Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wuliu Qiankun Chapter 101

With Brole's horror, unless Barros shot, this general is still coming, there is not much super powerful universe, I am afraid that there is no one enough to fight against Brole!


East Yinhe, a life planet with the North Yin River than the galaxy in the neighborhood, the Barrow is suddenly drilled out in the empty space.

"Ha ~ Ha ~ Ha ~ Ha ~!" A crazy laugh resoned in this planet that was already suffering.

Barros just moved over, and I haven't waited for him to capture the breath of Bronell.

I suddenly look frowned, and the cold looks looks at.

A huge death is broken, obscuring the day, simply like a small sun, shining with the breath of destruction and death, heading towards this planet.

Baros, who is handling, is the first to rush.

Brole's death broke down, and the Paros Zui corner of Barrow is rising, quietly waiting for this football to easily destroy the death of the earth.

~ ~ ~ ~!

The death of death is not coming, such as the sharp hurricane that has grown, putting the ground to more than a dozen meters, still do not give up, still destroying everything below death.

It is proud that the Barrow has rushed to the death of Brole's death, and he put it in half empty, and does not let it fall.

"Well? What?" Brilli, who just pretended to the energy cover, has changed his face, and looked at the delay of death.

Barrow, who has been killed, and the left foot will retreat a small step, and the face hangs a smile, and the double-handed force will directly explore the death.

Brilli, who just removed the shield, looked at the death of death, and his face changed.

"Hah ~~!" Brole's body table suddenly burned green airweight, when the death broke into the body, Brole's flash-like shot will die, two hands cover the death of death , Use force to go to the end of the end of the head.

When the death of death, Bolori finally saw the people who bounce his death.

Barros! !

Two super-seizures that changed almost simultaneously, a high and low staring at each other!

Bang! !

A dazzling radiance and the loud noise in the starry sky, Brilli's death is blown in the starry sky, and the pound of energy directly annihilated a planet of this galaxy.

Looking up at others is not the habit of Paros, Bolori's death broke the explosion, and the Barrow has reached the opposite Barole.

Observing each other, Barros and Brolen acts did not shoot.

Although the heart is full of desire and tyrannical idea, Can Brilli still knows who Barros is.

Looking at the opponent's dazzling blonde, green eyes and blood red eyebrows.

Even if I have turned into a super-Saaya legend mode, Bololi is not rising.

Balor hate clearly, this is the feeling of appearing in the face of many people who have to have many people.

He has only two times in this life.

The first time I was in Baggilta planet, and the general Flissa that he was only born.

The second time is the martial arts that is facing, Barros.

That kind of palpitations seem to die to invade the extremely dangerous feelings of itself, so Brilli even the heart is full of desire and tyranny, and they don't dare to move.

He is waiting, waiting for a timing, with the Thunder, the man who made him palpites him in front of him.

Barrow, it is interested in Brole.

A green hair, no pupil, although there is no muscle Ròu expansion into a super third stage form, and there is no difference in the super-semi-talented model in Barros memory.

As for Brole's combat power ...

Barroo is aware of Brole's boiling power, although there is no specific number, but it is estimated that there is about half of the combat power! !

For its own strength, Barrow is very clear, it can be sure to be around 3 billion.

Half of the combat power of Barolei, is there .... 1.5 billion?

(San more sent, ask for collection, seeking reward, seeking flowers, finally getting to the shelves. Third, fourth, faster, the fifth is twelve, not the night owner, don't wait, don't wait, Look again during the day! Dragon Ball QUN has been built: **, I have an idea to add QUN.)

Chapter 12 Crazy Brole (First, Destination)

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! The new book is on the frame, the bottom of the bottom, the first is more sent! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

1.5 billion battles!

Even if Baros is fully capable of being completely over Brole, the heart is not a bit shock.

You know, a few years later, Sun Wukong, a super full power, is more than 1.5 billion.

Now open the Dragon Ball Z Curtain, but it is still four years!

In the heart, the stunned Barrow, immediately became a full-hearted ecstasy.

I have always expected, isn't it possible to become a super Saaya legendary mode of Brole?

For these years, Brole has no suspicion to our faith.

As long as you can take the Baroleum of the rushing state, you can get a legendary super-Saiyan loyalty.

At that time, whether it is the North Yinhe, East and Yinhe, and even the whole universe, even other worlds, you will never stop the gods of God.

One thought and this, Barrow ZUI is suddenly rising slightly.

Since Brole is reluctant to shoot, then you will open the battle!

Here, Paros instantly, a boxing of Brole in the alert alert.

However, Barros's fists are almost instantly across the horizontal distance. Brole's almost the ability of the instinct has not been mentioned. The punch of Barou has already reached his face, and a punch will fight him.

! !

The body is like a shellflow, although this moment Brole is full of destruction and tyranny, can't help but conjective.

He found that the speed of Barrow is not just fast, it seems to ignore the scary speed of the space distance, it seems that it has been broken before his thinking is turned, and a boxing is on his body.

This calls him how to defend, how to counterattack? Also, how to fight?

However, let Barole is a confused, Barrow did not have a chasing, just indifferent, watching his power to unload the fly.

Looking at the face and rosted a wrong Brole, the Paros Zui rose rushed to hang a smile of indifference: "Brolen, ready?"

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