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"Did you kill him?" Looking at the large area of smoke in front of him, Xiao Lei lay on the ground and whispered

"I think so. If we can't kill it, we have no other choice but to wait for the Grand Kai and Hayama to come." Leila was panting and her legs were shaking.

Xiao gritted his teeth and punched the ground, saying sadly,"It's a pity for Todd. He even sacrificed his life to destroy this evil Buu."

"This is our mission, isn't it?"

The smoke dissipated, and a thousand-meter-deep pit appeared, but the middle part was intact, and a pink figure appeared.

"This... This is impossible, he is not hurt at all."Xiao stuttered in fear.

Leila was almost in despair. She tried every trick she could but still couldn't do anything to this evil creature. She knelt on the ground and murmured,"He was hit by our full force and he was not hurt at all. Todd...

Todd 's death was meaningless.���He stared at the two men fiercely, and the holes on his head, arms and chest were emitting white steam rapidly. He was obviously angry, and his two arms were stretched out like noodles and hit the two men.

The two men were thrown far away by Kid Buu's unexpected attack and fell in front of Balo.

His arms quickly retracted, and Kid Buu jumped out without giving any time to rest, and punched far away with the force of thunder.

"It's over!"

Xiao and Layla were knocked to the ground by Kid Buu's punch. They had no power to dodge and could only watch the fist getting closer and closer.

Suddenly, the two were thrown out by a force.

It was Barro!

After a short rest, Barro had recovered some of his strength. Seeing the two in danger, he rushed out and grabbed the two with both hands and threw them out of the attack range of Kid Buu, but he was tightly wrapped around his neck by the two arms that came. Kid Buu used the arms wrapped around Barro's neck as a fulcrum, and the whole person stretched and bounced over, and hit Barro's lower abdomen hard with one knee.

Under this huge force, Barro's body curled up like a cooked shrimp. The severe pain made his forehead sweat, and his teeth bit his lips tightly, oozing a trace of blood.


Kid Buu's hideous and terrifying face approached Barro, revealing a bloodthirsty smile, and the soft pink tentacle on his head moved, pointing directly at Barro.

"Barro is in danger, stop him!"A little light condensed on the top of the tentacles on Kid Buu's head. Laila had a bad feeling in her heart and struggled to get up from the ground.

Xiao was the weakest, and he was hit by Kid Buu's hateful punch and couldn't get up.

It was too late!!

The light from the tentacles on Kid Buu's head hit Barro and surrounded him. In just a moment, Barro turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared. Kid Buu had a candy in his hand, and he opened his mouth and swallowed it.

"Barro turned into candy and was eaten in one bite. This monster actually has the ability to turn a person into a candy."Two Kais died in succession at the hands of Kid Buu. Xiao was hit by Cheng Dun all of a sudden and was stunned.

"Damn it! Spit out Barro!~~!"Laila screamed in pain, and fired energy bullets at Kid Buu.

However, Kid Buu had just received the strongest blow from the two men and was not hurt at all, let alone these small energy bullets, which were almost painless. After absorbing the South Kai King Baro, Kid Buu's body began to undergo amazing changes. His body quickly grew taller, twice as tall as before, his muscles bulged, and his tentacles became longer.

"this...It turned out to be Majin Buu. The North Kai and the South Kai died in his hands one after another."Ye Shan rushed over when he noticed that the Kai's aura was disappearing quickly, but it was too late. When he arrived, Barro's aura had completely disappeared and was absorbed into Little Buu's body.

"That... is Bibidi, the creator of Majin Buu?" Ye Shan appeared in front of the two remaining Kais, Xiao and Leila, and looked around. In a corner of the mountain, he found Bibidi, who looked like the evil magician.

"Ye Shan, you are finally here. Todd and Barro both died at the hands of this monster called Buu." Leila's face was full of grief.

"What is going on? When did this Buu come out?"The aura of Little Buu was full of destruction and destruction. Even Ye Shan felt that it was difficult to deal with.

Xiao came back to his senses and explained in a low voice, telling the whole story from beginning to end.....

After listening to the series of events, Buu frowned as he saw that he had absorbed Barro's characteristics and possessed the South Kai.

After thinking for a while, Ye Shan asked,"When Kid Buu first appeared, why didn't you come to me or the Great Kai?"

"At first we thought it was just a small matter and that we four could handle it, so we didn't inform the Great Kai, and you were in seclusion...."Leila said guiltily

"Yes, I didn't expect this evil creature to be so strong. Todd sacrificed himself to create an opportunity for us, and Barlow was turned into candy and eaten by his evil magic."Xiao was filled with regret. The wrong decision he made killed two Kaioshin.

"There is no time for you to indulge in self-blame now, so stay away."Ye Shan said in a deep voice.

Ye Shan did not dare to be arrogant to Buu, who was extremely evil and powerful in the original work. He directly transformed into the strongest form Super Saiyan 2 and walked to a distance from Buu to confront him.

After such a long period of training and meditation in the gravity room, Ye Shan could already control his own strength to the last inch. The golden flames that always spurted out with each transformation in the past had disappeared, and all of them were internalized in the body without any waste.

Oh! ~

Buu, who absorbed the South Kai King God and became tall and strong, looked at this suddenly appeared human curiously, with some inexplicable expressions on his face.

"Buu, right? Let me see how strong you are."Ye Shan said calmly.

A sonic boom sounded, and Ye Shan's figure disappeared from the spot. In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Buu and punched him.

At this time, Buu's power became extremely strong. Seeing that this human was coming aggressively, he was not afraid at all and punched him.

The battle was about to start! _

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