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"That's it, Buu. Destroy everything you see." Bibidi said excitedly.

Little Buu was a magical creature that only knew how to destroy, so he would do whatever Bibidi said. His eyes glowed red, and his arms with air holes were raised high. A pink energy ball quickly took shape, and he pointed at a planet with intelligent creatures and a very high level of technology and smashed it.

The natives of the planet saw a pink, dazzling sun suddenly appear in the sky, smashing down at a very fast speed. In an instant, all the lives in the prosperous cities on the planet panicked and fled frantically.

Just as it was about to hit the atmosphere, it was blocked by a man who suddenly appeared and knocked the energy ball away. The technological planet thus escaped, and the lives in the city escaped death, and everyone cried and held their heads.

"Buu, here comes a very powerful guy." Bibidi has the trump card of Kid Buu in his hand, so he is not panicked at all.

When he came to the front of the two, Baro felt the pure evil aura of Kid Buu for the first time. It was pure destruction.

Baro's face changed a little, and he asked in a disgusted tone:"Why do you do this?"

""Stupid guy, who are you? You actually appeared in front of me, the great magician Bibidi." Although Bibidi created the terrifying magical creature Kid Buu, he himself is a scumbag. He hid behind Kid Buu and said arrogantly.

"South Kai, stop your evil deeds immediately!" Barro warned

"I, Bibidi, am a great magician who will rule the entire universe. What King God? Buu, kill him for me!!" Bibidi shouted wildly.

Little Buu's eyes flashed red, and he flew out quickly. A pink light flashed through the vacuum of the universe, and he soon came in front of Baro and punched him.

Baro became more cautious than ever. This magical creature called Buu is very powerful. If he is not careful, he may capsize in the ditch.

Bang! ~

The head dodged to the side to avoid Little Buu's fist. Baro began to fight back, and the two fought in the vacuum.

Baro did not dare to be careless at all. He almost used all his strength in every punch, leaving only a little strength to prevent Little Buu from having other means of attack.

There is no vacuum. The air, the collision of fists and feet during the fight made no sound. However, the slight ripples in space generated by the collision of the two people's power showed how fierce the fight was.

Baro slowly led Kid Buu away, away from the planet with highly intelligent life, to prevent it from being affected by the fight between the two.

Soon they came to an uninhabited desolate starry sky. Baro kicked away Kid Buu's fist in front of him, and landed on the planet.

Seeing that this enemy wanted to escape, Kid Buu landed on the planet and chased Baro on the planet to start a new battle.

"This magical creature called Buu is very powerful. He has been fighting with Baro for so long, but now he looks like he has not used up any strength at all."The three of them watched the battle through the crystal ball, and Todd began to worry.

"Could it be that this Buu hasn't used his full strength yet? He hasn't used up any energy at all. On the other hand, Baro's situation is starting to look a little bad. He has been fighting for so long and has consumed too much energy. He has begun to gasp for breath. Let's go down and help him." Xiao looked a little panicked. If they continued fighting like this, Baro would soon be defeated, and maybe even killed by this evil Buu.

Leila thought about it carefully and said anxiously,"This Buu guy really didn't use his full strength. He was basically playing with Baro, and his energy recovery speed is super fast. We can't wait any longer. Baro can't hold on for too long."

The three Kais did not stop, and rushed to the transmission platform of the temple with heavy faces.

The fighting power of Xiao and the other three was a little worse than that of Barro, but the two of them could suppress Barro together. The four Kais could really defeat the terrifying Buu.

After fighting for so long, the whole planet had been destroyed beyond recognition. The surface was full of huge pits, as if it had been hit by a meteorite.

Little Buu stopped in mid-air, and tauntedly stretched out a hand to gesture to Barro, who was panting on the ground, saying"you can't do it".

Barro supported his knees with both hands, and drops of sweat flowed down his face and forehead, dripping onto the ground to form a A small puddle.

He began to feel powerless. His physical strength was consumed greatly during the battle, and Baro no longer had any fighting power.

Kid Buu walked closer step by step with a ferocious look on his face, pointing his finger at Baro's forehead and condensing a thin beam of light.

He showed a cruel smile, and the beam on his finger was ready to go, as if it would kill Baro in the next second.

At this time, the three Kais teleported over.

Todd was shocked to see this, and fired a series of air bullets at Kid Buu with both hands.

Kid Buu hurriedly stepped back a few steps to avoid dozens of air bullets, glaring at the few bugs who dared to interrupt him.

"Fortunately, they arrived quickly. Baro, you stand aside and take a rest. The three of us will deal with him next."

Baro saw the rescue coming, sat on the ground and panted, saying,"Be careful, I haven't used my full strength yet!"


Kid Buu made a strange cry and punched Todd hard.

When he fought with Baro before, he didn't use any strength at all, he was just playing. Now he attacked with hatred, and the strength was increased. Todd's strength was not as good as Baro's. He didn't even have time to react before he was punched away and crashed into a mountain.

"Everyone be careful, this monster is even stronger than before, we can't fight him head-on."Todd screamed.

Among the four Kais, Barro is the strongest, followed by North Kai Todd, West Kai Leila, and East Kai Xiao is the weakest.

"Damn it! Todd was actually knocked down by a single punch."The weakest Xiao had a slightly horrified look on his face.

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