Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 114

The body is slow, and the Klin Badak is slightly smashed, and the smile is explained: "The uncle, I am sorry, Ji Qi said that Wukong may encounter a strong enemy, a moment !!"

"Hey!" Badak snorted, but the heart was not counting again.

The two are like a giant. Dragon and anti, plus the other party is the safety of their own second child, and the Badak's heart is just rising, and it will be.

Turned, Badako looked straight to Sun Wukong, cold channel: "There is less than 3,000 combat power, hey, it seems to take you to the emperor to request, let you return to Saiyan people quun. So fighting forces, Simply insults asiaries! "

"Great Emperor?"

"3000 points of combat power?"

At the same time, it is awkward, Sun Wukong and Kedlin face each other, the two are a mist, can't understand the words of Badakak, what is the meaning.

(Four more delivery, seeking collection, seeking reward, seeking flowers, finally getting to the shelves, fourth !! There is also a chapter behind you. During the middle of the night, Dragon Ball QUN has been built: **, I have an idea to add QUN.)

Chapter 26 Sun Wukong's expectation [5/5 Subscription]

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! New book, fifth more! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

Looking at the doubts of the two, Badakon started, full of worship, when Barrow was born, Jingyan had a true Bergiita planet.

In the speech of Badak, it is a little curious to let Sun Wukong and Kllin's two people. How is Badak talking about how the people in the sky is a pertiance.

However, because of the loss of memory, Sun Wukong did not know what the combat power told by Badak, could not be broken: "Wait .. Wait, Dad, you said that a born fighting power is 121 points? meaning?"

Badak is dissatisfied with him, the opening of the combat power is said, and it is also the division of Saayans when he tells some of the Bergiita planet.

After a point of view of Badakak, Sun Wukong and Klin finally knew that the fighting force means anything.

In short, it is the first word!

"It turned out, then when I was born, how much is the combat power?"

Sun Wukong was just exported, and Badak's face was covered with cold cream.

After half a day, I was cold and spit out of the words: "2 points!"

"No? I was born, only 2 points of combat power?" Sun Wuyi Zuizui, disappointment and depression.

Looking at Sun Wukong, Kellin did not lick in the heart.

After a while, when Sun Wuki recovered some emotions, Badakh continued to talk about the Legend of the Barrow.

Battle Flizza, saving all the Saiyan's life on the Bergita planet.

Sun Wukong and Clin heard the blood boiling.

Although they are strong, they can easily erase a city, an island.

It can be relying on their strength, but still can't do, such as Badak's talk, the fell is broken, and the star is waved.

That kind of strength, even in the eyes of Sun Wukong and Clin, it is definitely the existence of God.

The Shenwu battle, teaching the Shenwu Wars, the gravity room cultivation method, teaching a variety of magical martial arts, so that the Shenwu battle entered the prosperity of the martial arts, the overall strength of the Saiyan soared.

The emergence of fairy bean treatment fluid, three nervous trees fruit.

There is also a goddess for him alone.

When it comes to the end, the Badak's eyes are enthusiastic, as if a madman who believes in God is general.


Badaki left the four-star ball in the home of Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong and Klin, but still can't calm for a long time.

They first heard the battlefield that was more powerful than the earth.

That battlefield is a planet, a galaxy, a star river, a whole vast universe.

They also heard the legend of Takura today.

Shenwu Emperor, Barrow.

All kinds of achievements in the Badak mouth are all difficult for their life to be desirable.

They also finally understand why Badak will be like almanac.

If the emperor in the universe, with a race who is selling for a person, it has become the strongest battle nation in the universe in the universe. It is indeed the great emperor of the Zhenyi.

At the same time, Sun Wukong is also looking forward to.

I look forward to going to the master like a cloud, the power of the gods of the stars.

According to Badak, the combat power of the three-year-old young child is far from them.

And strong, but also the existence of the difficulties in their lives.


Karlin took a shocking mood and flew to the ghost house to tell the Turtle Fairy.

But Sun Wukong, standing above the mountain outside Bunzi Mountain.

Welcome the hunting breeze, flashing in the eyes of unzflable rays.

On the earth, he has almost entering the uncomfortable point, this bit of Sun Wukong is very clear.

There is no opponent, no fight, his progress is almost minimal.

And on the whole earth, it is possible to fight with him, and only his teacher turtles cactus, and the God of the Temple.

Just, these two people are almost all his granted teachers.

Sun Wukong will never be invited to them.

What's more, although the fighting power of God is more strong than Sun Wukong, it is undoubtedly defeated if the two people will lose.

After all, God has been old, he can't maintain a long battle like Sun Wukong.

As for the turtle fairy ....

Since the teacher, Sun Wukong still does not know where the turtle fairy is deep.

Whether it is the original still now, Sun Wukong is a few tricks, or it is a trick to defeat in the hands of the Turtle Cactus.

Between the two, it is said to be a battle. It is better to say that the turtle fairy is teaching him.

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