them."Ye Shan showed contempt on the surface, but he was very cautious in his heart, paying close attention to Kula's every move.

As if he didn't hear anything, Kula continued to attack Ye Shan!

Kula no longer used any Qigong moves, and used fists, feet and tail to kill Ye Shan.

After a fight, Kula had to admit that this Saiyan was a little stronger than him. It would be meaningless to use Qigong moves again, and he couldn't hit anyone at all. He wanted to use a big move, but it was obvious that the Saiyan in front of him would never give him this opportunity.

Ye Shan's blood began to boil. This kind of beautiful woman-like feeling of punching to the flesh, the whole person was focused on In this refreshing feeling, he became free of distractions and clear-minded.

There was another round of fighting. Ye Shan caught Kula and punched her with two fists. His chest lost its defense and he hit Kula's chest hard with his knee.

Kula was bent by the huge force, his eyes popped out and a lot of saliva flew out.

Kula was hit deep into the ground by the powerful force and finally shot through the entire planet.

In an instant, Kula flew back again. The eyes exposed from the helmet flashed with a furious bloody light.

Ye Shan sneered and waved a finger at Kula, indicating that you can't do it.


Kula felt humiliated and screamed wildly. With his hands wide open, hundreds of energy balls the size of leather balls gathered in the air.

Hundreds of small energy balls attacked, and Ye Shan dodged them one by one. He was hit by one of the energy balls and made a huge explosion. The explosion of this energy ball caused a slight pause, and it was too late to dodge. Hundreds of energy balls hit Ye Shan.

There was a sound like firecrackers in the air.

Kula's pupils flashed a cruel smile. This Saiyan was too difficult to deal with. The explosion of such a small energy ball could not hurt him at all. Taking advantage of this interval, Kula launched his ultimate move!

Kula Supernova~!

The same move as King Cold, but Kula's supernova can be controlled and extremely fast, far beyond the reach of Frieza and King Cold.

Ye Shan was hit by hundreds of energy balls, although he was not injured. But his clothes were torn to shreds, and he looked a little embarrassed.

"The same trick again?"Ye Shan frowned in confusion. This trick obviously had no effect on him, so why did he use it?


There was no time to think. The supernova above Kula's head was flying at a very fast speed. Ye Shan would not be stupid enough to resist it this time. The supernova sent by Kula was simply not comparable to the Kurdish king.

After dodging the attack path of the supernova, Ye Shan was surprised to find that the supernova made a turn and flew back.

Ye Shan frantically dodged the supernova chasing him in the air, and his mind was racing to think of countermeasures.

Obviously, this supernova would not stop until it hit Ye Shan.


Saiyan, no matter how hard you try to hide, it's useless. The supernova I sent out has been improved by me. It is several times faster than the normal one and can be controlled by me."Kula laughed while controlling the supernova remotely......

Ye Shan dodged the pursuit of the supernova again, clasped his hands behind his back, and beams of energy shone from his hands.


A light blue super thick energy wave was pushed out by Ye Shan, pointing directly at the supernova!

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