Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 116

She knows that this time she is really not dreaming! !

Looking at the Great Holding the girl, a piece of embarrassment on the Badak face, hurrying with the body of Bama home.

He can't dare to stir the good thing in Barros, can only leave for a while.

For a long time, Bamma started, watching Barros asked: "Barros, how long can you stay this time?"

When you asked this, there is a little nervous in Bama's heart.

Barros looked at Bamma and naturally saw her expectations in her eyes.

However, Barros shook his head: "How long? I will leave the earth immediately after the Wish will be willing!"

Go away after the wish! !

The Bamma is treated, although the bottom is actually ready, but you can't help but lose this moment.

Looking up, Bamma strongly endured the mood of the lost mood, "that, can I take me together? Go see your world!"

Is Huama left the earth?

Bamma's words, let Barrow can't be pensive.

(One more, ask for collection, ask for reward, seek flowers, finally get to the shelves, first !! I don't know if I can update a few chapters, I can see more chapters before you break! No, you can only Night! Dragon Ball QUN has been built: **, I can add QUN.)

The twenty-eighth chapter Bama decision [2/5 subscription]

[Starhe the universe, the curtain will open, beg you for custom, beg for the whole order, begun to reward! The new book is put on the frame, the second is more sent! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

The strength of Bama, perhaps the top of the top.

However, compared to the Saayans and the universe of the Shenwu battle, Bamma, which is not 10,000 points of combat power, is simply fragile.

After this earth and Namik, Barrow will be willing to let the Saayans will come to the entire universe.

Do not have to live in the peaceful earth for more than a decade, bringing the flying fire, the vast universe of the stars, the smoke in the field, Barrow is a bit unclear.

Although the Bamma combat power is low, she is absolutely unpleasant super genius.

Throughout the Dragon Ball, let go of the talents in battle, in scientific research, Bama will be in the vast space, and it is definitely the top genius.

Thinking about a long time, Barros decided to tell Bama, made by her herself.

Shenwu battle, Shenwu Emperor.

The first strong universe.

Dynasty refers to the idea of ​​the entire universe of the Star River.

Barros did not retain Mama, those who could tell.

The grade division of the planet, the importance of combat power.

Wait for everything, there is no big matter, all common sense in the universe, Barrow knows that there is no unfamiliar, the story is extremely detailed!


Listening to the story of Barros, the more frown of Bama, the more deep face, and the pretty face is full of dignity.

Once, she didn't understand that Barros claimed to be the emperor, what is it means.

But now, she understands.

The absolute hegemony of almost the entire East Yinhe Suit, the Saiyan Godwood War of War.

The strongest power in the Saayan QUN.

The universe, the star river, the planet is divided, the universe is the meaning of the battle force.

Barroo kicked her to understand the chapter of the universe profile.

Looking at this calm man in front of this, the hustlers in Bamar have been turned over, and they can't calm for a long time.

Conquer the universe, a four major silver river.

What is crazy and makes others can't imagine.

Optional Bamma is smart, although Barros did not give a clear, but she still reads the absolute confidence from the speech of Barros.

That is a kind, winning coupons are holding, ten nine stable, Xiong has an absolute confidence in Chengzhu.

Buma actually wants to know the reason, but a smart woman will never explore the secrets of their loved ones without any reason, and have never been tanlou.

After a long time, Mama looked calm on his face, but still had a nervous passed Barrow, and smiled nodded.

I don't know why, I looked at Bama Point, and Baros suddenly emerged in a difficult joy.

After a while, Baros Zui rose, smiled: "Since you are willing to follow my top five gods, then I will pick you up again!"

Three days.

Bama is surprised to watch the Zui corner, Paros, and the surprise in the eyes is in order deep love.

Barros is previously said to be willing to leave the earth immediately.

Nowadays, I have given her three days, Bamar can also guess the heart of Parrow.

"Well, after three days!" Bama smiled and nodded.

"Oh!" Barrow laughed, picking up the Dragon Ball next to Buma, and left the Bamma home.


The small courtyard who just left the Baba home quickly greeted.

Looking at the face, I hung a smile, Badak, Baros smiled helpless, with him, moved back to the temple.

Seven Dragon Balls on the local area shine with golden huang color, and destroyed.

Baros Zui is raising, Lang said: "Go out, Shenlong!"

"Bang!" On the sky, the sky, a golden lightning, seems to have an angry, which makes it a punishment of the sky.

Thunder bombarded, seven dragon balls gathered a piece, Jin Huang colors continued to shine, show a bright light.

When the sky is a gold lightning, the temple, and the seven dragon bodes on the ground seem to be connected.

A shocking dragon sudden suddenly rushed throughout the temple, and seven dragon boats suddenly shot straight into the golden rays of the sky, a golden dragon shadow straight sky!

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