Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 119

The legend of the Super Saiyan has been long, and it is not secret in the Saiyan.

However, because of the burial of the long river, this once makes the Saiyan have the realm of the universe the first battle nation, became a false legend.

Now, their emperor Barros said with them that Badak reached the level of Super Saiyans! !

"Badak, you are really ..." Terjes looked at Badak's excited lifeligation continued to tremble.

"Badak, the emperor is true? Do you really have successfully turned into a legendary Super Saiyan?"

"Super Saiyan, Badak, fast ... Let us see, our Saiyan family, the legendary super-seizure!"

"Every wrong, Badakak let us see !!"


None of Tot Jess, they will be so excited, it is really a super-seizure to be too shocking!

Not only, their hearts have a very clear sprout ...

That is, since Badak can become a legendary super-seizure, then they may not reach!


Barrow looked at Truss that they were very excited, and the zui corner nodded in Badak.

He deliberately refers to the Super Saiyan, not just wants to shock them and warns them.

Take it, let them have a goal.

Sure enough, the appearance of the super-seesians, Barros in Trose, they saw unprecedented red hot and looking forward! !

Badak on the side, get the priority of Paltos.

They smiled at Thalette, I clicked, and I started a hot! !

The improvement of fighting power, let Badak now turn into the best, such as the first time to become a super-Saiyan, need not short time to transform.

~~~! !

The golden huang colored airlaps suddenly surrounded by Badakak.

The Badak's original dark hair is also instantly golden, rendered into gold huang colors, and set up.

The deep dark pupil has become an incomparable green green color at this moment.

Although it is just a touch of standing in the same place, But Badak is at this time, it is a feeling of Turns, as if facing the flooding and beasts, then under the breath of the gain, they can't help but rise. Fear. .

"This ... Is this a super-seizure?"

"Badak, Badakak actually turned into!"

"Super Saiyan, so strong, I feel that my whole person is trembling, even if the country is very strong in the day, this feeling is not so strong!"

"Yes, although I don't know if Badak turned into a super-semi-Saiyan, the strength improved. But I feel, like he wants to kill us, I am afraid it will not be more difficult than crushing an ant!"

"The legendary super scorpion, this ... this strength!"

Looking at Badakah, Tejus, which turned into a blonde, green, gantry, although the seven zui eight tongue constantly expressing the deep shock of the heart.

It can be straight in front of Badak, but their forehead and body are also cold, slightly shaking.

Looking at these shocking guys in front of them.

Badak took a breath and scattered the golden Huang's air flame and exited the Super Saiyan!


After exiting the Super Saayens, Badaka has returned to them again.

Tiesay Saaya watched the Zui corner, smirked Badak, the heart shocked: "Super Saiyan, the super-seizure who circulates in the original family is not a virtual legend, but the real existence! "

For a long time, Spencer bite his teeth, and he looked at Badakark and asked: "The legendary super-seizure, it is evil, how did Badakak do?"

"I?" Badak pointed at himself, scratching a little bit of distress: "It seems to be because of your death too angry, then the rare confused, it turns into a super-Saiyan!"

Tjness a sickness of the Supreme, and his face suddenly became extremely strange.

Because of their death, they are too angry, and they have become the super-seizure that they dream of.

If you don't know how to fight Badak, Trus will have to rush to the bareboard.

What this is said, it is really touched in their hearts, it is not bad! !

Looking at Tirsjes, their faces, Badak smile laugh.

In fact, Badaki also hopes that they can answer their questions, telling them how to become a super-Saiyan.

Unfortunately, Badak turned into a super-seedae person, it was indeed a sharp confusion. In addition to the sudden transformation among anger, he said, he said, how to become a super-Saiyan.

It seems that it doesn't have a trick skill at all.

I scratched my head, but I can't think of the Saiyan's Siki, and suddenly I saw the Baros on the side, and suddenly it was bright.

He does not know the tricks and methods of transforming into a super-seizure, but the emperor must be clear! !

Badak, in the heart, in Trus, in his anger, z: "Spencers, although I don't know the tricks and methods of the super-Saiyan, but the emperor must know! "

(Two more, ask for a collection, ask for reward, seek flowers, finally got to the shelves, the second !! There is still one more !! These two days must go to the hospital, so the update may only be three more. Dragon Ball QUN has been built: **, I have an idea to add QUN.)

The third chapter of the thirty-second chapter is not expected [3/5 Subscription]

[Starhe the universe, the curtain will open, beg you for custom, beg for the whole order, begun to reward! The new book is put on the frame, and the third is more sent! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

Baradak, let Trus have several Saiyan, in the heart, then the ecstasy looks to Barros!

Among the few Saiyan, the tall Saaya hemon took the lead in looking forward to Barrow and asked: "Big .. Emperor, Badak said, is true? You really know how to change Is it a legendary super-seizure? "

Turns and others who are about to open, see that someone has asked them to ask them the most expected question.

Suddenly, Qi Qi is looking forward to the Paltos!

I glanced at them, and Barros smashed down, and then shook his head: "The Emperor is indeed known, how to become a super-semi-Saiyan in Badaka! But ..."

"Great Emperor, but what?"

"Great Emperor, don't sell Guan Zi, please let you say it!"

"Is a big emperor, but what?"

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