A two-and-a-half-year-old child, at 8217 points, Xue Saiya thought about the thousand-year history of Star Vegeta, and couldn't find any existence that could compare to Lin Feng.

As for the so-called Prince Vegeta, Sessiah has long stopped comparing him to her own son!

Even Xue Saiya has heard that Prince Vegeta, the most talented in Saiyan history, has reached 1300 combat power!


Of course, the manifestation of combat power can never be the same as that displayed by the combat power detector.

Even if Lin Feng didn't go into that crazy state, just relying on his terrifying body, Lin Feng was not afraid of all Saiyans on Planet Vegeta except his mother.

Unless, there is a Saiyan who transforms into a giant ape and increases the combat power by 10 times!

And as Lin Feng's body gradually became stronger, once Lin Feng entered that extreme state of madness, his combat power would be completely doubled, approaching the point of approaching 20000 points.

If he desperately improves, Lin Feng's fighting power is very likely to be infinitely close to his mother Xue Saiya.

Half a year later, Xue Saiya, who had a combat power of more than 28000 points, asked Lin Feng if she could teach her sister Xue Sai Li about the Dragon Elephant prison and inform him of her combat power.

Before Lin Feng agreed, Xue Saiya asked Xue Saili to come back.

A shocking news came.

On the planet where Paranti was on a mission, a strong man with a combat power of more than [-] points appeared.

Shirley's husband was killed on the spot, and Shirley and her daughter, Paranti, whose whereabouts and lives are unknown are unknown.

After learning this news, Xuesaya, whose combat power had been infinitely approaching 30000 points in half a year, was completely furious.

The Saiyan's bloodline seemed to be ignited, instantly breaking the shackles of the 30000-point Saiyan, and soaring directly to 47000 points.

Lin Feng stared at the furious Xue Saiya in a daze, ignoring her boiling fighting power and terrifying aura.

I slowly recalled my aunt Xueseli, who fought with me at home, taught me qigong bombs, air dance, fighting skills, pointed out my own shortcomings, and teased myself.

Teng! !

A white arrogance suddenly rose from Lin Feng's feet, and Lin Feng in his memories was gradually rendered in anger.

The vast sea of ​​qi and blood in the body suddenly began to boil along with the qi in Lin Feng's body.

A murderous intent suddenly appeared in the sky.

This is Lin Feng's killing intent again since the day of Tis Tuka.

It's just that Lin Feng's killing intent was even more stern this time than before.

When Xue Saiya just woke up from her rage, Lin Feng, who was in grief and anger, suddenly let out a howl!


In just an instant, Xue Saiya was forced to take three steps back by the sudden momentum.


The white arrogance is like the waves of the ocean, constantly rising and rising.

At this moment, Lin Feng no longer had any thoughts of curbing the improvement of his combat power.

All along, he had let Ròu suppress the growth of Qi, otherwise with the help of the Gravity Chamber, Lin Feng's combat power would be enough to reach more than [-] in half a year.

But this time, Lin Feng had no such thought in his mind.

(Second, send it, ask for collection, ask for reward, ask for flowers, ask for a very good vote. Book friends are awesome. The more you do, the better I am. How many updates, it is up to you! I was busy last night and forgot ,Excuse me.)

Chapter [-]: Go to Dorodi (plus chapters)

[This chapter is updated for book friends (waiting). 】

The qi and blood in the body were roaring like a mad dragon, and the vast qi of the sea was like a storm crashing on the shore, and Lin Feng's combat power also began to soar wildly.

10010 points!

11000 points!

17000 points!

22000 points!

25500 points!

Lin Feng suppressed the qi that could not grow, and finally got the nourishment for growth in Lin Feng's anger, and grew wildly.

In just a short period of time, Lin Feng's combat power more than tripled. This is because he kept a little sober and forcibly restrained.


Sessiah and Sessally have a very deep relationship, which is very different from the personalities of most cold-blooded Saiyans.

Although she knew that her strength after skyrocketing might not be well concealed, she couldn't care less.

On the same day, after Lin Feng's combat power improvement subsided at 26100 points.

Xue Saiya and Lin Feng left the house and went straight to the place where the Saiyans stayed in the spaceship.

This time, it was also the first time that Lin Feng showed his peerless talent without reservation.

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