"Brother Ye Shan, these two pieces are for you. They have eaten the rest. They are really delicious." Bulma licked her lips and handed the two pieces of fruit salad left in her hand to Ye Shan who had just entered the house and sat down.

Is it really so delicious? Ye Shan showed a doubtful look. He ate a lot of delicious food, especially the holy fruit. Thinking about it now makes people can't stop. He must find time to plant a large area of it someday.

""Well, it's really good~! Lanqi's cooking is really good!" Ye Shan tasted a few bites and gave a thumbs up.

Just looking at Bulma's greedy eyes, Ye Shan handed another piece to Bulma, who seemed to be evolving into a little foodie, and tucked a messy hair behind her ear.

Bulma gave a sweet smile in return and lowered her head to eat.

""Where's mine? Why don't I have any?" Turtle Hermit walked in and looked at the empty plate on the table, shouting in dissatisfaction.

Yellow-haired Lan Qi snorted and sneered,"No more, who would leave any for you, an old pervert." Seeing that the situation was not good, Klin Yamcha and the other man quickly found an excuse to slip out of the door, carrying the heavy turtle shell on their backs and continuing their practice.

"Not cute at all..."Master Kame muttered quietly, not daring to reply, and hurried into the bedroom and locked the door tightly.

Listening to the faint laughter inside, Ye Shan was speechless. Is he so hungry?

After staying in Master Kame's house for a while, Bulma and Ye Shan left.

"No need to take the car, I'll take you home directly!"Grabbing the universal capsule from Bulma's hand, Ye Shan said with a smile.

Go back? How to go back?

Bulma was just wondering, but the scene changed and the two appeared at the door of their home.

"Wow! Brother Yeshan, you are so cool. You returned home in just a moment. Bulma cheered and exclaimed.

"Isn't it amazing? This is a skill I learned from practicing outside."

Bulma also had her own research to do when she got home. Ye Shan was sitting alone in a chair in the back garden, doing nothing, not knowing what to do.

"What should I do? The 23rd Martial Arts Tournament is still a few days away, and it will take more than a moment to improve my strength....."Ye Shan held his chin and thought deeply.

"That's right, plant the seeds of the sacred tree first, and then practice a magic to promote growth, and you can harvest a large number of fruits in a short time."

Ye Shan closed his eyes and searched the thousands of magics recorded on the planet Adetra in his mind. There were all kinds of strange magics in it, and he soon found this magic that could promote the growth of any plant and completed it!

"This is...

The blood of the Kurdish king.

I remember there was also a cloning machine from the Dura star.

"Ye Shan opened his dimensional pocket and was about to take out the holy tree seeds when he saw the small bottle of Kurdish king's blood that he had collected on impulse.

He shook his head and temporarily swept these unimportant things aside.

He took out a large bag of holy tree seeds and planted them on a piece of green grass and cast the magic of stimulating birth that he had just learned.

Soon, twenty small green buds emerged on the ground. In just a few minutes, they grew into several meters tall.

"It looks like the harvest will be ready in a few days. Am I a farmer?..."Ye Shan mocked himself.

Then he sat on a chair and put a few books on the table to appreciate them carefully.

Yes, it was the remaining five rare edition books. Ye Shan had read them once in ancient times. Now he took them out just to think about them and make reference.

"I will use these few days to study how these touching little books are drawn, so that I can draw one and publish it. But it’s best not to be discovered by Bulma....."Ye Shan looked up like a thief about to commit a crime, and when he found no one was around, he put his eyes on the small book in his hand.

With Ye Shan's sharp eyes, which he had trained from reading countless pornographic movies in his previous life, he quickly understood everything and instantly turned into a pornographic appraiser, explaining the pros and cons of the book in detail.

"Sure enough, compared to the country in my previous life that developed this culture to the extreme, this world is still too monotonous. There is nothing exciting in it. Let me, Ye Shan, carry forward this culture here and let it shine brightly!"The annoyed Ye Shan began to do something else and made his own middle school oath.

Early in the morning, Ye Shan went out alone to buy some props for painting.

"Someone is robbing~~!"Suddenly, a shrill soprano voice rang out in the street, and then a car came flying in front of us, with two bearded robbers sitting in it, holding small pistols in their hands.

"How come I always run into this kind of shit when I go out?"Ye Shan sighed, and casually sent out two Qi forces to knock out the two rampant robbers in the car.

After quietly dealing with the two robbers, Ye Shan continued to walk to his destination.

Soon, Ye Shan returned to Bulma's house with a big box in his hand.

"Ye Shan went out so early, is this a gift for Bulma?"Mrs. Briefs, who was mowing the garden, was very sharp-eyed and immediately noticed the box in Ye Shan's hand, and she teased him.

"Good morning, I bought this for my own use."Ye Shan said casually, carrying the box to the back garden again.

He took out a lot of things from the box, put them on the table and began to draw slowly.

"Brother Ye Shan, what are you doing here? Hey, why are there so many strange trees over there, and there are fruits on them?" Bulma's voice sounded behind him.

Ye Shan calmly covered the half-finished manuscript in his hand, turned around and changed the subject:"Those are the holy trees I got from the universe, they can produce magical and delicious fruits, I'll pick them for you to taste!"

Ye Shan's figure flew in an instant, and nearly a thousand holy fruits appeared on the ground. He picked up one and handed it to Bulma:"Try it, as long as you imagine what you want to eat, it will become the flavor you want."

"It's really delicious. I almost forgot that the 23rd Martial Arts Tournament will start tomorrow!!" Bulma finished one and picked up another one. Halfway through, she suddenly said embarrassedly

"OK, let's go check it out tomorrow!" Ye Shan smiled and casually pulled out a piece of drawing paper from the pile, tearing off a corner and wiping the juice off Bulma's rosy cheeks.

Bulma's eyes were fixed on the half-portrait drawn on Ye Shan's hand, and she asked in surprise:"Brother Ye Shan, is this drawing of me? It just seems a little bit different."

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