Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wuci Yao Qiankun Chapter 169

Dare to delay, there is no half-point hesitation.

Barrow brought the fear barriers in front of him.

There is a spinning between the sky, the Barros who just left space, the airflow in the body also eliminates the form of the super Saiyan's emperor, and the eyes dropped from the sky.


Earth, west.

This Barou has arrived at this moment, everywhere is a broken wall, and it is died everywhere.

Once prosperous, it has completely disappeared.

Even Baros once in a few times, living in Bamma home for a while.

At this moment, there is a ruin, and only one is longer, it can be placed in the ordinary house of cold gratis.

As for the universal capsule company, it was an earth giant, has long been a history.

Buma, a teenager who is full of purple, face is still tender, looking at a small TV, double boxing, full of angry: "The dead man, one day, I want to kill They revenge for Dad, restore the peace of this world! "

Looking at another city to let the dead man destroyed, the people in the city also died eight nine.

A boy is anger and weak.

No matter what is willing to admit, the strength of the human man is extremely horrible.

Even if it turns into the strongest super-seizuren of his eyes, it is also difficult to make people energetic.

And at this time, a reporter in TV live broadcast: "Everyone pays attention to everyone. It has been constantly stopping the blonde boy who has stopped the human man from being evil, he has to stop the human people from evil "

"Mom?" Zifa Teenager shouted.

The woman around the year is about 30 years old, and the face is slightly tired, it seems like a four0 years old.

When I heard my son, the woman got down: "Well, it is aware!"

Zifa teenager, Terx looked at the portrait of TV, and said excited: "Great, if it is a good ghost, maybe after these days, after strength, the strength can be defeated Two disgusting people are made! "

Bamar looked at the figure of TV live, shook slightly, and a heart took it.

The power of the Super Saiyan is very clear.

She also clearly, the strength is almost the same time, it is absolutely alone, even if it is the seventeen of the strength of the two people, Sun Wuki is not its opponent. !

And if you even die, the super-seesalers are dead, then this earth is really not saved!

Thinking of this, Bamma can't help but look back at the study tools, and the eyes have exploded an array of expectations.

I know that this era has not saved, Bamma's research on time machine has been put on the schedule as early as a year.

She believes that as long as someone returns to the past, the treatment of poisonous heart disease is given to Sun Wukong, and changed his fate of heart disease. This future will not be like this, it is like a purgatory!

Although she married Bergi Tower, she can stay in her heart, the teenager who always kept fighting, and never paid, was the strongest that she had never changed.

At least, Sun Wukong became a super-seizure as early as Namek.

And Bergi Tower is dead, and it has not been able to touch the level.

It is weak and is very visible.

(San more sent, ask for collection, seeking reward, seeking flowers, finally gotting up, third !! Dragon Ball world, three time and space. Guess the protagonist to go. Dragon Ball QUN has been built: **, I have an idea to add QUN.)

Chapter 2, In the future, super competition

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! New book, first more! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

Camera naturally can't catch the battle of the human and Super Saiyan,

Look at the figure except the beginning, followed by a blank picture.

Tex bite his teeth, pushed the house, ignored the interchange of Bamma after the body, directly showing the dance of the dance of Sun Wuki and the human being.

Seeing the back of Tex, Bamma has been filled with tears.

Even the super-semester Sun Wuhan has repeatedly defeated in the hands of the artificial man, and Tex is how their opponent.

Can Bama clearly, she can't stop it, this day will come sooner! !

Wipe the tears under the eyes, Bamma turned to the house.

Tex left, definitely, to the place where Sun Wuki and the human being, this bit of Bama is very clear.

Although she never hopes those so-called reporters, she can clearly capture the battle screen.

However, at least they can present the screen after the battle in front of the world.

It is a good harm, and a blessing is unknown.

Bama can only sit in front of the TV, watching the live broadcast of the reporters trying to capture the battle picture.


Sun Wuki and the manager have a manner, and it is not a near West.

However, with the strength of Tex, it arrived in the battlefield in short films.

Just, Tex, who has grown by anger, has not thought about it. His arrival does not change anything, and it may even become a cumbersome, which makes Sun Wuwu distracted to take care of him, can't fight wholehearted! !

Earth, Pape City.

He has been prosperous here is a town that is far from the hustle and bustle.

But now, here is also a ruin, there are very few survivors.

Above the ruins, the three figure is opposite.

One of the men and a woman, hung up on his face.

They opposite them, a golden huang-colored hair, teenagers who dressed in the orange huang, the indifferent green pupil, looked at the two of his opposite!

If you want to be dignified, Sun Wuki, the artificial seventeen faces and shrugged and smiled: "Ah, this is not the son of Sun Wukong, Sun Wuki?"

The 18th eyebrows are lightly lifted, and some unfortunately said: ", is this guy, he comes out to mess up our mood."

"Uncle Bick, Uncle Clin, Yamu Tea, Tianjin, Dumpson!" Sun Wuki's green pupil, suddenly became extremely cold, and a cold killing began to surround the weigh.

Take the teeth of Sun Wuki, and look up to No. 17 and No. 18, sorrowful: "People, give me life, death! Magic flash !!"

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