Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 137


The words were divided into two heads. Looking at their own residences, the older is more condensed, and the calm and turbidity is full of incredible and shock.

A area of ​​arc coverage, which has been completely cultivated in JINQU.

Even if the heart is clear, Barrow is a jinji outside the fate.

It is still difficult to calm down at the moment of the arc.

Previously, I developed potential for Barrow. Although he was expected, but did not expect Barros to hide the potential of terror.

His magic is in just hitting, and even not started to guide the potential, Barrow has been surprised.

That moment's destruction, the big elders must have never perceived the wrong.

That .... It seems more like absolute JINJI, no one has to touch Jinji.

It can still be indiscriminated, even if a person's potential is never determined, there should be that this is completely Jinji, and it seems that even the universe is taboo, he is deeply awakened.

Just at the old man, I can't guess, I don't want to pass the potential of the universe, I don't want to have the potential of the universe.

A electric flashing thunder, like a madlong, purple thunder, the universe of the sky, the universe skydown.

! ! !

Purple returned to the moment, Barros surrounded by thousands of rice, in addition to him, instantly became a vacuum zone, and even a silk flying ash and powder did not remain.

Looking at this scene, I am very old in my heart. "Sure enough, even the universe is from ....."

At the same time, far from the big king of the big crossing and the world Wang Xing, the four big kings, and also simultaneously faced the face.

Who is it in the lower world?

Wan Duo? Even the universe does not allow him to awaken the potential in his body.


Depth of the universe.

A huge star is in violation of the law of the universe and turning itself.

In the stars, the four seasons are like spring, beautiful scenery.

A hand-held defecation, high-thin thin, no one, a silver hair, the same face, looked at the screen that passed in his scepter.

In the picture, the arc flashes, the figure is proud, and a purple thunder is outside the sky.

The silver hair man is a pair of purple pupils, and it has become a silver, whispered the rays, which seems directly to pass through the scepter, and looked through the endless universe, and set his eyes to the Barrow in Namek.

After a moment, the man recovered the line of sight, the pupil recovered again into purple, wrinkled with the eyebrows: "Saiyan? How can it be this?"

"There is a Saiyan in the district. Why is there a potential in the body? Even the origin of this universe is taboo. It seems that I don't want to let the other party awakened." It's crispy and low, it is full of molt, it is not Dictionary, it can mean in his words, but it is sufficient to make the entire universe.

Then, the silver hair man looked back at the giant tree of the eye, and the eyes were able to have a touch of shackles: "Even I can't see it, what do you have any changes, is it a new destruction God to be born? That Saoyan ,why...."

At the end, the silver man is also full of doubts in my heart!

(One more, ask for a collection, ask for a reward, seek flowers, finally got to the shelves, first more !! Twelve o'clock to get two chapters. Sick is updated !! Dragon Ball QUN has Built: **, I can add QUN.)

The fifty-second chapter of the emperor, the family is all (second, plan)

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! The new book is put on the frame, the second is more sent! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

Namek star!

With the purple thunder in the universe.

The potential is hooked, the Barrow, which is about to awake, this is unpredictable.

If possible, Barrow will definitely not mind directly bombing this universe.

For the first time, Barrow is so unfolded in an unprecedented anger.

A little bit, it is a little bit.

If the previous purple thunder is slightly slow, he will make the Saiyan blood of more than ten years, and that birth is the extreme, the blood of the universe.

That horror is extremely awakening to have a shammint of the entire universe.

I didn't know how long is Barogos.

Can now .....

Hate, anger, not sweet!

Three emotions thoroughly burn the sky, and ignite the silence of the blood.

With the emotional changes in Paros, Namek, the sky, the sky, and the sky suddenly dull.

Zi ~ Zi ~ Zi ~!

An arc surrounded by a light blue and purple.

Golden HuANG color flames, starting with the sky, and has formed a passage of the sky, shining the universe.

"Can be evil, born!" A roar, Barrow, the whole person turned into a super-semi-colorant, gold Huang colored airweight was also rushing up.

Emperor is angry, volt corpse!

At this moment, Barrow wants to bokely bomb the universe, so that this universe is accompanied by the universe of his awakening the blood.

Barrow, the fire, the body is like there is nothing, soaring.

| ~ ~ ~!

A crack is in an instant in Namek.

Nowadays, the combine power is as high as Nagu and another 150,000 war, and there is no ability to resist a harmful resistance. When the Barros is spilling, it hits out.

And the original protecting the Bamma and the Big King, the heart suddenly pain, and an unpleasant angry began to spread in the heart.

An emotion that is difficult to see, spread between Badak and Snowce, Sepilla, Palandi.

There is between the blink of the eyes, looking at the four people of Barros, and the eyes are red.

"Why!" Barrow, which has become a super-seizure, is like the angry lion, suddenly roaring.

"Ah ~!" "Ah ~!" "Ah!" "Ah ~!"

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