Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 153

Blood boiling, gold Huang colored gas is also completed the most extreme transformation.

At this moment, Paros has surpassed the limit and exceeds the limits of all life in this universe.

Barros understood that if he can maintain this terrorist force, just give himself a period of time, it is enough to completely get rid of the soul, become the goddess of 'God'.

Unfortunately, he can't, can't do it.

This horror is enough to surveress the strength of the universe, although the absolute strength brought about when the blood awakens.

It can also be just a brief awakening to Barros, mysterious roulette.

Although the power is strong, the Ròu of Barrow cannot be loaded, and the same, he can't stay this force.

twenty minutes.

Barros feels the strength of the body and gets the most accurate time.

After twenty minutes, if the battle can not be solved, exit this form.

Then, Barros Ròu will completely collapse, even the soul will be affected.

Blocking all your own, crazy burning blood, Barroo has changed for his own crazy, completely thoroughly exhausted the super Saayan three, but I don't know the power of the realm of God. .


Depth of the universe.

I just fell asleep and god Bedu, like a feeling, in Barrow completed the moment, once again opened his sleepy eyes.

A variety of lights in borders in borders, fluttering into the universe void, and pulling a running asteroid.

Only a moment, Bruce is completely awake.

"Vis, there is also ..." Buffety lights in the eyes of the Bruce, and the eyes seem to have passed through the universe empty, and the Saiyan who saw the brilliant and full war, and the war began in his pupil. Crazy burning.

In the eyes, it flashed the expectation and excitement, Bruce, the heart, lifted the right hand gathered a purple color flow, and the next moment, a horror beam made a huge crack. !

Next, Bruce did not hesitate to step into the spatial cracks that were bombarded by him!

(Two more, ask for a collection, ask for reward, ask for a monthly ticket, finally get to the shelves, the second !! Yesterday, I made a few chapters today. Five chapters Bao. Dragon Ball QUN has been built: **, there is I can add QUN.)

The sixty-ninth chapter of the void crack, destroying the gods (third, planned)

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! The new book is put on the frame, and the third is more sent! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

Cosmic sky.

The golden light is exhausted, revealing the new Super Saaya Form of Barrow.

At this moment, among the universe, the stars, the star river, but only the only one.

What Vis, what is the universe, what is the star river, what is the vast star.

At this moment, it seems that there is no existence.

Because, their rays have been concealed, and Paros' proudly invincible posture is the only eternal, endless.

Finally, Barros slowly opened his eyes.

At this moment, the stars in Parrow and Vissen were slightly trepided.

The golden pupil seems to overlook the emperor of the world, and there is no heart to see the courage to look at it.

Condensing, holding a fist, turning around.

Barros stood in the universe starry sky, and the eyes flaws crazy war, two shocking war, in the golden pupil, crazy burning.

"Waited for a long time, then ..." The Barros' battle has not been exported, and it turns into one side of the stars in the side.

The starry sky, even the dust is not, is a starry sky.

No matter whether it is Parrow or Vis, it is looking for the starry sky.

However, there is still a slice of surprises compared to Paros and Vis purple pupils.

The starry sky is full of destruction and danger, the stars of the entire Barros and Visses!

Baros is a bright, and the golden pupils will shoot a light, and it seems to be seen through the stars to the stars.

~~ Boom! !

The gantry of the sky suddenly broke like a mirror. Suddenly, the beginning of the universe, the scene of the surprised!

Then, the vast starry sky seems to break this moment, countless terrible fluctuations are spreading in the entire starry sky.

The whole star suddenly broke a huge mouth!

The terrible cracks in the stars, like the giant mouth of the Taikoo Food and the beast, full of end-oriented deaths and destroyed breath, seem to be to swallow all things in the universe in front of it!

In the Temple of the Temple of the Temple, the king and the big king of the scene occurred in the universe were gazing through the world, and the Wang Shen of the East Territory saw the starry break.

"Damn, there is the universe starry, is it the previous transformation of the Saiyan, let the void chaos have been involved in the monster?" The Dongjie Wang Shen looked at the void crack in the world, and his face was incapacitated.

"My God, the spatial crack is still in the space !!" "The big king's headache, almost did not live directly.

Compared with the space on the ordinary planet, the space in the universe is extremely stable and stable.

Don't look at the previous Barros can easily boke a small star system. The strength is not bad, and the space barriers of the universe sky are facing the space barriers.

Today, the universe is suddenly cracking in a huge crack.

The big king and the east industry are naturally worried, there will be a peerless devil, or a horror monster.

The four kings are also facing the color, and the binocular is not staring at the cracks in the world.


Like the pricing world Wang and the big king, the East Dynasty Wang Shen, their guess, the universe star air, the crack suddenly had a sacred universe, making the billioni of the spirit of the spirits.

The crack continues to expand, and the golden light in the Pupil pupil is constantly flashing.

Although the atmosphere was passed away, Cocaros still felt great danger and a touch of death.

With the strength of him in this state, I don't dare to say that the universe is invincible, and it is absolutely listed in the universe. Can give him this feeling, Barrow almost don't need to be, you can definitely.

Destroy God Bruce!

It seems to have to let the Barrow confidence.

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