Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 161

Wrath ~ anger ~ anger!

After the hard work is hard, Bristol is bitten with the teeth, and the cold light flashes, and the backhand will fly Boxing.

When the figure, Barrow didn't fly out, and I was caught by Bruce.

Then, Bruce grabbed Paltos casually, the left hand gathered a golden shining energy, and it was not ignorant to the Barrow Xiong, who was close at hand.

"Ah ~!" Barrow is a sharp, the whole person is like a shell, and it fleszes nearly 10,000 meters by the Qigong's Qigong.

Although Bruce has a hand, he has not finished.

The figure is like a charm, dragging long residue, Bruce hits the god of Barros.

Then, a whip leg will step on the Barrow.

! !

The Paros mouth vomiting a blood, the whole person flies in the sky, falling to the bottom of the star.

(5 more, ask for collection, ask for reward, ask for a monthly ticket, finally get to the shelves, fifth !! Today, today's chapter said during the day! Dragon Ball QUN has been built: **, there is an idea can add Qun.)

The seventy-seventh chapter is difficult to divide, the blood is war (first, to be administered)

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! New book, first more! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

Bruce suddenly rushed away, Mo said Barros, even if Vis, is also a surprise.

Of course, Versic followed Bruce, it is to say that he stepped by step to guide Bruce to go to the universe peak. It became destroyed.

For Bruce, Versic can almost count,

So, I looked at the Rourace, and Vissered, I was not worried.

Because of this state of the aircraft, Vissed has already seen too many times, and the strength is more high for this Bruce, and he is a clear.

"Ah !!" A tragic, Barros was running away, and one hand flew a lot of distances in Xiong.

After the moment, Bigus said to Barrow, smiled and said: "Saiyan, how? I know that I destroy God's harmonious people!"

"Hey ~" Spit blood, the Barrow is standing up, cold and cold: "Sure enough, the universe is still stood up for many years, no matter how it is overestimation, it is still underestimated. you!"

"I think, now this state is your strongest strength." Getting on Bruce, Barrow smiled: "The emperor said right? Destroy the god Bobus?"

"Ang, saying is good, this is all my strength, but also the most state of all my retention moments." Bruce said that he would praise the eyes of Barros, human: "I didn't expect A Saiyan in the district, even forced me to almost full of strength, you are enough! "

"Hey, huh, haha, hahaha. Yes, you can remain unbeaten in the universe to the strong to destroy God, it is indeed proud!" Bruce has become a long time, and there are very few people who can qualify in the universe. It is difficult to make difficulties with him.

From the universe, Busi is now, only Baros is one person, it is indeed proud!

"But ....." Barros raised his head, and the eyes bloomed, looked at Bruce, a cold and cold: "This is not an unbeaten pride, but It is the pride of you! "

"The winning and dump, life and death, Mo, come!" "The sound of fighting, competing for the meaning." With the opening of Barrow, shake the starry sky, crazy war. The belief belonging to Barrow is like his belief, swept the stars.

"Winning and dying, life and death, don't ask. Ok, come!" Brouse muttered, his face suddenly filled with infinite enthusiasm.

Both, Bruce became destroyed, overlooking the universe, and the soul was in his feet.

And Barros is overbearing, self-confidence is in the world, the arrogance of the lonely is full of arrival, but it is full of overbearing the world.

War, there must be a winner between the two.

They a god, the heart is self-contained, and they will not allow them to be endless, and the winning is no fruit!

There is no sign before the war, Barrow and Bruce disappeared in the same place.

A glass of purple flames wrapped in Barros and the body surface purple gods crazy Burb, as if two vows did not compatibility, crazy towards the opponent.

boom! !

The two people have had more terrifications, and they are unimaginable and specifically in the universe.

A crazy collision, a inexplicable fluctuation begins to collide with the two people, crazy spread to the entire universe.

The inexplicable fluctuations, ripples visible to the Eye, naturally got Barrow and Bruce.

But the two did not look at it and continue to fight.

The boxing of the Barros, a boxing of the world, a punch, greeted himself to Bruce.

~ ~ !

In an instant, the two did not fight for a thousand times, and the hard hit hard again and again.

Although there is no previously final collision, two people who don't leave, are also in this confrontation, each mouth overflowing.

"Death !!" A mirace, Burst, a punk is on the Piiong of Barrow.

"Wow ~~!" The body was vomiting a blood, but he would be in the body of the body, and the left foot and the left foot and a round of playing also flew out.

Don't win the winning and negative, and the strody is difficult.

The two have worked again, but the two still returned.

Since the war, the two have finished the strength and movement of the other party.

Under the way, it is really difficult to find a decision.

Mutual flying, the other party fails, the two will fight again, and there is a reachable disappearance of a scar in the two people.

Sometimes, there is no way to avoid the opponent's attack, but the two will drop the damage to the lowest in the battle.

But even if this, the wound is still more and more.

However, even this, the two seems to have no feeling of complete wounds.

The battle in the eyes of the war, the heart is in the heart.

In the fierce battle, the two have forgotten all, forgot the universe, forget himself, forget life and death. Only the other party is only opponents.

The two people are in the eyes of the eyes, win, negative, born, and die. There is no other other than this.

boom! !

It is also a trick to do everything. The inexplicable fluctuation goes with the white corrugation to the universe, Barros and Bruce also spit a blood at the same time, and all retired from the Million. Put the opponent. Moreover, the wounds that have not been fully recovered on both people have continued to fall.

Although the two reached the point of the realm of God, the recovery ability of the two is almost equal to the dead.

However, under the devastation of the equivalent strength, the two have a god, and it is impossible to recover.

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