Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 103

Without the energy shield, even if Brolen, a exposure to the vast universe, only to death.

Without waiting for Brole to react, set the idea of ​​Barrow, directly challenge the pallet, and the CHA of the hand cut into Bronoli's energy shield.

After breaking the energy shield, the Barros hand cuts the palm, and the five fingers are buckled on the shoulders of Brole, and moved with his instant to leave the space.

In a live planet, Barrow and Brolen Demonstration showed a figure.

! !

Just left the void, a curved scan of the Barros feet, the outstanding power directly kicked the stable feet of the Barolei, and the losses of his entire man kicked, flipped on one side.

The center of gravity is all lost. Brole's huge body portal opened, completely exposed to Barrow's attack.

Golden rays sparkling.

A golden gas-powered wave, in the extremely dangerous Barole, unrecognizable, in his Xiong, flying his entire man.

Booming ~~ Boom ~!

Brole's body flew down, and strong body brought him behind him, plowed a huge gully from the middle.

On the way, the smoke is rolling.

When Brole was broken, when he stopped the flying body, he didn't wait for him to climb, and he fiercely saw a shadow appeared on him.

Barole's eyes, under the action of , at all, do not consider the strength gap, directly in Boxer Barz.

! !

Barros understaters and seized Brole's fists, and looked at him with a face of it. The left hand looked up with a lightweight sound wave, bounce against Brolen.

The gas luggage is directly blown on Brole's body.

Even if I have successfully turned into a super-seizure in the legendary mode.

But Baros, the Qigong, or directly hurt Barole!

"Wow !!" The energy remaining and the smoke is just scattered. Brole will vomite a bite of scarlet blood, and then maintain the legendary model of the super-Saiyan. The green hair and white pupil disappears instantly. Directly recovered into ordinary Saiyan state.

Exited the legendary model of the Super Saiyan, Brilli's clear rational rational recovery again.

Looking at Baros holding his fist, Brolen barely shouted: "Big ... big emperor!"

"Hey? Exit the state, follow the restoration rational!" Barrow has passed a highlight, gently calls a breath, withdraws over the super-Saiyan state! The hand grabbed the brilli fist also released.

Looking at the wolf, the zui angle hangs a string of blood, the breath of Brole, Barrow shook his head, and pulled out the universal capsules from the waist.


Universal capsules fried, Barrow Shen took two fairy beans, directly lied to Brole.

In the year of the Shenwu battle, Brole was not strange to fairy beans.

So when he saw the fairy bean of his hand, I didn't want to take a while.

(Two more, ask for a collection, ask for a reward, seeking flowers, finally getting to the shelves. The second is more sent, before the piking can not be five more. Dragon Ball QUN has been built: **, I can add QUN .)

The fourteenth chapter is coming, the universe is the first (third, ordered)

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! The new book is on the shelf, the bottom is five, and the third is more sent! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

The utility of fairy beans is indeed, in an instant, it is still scarred, almost seriously injured Barole, and directly recovers in the moment of the fairy bean.

If it is not a broken Saaya armor, it is afraid that no one is unclear, he has a more than Barros 'little'! !

The injury recovered, Brolen directly took Ting, fighting in front of Barrow, comfortable: "Call ~~ Thank you!"

Although Brole I didn't know why myself suddenly was seriously injured.

But he remembers everything before the super Saiyan legend model, nature is not difficult to infer, he must have entered the state of violence!

And this time is more thorough, being destroyed and angry, crazy tyranny, eroding ingredients, and the memory in Barolei is not left.

Looking at Brilli brow deep lock, frowning pensive, but I can't think of it, a confused look.

This intended to ask some of the Barrow that the ultra-mode sensation, it is directly extinguished.

Barros just exited the Super Saaya state, the power suddenly decreased nine-nine-nine, and it took a while.

If it is not because you can clearly feel the power of the super-Saiyan, I have lurked in my blood, I am afraid that Baros can't care about Brole's mood! !

I will sink, Barris asked: "Brolen, in addition to turning into a super-Saaya legend mode, can you control in an ordinary super-Saiya model?"

However, Barrow came out, but Brilli was more confused and intake.

"Super Saiyan Legend Mode, ordinary Super Saiyan Mode?" Brole's face doubtful and confused to look at Barros, he didn't know anything about these,

Slightly shaken, Baros patient opens to Brilli's unique super-semi-Saiyan's super-semi-Saiyan.

Ballley, who was originally foggy, and finally understood what is the ordinary super-Saiyan, and what is the legendary model of the legendary model.

Listening to the Palos speech, in admiring his super-Saiyan model, the endlessness of Brole's heart rose a happy and proud feeling.

One thousand years old super scorpion.

Although Brole is clear, he has been known for its identity.

Today, I finally learned all mystery in Palos.

In Barrow's privilege, Brole is in front of Barros, starting gas trying to transform into a super-semester! !

Ziqi ~ Zi!

The golden huang colored air flame is constantly burning in Baroleum, and Brole wrapped in Jin Huang color flames, a golden huang color hair flies, and the eyes suddenly become cold, and green pupil, it seems that there is no feelings. general.

Super Saiyan in ordinary mode!

The heart is already a number of Baros, suddenly browsing slightly, the faint opening call: "Brole!"

Brole's face flashed a painful color, then he went back: "Big .. Emperor!"

After a moment, Barros looked at Brole, nodded: "I don't enter the legendary mode, as long as you don't enter the legendary mode, you turn into a normal mode super Saiyan, in fact, you can keep a wake-free reason! "

There is a little Barros that doesn't break, that is, don't meet the enemy of Brole's heart, Sun Wukong.

Once you have encountered Sun Wukong, even now I can barely maintain the wakeful Brole of ordinary super Saaya model, it will also go directly to the legendary mode under the gas machine.

After a while, I saw that Brumbell has not eroded ingredients. Barrow nodded to let Brolen with the Super Saiyan state, a moment moved with him to return to the Shenwu battle!

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