Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wucai Qiankun Chapter 164

"Ten ..." Barros began to overflow the blood, the face rose blood, but he continued to drink: "Three times! Ha ~~!"

Thirteen times mad dragon broken sky wave! !

The golden mood, the original stalemate, suddenly the Golden Anglean.

Shining golden light, instantly drowned the entire universe starry.

The vast universe, this moment seems to be filled with Jin Guang.

No matter whether it is Barrow or Bruce, Vis is a blight, just watching the Golden Mangzheng Center.

~ ~!

The original and the Barros mad dragon was broken, and suddenly began to collapse, followed by it. It was like to destroy the whole universe's mad dragon, thoroughly, and directly annihilated.

(San more sent, ask for collection, ask for reward, ask for a monthly ticket, finally get to the shelves, the third is more! "The God war is completely ended. The update ends, I don't know if I can't update one chapter.. Dragon Ball QUN has been built: **, I have an idea to add QUN.)

Chapter VIII Time and Space Storm, Versian Fear (First, Destination)

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! New book, first more! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

The spatial corrugation of the universe is gradually dissipated with the annihilation of energy.

A corrugated, the destruction of the destruction of the destruction of the universe, and the death crisis.

The rays of the gorgeous light gradually converge, the Starry Sky will once again exposed Barros and the same wolf, the same wolf.

Looking at the blood, but the zui corner rains.

The Bigus pupil is constantly flaming and angry.

The last trick, the thirteegue of madlong is broken.

Brouse has always thought that Barros had already reached the limit, and the power was also slightly weaker than his own realm in the one who he guess.

Unexpectedly, Barros finally killed the trick, and directly smashed the guess of Bruce.

Although I don't want to admit that Cocar is very clear in the heart, Barros lasts, if they are right.

Even if I have reached the realm of God, I am not dead, I don't have to die, I can't get seriously injured by the violent ignorance.

The two did not decide the victory, but he was a bit less than in the heart of Bruce.

At least, on the attack, he is far from superimposing the thirteen frank dragon's broken sky wave.

A sigh in my heart, just as Brews just wants to open.

I just annihally destroyed the energy of the world's energy, I was happy to be happy.

He exhausted him, even the opportunity to react, it is directly sucked by a spatial crack behind him.

When the spatial crack is about to close, the reaction coming over, the Bruce is shaking directly, directly to the place where the Barrow is inhaled.

Looking at the spatial crack is about to be closed, the Bruce is like a joyful ax, violent CHA. In the only remaining spatial cracks, he said: "Can be evil, give me!"

The space is an invisible thing, but the Busus is born to tear the crack of the closing space in the moment.

Holding the spatial crack, Bruce face Yin sinking: "How will it?"

In the spatial crack, the spatial storm riots, but there is no trace of Barros, even the breath completely dissipates.

"Birus adult!"

Vis' s voice sounded in the ear, Bruce turned back, cold channel: "Vissen, check it up. Where did the Saiyan?"

"Ah?" Vissered a bit surprised to see Bruce, one of the hands, a green fluorescence formed like a normal thing, emerge in the top of the two.

Biusan started, watching the scene behind Barrow being sucked into the crack.

In the projection, Barros fell into the spatial cracks, they were directly involved in a silver-white time and space storm, while the picture in the projection, also broken.

Looking at the projection and the picture disappeared, Bruce frowned for a long time, doubtful: "Is there any of the previous tricks .. That .. Barros's physical strength and energy? Otherwise, there is a space storm in the district, how can it be possible I am involved in him with shoulder? "

The side of the Sius heard his head and couldn't help but remind him: "President Bruce, correcting a little, that is not a spatial storm!"

"What? Isn't it a space storm?" Bruce shouted, lifted his head to Vis.

"Ah, that is more terrible than the space storm." Weis whispered, some Yin softly saw the closed space crack, shaking his head: "Time and space storm is terrible, even if it is more than Rus Go to the peak state, it is also very murderey! "

Vissed, Busus nature has no doubt.

However, he frowned back and looked back at the starry sky that had closed, muttered: "So ... That Saayan Barrow, isn't it?"

"Ah, I'm filming. The Saiyan is not simple, don't say a time and space storm, even if the destruction of the universe is not necessarily, it will not be able to make him!" | Visi purple pupil Constantly flash.

Bruce did not see that while the Visi pupil flashed, there was also a dedicated look that the inexplicable look was constantly scribbled.

When I first saw Barros, Vissed has already tried to Barrow.

Too big strength gap, making Barros did not feel, but the Hong Meng Kong in his body, but he would never allow a reptile to spy his great existence.

Vissence is indeed unbearable in the eyes of Barrow, and it will never be much better than the antique antique in Hongmeng.

The toner of Visse, the result is that he has been hit by Hongmeng, so far.

Although the injury is extremely heavy, it is not as good as his heart and the drama.

He just heard the slight sound when he heard, the slight sound was sent, and the kind of light '' did not feel in the ordinary people's ear.

But this sound, in Versi seems to come from nine days, covering Zhu Tianyu, Wei Zhen universe. This is a kind of voice that despise everything, even the universe must kneel!

This sound seems to be the sound of the universe, and the sound of the avenue, the highest, no, unparalleled! Don't look straight!

In Herone, Vissery seems to be indulged, and his body can easily kill the strength of Bruce, even if it is like a wind, it is impossible.

Death, despair, fear, weak resistance, weak struggle!

Vissen has never experienced the kind of situation. It seems that even the horrible feelings of the universe will bury him, even if it is still in the same heart.

He is very clear, or if he is not killed in Barros at the beginning, he is not just that it is just hurt.

(One more, ask for a collection, ask for reward, seek flowers, finally got to the shelves, first !! Update late, sorry, three chapters, guarantee not pit, 12 o'clock to complete the update. Dragon Ball QUN has been built: **, I can add QUN.)

Chapter 81, blood recovery, look forward to fighting back (second, planned)

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! The new book is put on the frame, the second is more sent! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

The starry sky is vast, the universe is running.

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