Anger, mania, killing intent, all the tyrannical emotions completely overwhelmed Broly's brain, killing intent resounded through his entire sea of ​​consciousness, his eyes were red with fire, and his eyes were not clear. The male lion, in his heart, only one sentence "I'm going to kill him, I'm going to kill him" echoed in his mind!

"Hu~hu~hu" The endless energy in the universe is like crazy, and it keeps pouring into Broly's body. Broly, who will be severely injured in the future, has a sluggish breath. At this time, his breath is fast. Responding, quickly filling up the strength to reach the state of the original Super Saiyan 1.

However, these infinite energies from the vast land did not stop converging into Broly's body. On the contrary, it became more and more fierce and merged into Broly's body. At this time, Broly seemed to be a huge magnet. Absorb these endless energies!

Broly was madly absorbing the energy of all things, until the body could not accept more energy, because the tribe has reached a saturation, Broly in anger stopped absorbing the energy of all things.


Broly's toes pointed down, and the whole person was floating in the air, the golden hair stood upright like thorns, and the pupils gradually disappeared, turning into a vast white, and there was no more clarity in sight.

At this moment, Broly's hair was gradually rendered grass green by the powerful energy, and he gradually began to transform into the legendary Super Saiyan form.

Broly is worthy of being the legendary Super Saiyan, with a tyrannical aura like a god of war standing in the sky like a god of war. Broly, who transformed into the legendary super transfer mode, is simply a fighting machine. , Destroy the sky and destroy the earth, the infinite strength will follow the endless anger and become stronger indefinitely!

Barrows, who had been observing the shocking changes in Broly's strength, was quite dignified at the moment. Broly transformed into the legendary Super Saiyan state, and his terrifying strength was rising steadily at this time.

In just a short moment, Broly's combat power reached 300 billion because of infinite anger.

What is even more shocking is that Broly seems to have opened the shackles of the legendary Super Saiyan. As his anger continues to burn, his combat power seems to continue to rise and grow endlessly.

310 billion ~ 330 billion ~ 335 billion ~ 341 billion.

Broly's rising terrifying combat power and wildly burning grass-green arrogance made the entire starry sky seem to be in turmoil.

At this moment, no matter where in the universe, up to the realm of the realm, the king of the realm, down to the underworld, the universe, all creatures, all shivered in front of Broly's rising fighting power.


After a while, the burning green arrogance on Broly began to gradually calm down.

And his combat power was finally fixed at 400 billion.

"One anger has become so much stronger. How is it possible?" Barros looked at Broly at this time, his pupils shrank, and he couldn't help taking a deep breath.

It's not that Broly at this time is already too strong to be defeated.

Instead, Broly, who originally had only 130 billion combat power, was estimated by Barros.

Even if it transforms into a super transfer mode, it should only be 260 billion.

But, with an anger, a crazy outbreak, he actually increased the combat power by a full 140 billion.

You know, this one is not 140 points of combat power, but a full 140 billion.

He was so angry that he raised his combat power so much.

If Broly's mad anger continues to grow, wouldn't it, within a day, his combat power will increase to more than [-] billion?

But then, Barros couldn't help frowning.

No sense, not the slightest bit.

Crazy anger erupted, although the strength increased enough to make all living beings despair.

But the price Broly paid was that he was completely swallowed up by power and turned into a puppet of power, without even a trace of autonomy!

Broly, who was still amazed at the terrifying growth of the time and space in front of him, planned to return to his own time and space, so that Broly, who was under his command, and Barrows, who grew up in anger, completely dispelled this idea.


Barros' pupils were all bright, as if he had thought of something.

"Hu~hu~hu" Broly, who transformed into the super transmission mode, has completely lost his mind, and his body is as strong as a mountain, full of energy that can destroy everything.

At this moment, Broly's palms gathered frantically with the energy that destroyed everything.

The green qigong bullets flickered frantically like a omen of death.

Looking at Broly at this moment, an unprecedented dignified expression appeared on Barros' face.

Transform into the legendary Super Saiyan, Broly with 400 billion combat power.Maybe strong enough to crush everything, but it's not terrible for Barros.

However, only the instinct of the beast remains, but it perfectly retains the brutality of the legendary Super Saiyan, and Broly, who is constantly growing in battle and anger, is definitely the entire universe, and even Barrows so far. The most terrifying opponent I have ever encountered.

(One update, asking for flowers, asking for a reward, asking for a monthly pass, and asking for a very good evaluation vote. The first update!! Restoring the guarantee of three chapters, one chapter now, and two more chapters at night.)

Chapter [-]: Shocking the world, turning into a super two

  [The new volume hopes to restore some subscriptions, beg for customization, beg for full subscription, and beg for rewards!The first one is delivered!I hope all readers will support it. 】


A loud noise that trembled the starry sky swept across, and a stalwart figure suddenly bleed into the starry sky and flew out like a meteor.

"Hahaha, aren't you very strong?" Broly laughed wildly, his figure appeared beside Barrows, who flew out backwards, and he raised his hand and pressed a qigong bomb at Barrows. .


The green qigong bullets exploded with boundless destruction and death.

The dazzling green light, in an instant, illuminated most of the cosmic starry sky.

Even the Z warriors and No. 18, Bulma, Turtle Immortal and others who were on Earth could clearly see the penetrating green light that covered the sky.

"Okay, so strong."

"Damn, that Broly is so strong."

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