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Shan's eyes were solemn. Kairos's breath brought him a huge sense of oppression. He stopped hiding and the power in his body surged wildly. Kairos's figure disappeared in front of him with a"whoosh". Ye Shan was alert to the subtle changes in the surrounding environment, the vibration of the air, and the sound of the air.

"Found you." A punch was thrown from the left side.

However, when it was close to his face, Kairos made a sharp turn and jumped behind him. The whole action looked smooth and coherent.

The space behind him rippled, and a low sound of a fist cutting through the air was heard. Kairos's fist hit the back of his head. When the fist was close to his head, Ye Shan was not panicked. He blocked it with a speed beyond the limit of the human body.

The whole person was knocked away for a long distance, and his arm was slightly numb. To offset the retreating force, Ye Shan's expression became extremely cautious. He flew out again and kicked Kairos in the lower abdomen.

The air around the two people fighting seemed to be detonated, making a sharp sound.

There were many figures in the sky, and the power collided again and again, and even the air was slightly distorted. In an instant, it was hit from the sky to the ground. The ground was beaten beyond recognition, and pits of thousands of meters appeared....

After a brief fight, Ye Shan stood above the sea, looking at Kairos a thousand meters away.

Every blow was made with full force, causing Ye Shan's arms to feel numb and swollen. He relaxed his arms to relieve the soreness of his arm muscles.

"Kairos's strength is indeed strong enough, and he is no different from me in my Super Saiyan state. It's interesting that I haven't been able to gain any advantage after tens of thousands of attacks...."The belligerent factor hidden in Ye Shan's heart began to boil, his body began to tremble slightly, and his expression looked eager to make a move....

""Ye Shan, you are much stronger than I thought. I can only fight you even with my full strength. You are the most powerful opponent I have ever met in my life." Kairos said excitedly. Although the opponents he met in the past were strong, they were weaker than him. After just one round of fighting, they all fell at his feet. It was really not satisfying.

"Same here, fight again. My body can't wait any longer!!"The air trembled slightly, and Ye Shan's figure instantly crossed the short distance of more than a thousand meters and punched Kailos in the chest.

Bang! Bang!

As if with a tacit understanding, both of them abandoned all skills and chose to fight head-on, and a sense of excitement that made their blood boil spontaneously arose.

With such strong strength, every punch was thrown with all their strength. No matter who was hit by the other party's punch and was slightly stiff, he would be greeted by a crazy attack like a tide.

In this kind of battle where those who are hit will either die or be disabled, the skills have completely lost their effect at this time, and if they are not careful, they may even put themselves in a passive position.

The battle has gradually entered The battle was intense. This was the toughest battle Ye Shan had fought so far. Even the battle against Kula could not compare to this one.

Ye Shan clenched his teeth, and his desire for victory drove him to exert strength beyond his own limits again and again. He kicked Kairos' fist, and both of them were blown away thousands of meters by the other's terrifying power.

After a while of fighting, Ye Shan's physical strength was greatly consumed. Sweat had already appeared on his forehead, and his chest was rising and falling rhythmically. He looked at Kairos with an indomitable gaze.

Kairos' condition was not much better. The armor on his body had been beaten to pieces in the fierce battle. The crystal light on his horn became brighter and brighter, and his hands and feet had a few numbness.

"Eat a Senzu bean to restore my energy, and I can defeat him easily...."An idea flashed through Ye Shan's mind, but as soon as it arose, it was wiped out by his strong self-esteem.

This was a battle between the strong. If he relied on eating Senzu beans to recover his peak physical strength to defeat this strong enemy in front of him, wouldn't it mean that he was no match for him? Even if he won, it would not be glorious, and Ye Shan would despise himself.

"This is an opponent I admire.

I want to defeat him with my own strength.

"Ye Shan's eyes became more resolute, and he completely wiped out this bad thought that would damage his dignity.

He calmed his breath a little, and his figure crossed the sky again and hit Kairos.

The huge amount of clouds in the sky disappeared without a trace due to the shock caused by the fierce collision between the two people.

Under the bright sunlight, the two figures, which seemed to be covered with mysterious colors, kept colliding with each other, and thousands of white lights were wiped out over the entire planet.

""Ye Shan, take my annihilation beam!" In the evenly matched battle, Kairos couldn't find a way to break this balance. He used the force of the fist collision to flip a thousand meters away, stretched his palm forward, and shouted with a slightly hurried breath.

"Can't find a breakthrough in close combat, want to fight with Qigong wave?"During the long battle, Ye Shan didn't get any advantage, on the contrary, his physical strength was drastically consumed.

Kailos's physical strength consumption was not much better than Ye Shan's, so he wanted to go all out to fight with a wave of energy waves. In this case, it depends on who has more remaining physical strength.

Ye Shan also launched a super turtle wave, and the dazzling blue light gathered crazily in his palms at his waist.

In just a short moment, the purple energy wave on Kailos' palm had already sent out a purple light column several meters thick to bombard Ye Shan.

Ye Shan was not far behind, and the blue super turtle wave exploded almost at the same time, surging and colliding with the purple light column in the middle of the two.

In the middle, the blue energy wave and the purple A huge half-blue, half-purple sphere formed at the point where the light beams collided, and the two energy waves chased each other back and forth.

Kairos showed a look of joy as he watched his purple light beam gradually overwhelm the blue energy wave.

However, not long after, the blue energy wave pressed over again, forcing Kairos to increase his strength.

The violent collision of energy caused the space around the blue-purple energy sphere to distort to a degree that ordinary people could see with their naked eyes.

The land and rocks on the ground below seemed to be free from gravity at this moment.

Pieces of stone rose from the ground and floated in the air, as if being sucked by the energy circle in the sky, slowly rising!!

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