Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 166

After the death of the Barros, they still only look at the Barros blood awakening.

Step by step, eventually turned into a new super Saiyan form, completely becoming the great existence of the destruction.

Asaner, Bruce appeared, a god an emperor stars, and they were even more eligible to watch the battle outside the battlefield.

People are worthy of knowledge, Battle, Battle, and Barros.

No matter who appears in the universe, even if you are in the stars of Bruce and Barros, it is also easy to be safe.

Later, a god an emperor was frustrated, the universe of the universe made the universe faced the top.

The four kings and the big king, the East Town Wang Shen except for the eyes, even the ability to block the ability.

The universe is desirable, they can only wait for the destiny of death, but also looked at the Saiyan, the whole kill (the big king is killed by Vissen). I killed the energy of the universe and saved the entire universe.

Finally, Barrow was pulled in the inhaled space, and Bruce made a warning.

They are still only on the ground, silently.

It seems that this whole thing will be destined from the beginning they are just a side of a side.

And their body is also because of their self-strength, will let them provoke themselves! !

I shook my head and sighed, Jiebit God next to the Dongjie Wang God: "Jebit, let's go!"

Things have ended, there is a thing of Busia, even if they are looking for death, they don't dare to deal with the Saiyan people.

In fact, even if there is no difference in Brew, will they dare to pay for the Asian family?

The answer is negative. They are afraid of Bruce, and the hearts of the enemy Bruce are also different.

If Baros is involved in the time and space, it is better to say.

But I have been watching all changes in the sky through the world, but I heard Viste said that Barrow will not die, and it will definitely return again!

Think about whether they have paid the Asian family in this period of time, and finally Barrow returned, and then anger.

They didn't say anything, I am afraid that I am afraid that I am in the air, the destruction is not only a galaxy, but the whole universe.

The idea of ​​sighing, the thoughts of the fear, the four kings and the big king have also returned to the world of Wang Xing.

Although it is already dead, they can still be high in the middle of the soul.

Therefore, if you die, they are actually not that value.


Namek star.

Barros is inhaled in space cracks, which is involved in the sky storm.

Perhaps the mother and child are ceniors, and the beautifulness of Namek Star, suddenly a pain, a burst of frightening fear swears, the eyes are not twezy.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?" Xueceli asked.


"Snow Seal!"

Palanti and Badaki, Luo Liqing, Red Hutter also looked at her.

Xuece Ya is shaking his head, a inexplicable sadness surrounded by his heart.

This sudden feeling, making her incomparably panic.

But she doesn't know why, why there will be this inexplicable feel.

At this moment, the long and old slowdown: "Do you feel?"

This words are out, Snow Seas and Sepilla. Badaki, Palanti, I looked at him.

At this point, it is not intended to hide again. Let him have never thought about it.

Because the old man hates clearly, Barros can't die, and it will definitely return.

It is not a long and old to see the existence of the time and space storm, but in the darkness of Vissen him and let him tell the snow. They are wide. It is a good margin with Barros!

Of course, after the universe is robbed, the old man has been convinced to the future of him.

After the elder explained, Xueze Ya and Xueceli, Bamar, Palanti and Badak, the heart was really relieved.

"Space crack, time and space storm?"

Everyone in the field will keep this eight words in mind.

It is necessary to have a great elderly, and there is a clear concept of spatial cracks and some of them know how much half solutions.

Snow Seal is completely unknown to these two things.

Some want to determine the safety of Paros, and naturally don't worry.

I thought about it for a long time, Bama suddenly got a huge dragon ball of the seven Namek stars in the feet.

Namike star's wish Shenlong, his thoughts just opened, Bama immediately called: "Yes, there is a way to confirm the security of Barros, and know where he is!"

I didn't wait for someone to ask, Bama has also said: "Seven Dragon Balls gather, we summoned the dragon, ask it to drop the drop of Barros, or directly to let the dragon bring him back to him?"

(San more sent, ask for collection, seeking reward, seeking flowers, finally getting to the shelves, the third !! Amount, Barrow is involved in the time and space storm, but does not have the power of dog blood disappear, go low The situation of the martial art, please rest assured. Dragon Ball QUN has been built: **, I have an idea to add QUN.)

Chapter 83 summoned the spellena, Barrow Drop (first, planned)

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! New book, first more! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

The so-called one language is awakened in the dream, not outside.

Listening to Bamma, Xuece Ya and Xueceli, Palanti and Badak, which explodes extreme surprises and look forward to the look.

Then, in addition to the red trainees and Luo Liqing two women's people, Badak and Xuece elegant nodded.

Although Xuecean did not witnessed a wish of the god dragon.

But they understand the dragon, but not much than Badak and Bama!

The old man looked at Badak and Snow Seal, Xueceli, Palanti, and Bamma looked forward to himself, and suddenly smiled nodded.

Although I don't know if Shenlong spent will recall that the Barrow of the Time and Space Storm will be involved.

But the old age is also thinking, summoning Shenlong Pulun to try once.

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