Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wucai Qiankun Chapter 122

It seems that Barros turns into a super-seizure, which is a matter of what they have already foreseen.

However, it has reached the Super Saaya's point of Badak, but looks at the form of Barros, brows, wrinkles: "No .... no!"

The Badak's words are light, and everyone can play, all of them are in the universe.

So Badak's words are all in the ear of everyone.

After he heard the words, Tjez took the lead in looking back to Badak, asked: "Badak, what do you mean by this? What is wrong?"

Baradack did not look at Tjus, a brow, a golden huang color gas flame, surrounded him.

In Spencers, they shocked and disgraced, Badako once again became super-seizure!

Two major super-seesys are proud of the opposition, but this moment, Tjes and hegens look at Badak and Barrow, and there is a unbelievable feeling in the end of the heart.

Phase I see! !

Barros is lightly in front of the dynasty, and Badak's super-Saiyan state is still given to Trude and Bay Stone.

I don't know why, they compared to the shape of the Badak's super Saayens and the Paros' Super Saaya in their hearts.

There is always a kitten with a claw, facing a feeling of giant tiger!


The coldness is facing, turning into a super-seeda-state state of the Badak, an indifferent in the eyes, just like a feeling.

But only Badak yourself clearly, what is the moment in his heart.

Relatively speechless, Badaki finally opened, I would like to ask: "The Emperor, why is the super-semi-Saiyan, I have a small feeling outside of the heart in addition to the heart, there is a small feeling?"

Perhaps because it is not completely familiar with the relationship between super Saayers, Badak asked this, the voice was full of violent and cold.

However, this is just asked, and the indifference in the eyes of Badaka suddenly dispels a hot war.

Over, I haven't waited for Barros to explain, Badaku has violently said: "The Emperor, please do not respect!"

The sound did not fall, Badak has been like the mountain tiger, and it appeared in front of Barrow, and a punch took directly.

That punch, the messear is falling, and the Saiyan, who is solemn, to Ties and Billy, and even the residual shadows have not seen it.


Baratak's unfamiliar is written by Baros, and even the smoke is also brought, it will firmly grab it in your palm.

Without work, although Badakak is prepared in his heart, you can't help but hold it.

Badaki is still so, those Saiyan don't want to say.

However, in Badak, they smiled indifferently, slightly shakes, and slammed the entire person directly to Badak.

(One more, ask for collection, ask for reward, seek flowers, finally get to the shelves, first !! Continue to update, 12 o'clock tonight, fight for four chapters !! Dragon Ball QUN has been built: * *, I have an idea to add QUN.)

Chapter 35-Bumbered Badak (Second, Destination)

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! The new book is put on the frame, the second is more sent! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

Although this is, Barrow did not hurt the meaning of Badakak.

Whether it is Trude and Bayest's Saiyan, or transformed into a super-seizian Badak, it feels a gap that is almost impossible.

Super Saiyans have strong weakness and strength can continue to be stronger.

At this point, Baros once said with Badakak.

However, when Badakh saw himself with a hundred meters away, I still couldn't help but shock.

Attached to the eyewhat, Barros, the Barrow, and the cold channel: "Although there are countless strong people in the universe, it may even be more than this emperor, but ... "

Baros is watching, and the eyes will take a shining rays: "Super Saiyan, nor the limit of our Saiyan, but just our QI point. When you continue to become in the basis of Super Saiyans, Those so-called strong people will become a joke when you have a strong striker, will become a joke. "

"Just like the current Badakak, he is currently only a super-semi-final, and there is a super-semi-final, and there is a full-power state of the super-seizure, and it is enough to shock the entire universe. Super Saiyan II. "

Paros said, let all the people, including Badak, instantly transmit excited and hot light in the eyes.

It turns out that it is not a super-strong super power in the universe of the superior, nor is the super power of the universe hidden in the emperor, and is powerful to lose their fighting.

Instead, their eyes are narrow, can't see the most realistic and terrible potential of the super-competition.

I saw a Tiyian, who had recovered the previous fighting spirit, and the heel of hegens, Baros' eyes, the same turns of Badak, the tone of the Sky: "Super Saiyan is very powerful. Very strong, but it is never invincible. Just use you as an example, as long as there is one as the super-semi-Saiyan, the realm is the super-Saiyan full-power state, it is enough to easily You smudge! "

No matter how the Badako has changed, Barrow is still indifferent: "Moreover, there is no effort to blow the ash!"

Don't blow the ash! !

There is such a big gap between the Super Saiyan and the Super Saiyan?

When I listened to Barros, Badak and Trys were shocked, and the face suddenly became very strange.

Then, Badak wrinkled, looking at Barrow, with a hint eager to ask: "The Emperor, you, is you a super-winning power state? Can you ...."

Although Badakak did not continue to say later.

From his desire and high-spirited fighting spirit, Barros can clearly understand what he wants to say!

In the case of the same expectations of Tiesays and hegens.

Barros gently greeted himself and said: "You want to know, the emperor lets you see, how do you have to become a super-Saiyan, and the power in the universe, what exactly The gap between heaven and earth !! "

Listening to the words of Barrow, Badak gnowed down, the eyes showed a desired look, the body was instantly adjusted into the best attack and defensive state, and a blank guard looked at Barros.

And Side of Ties and Bayers, listen to this words of Barros.

I know Barros to show them a might, and suddenly stare at the two people, I am afraid that I will hurt a wonderful.

Looking at the breath of stupid Badakak, the Super Saiyan state in Barrow, cry smile.

Next moment, the Barrow's figure suddenly disappeared in the line of sight of Badak and Trude.

Not Barrow moves instantly in front of them.

It is too fast, so that they can even capture a trace.

How to open all the best Paros, strength and speeds, is Badak, they can't imagine.

Next moment, Badakark is still guess when Barrow attacks from attack.

Barrow's figure suddenly emerged in front of him.

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