Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 174

And this time of time, I gotten Tex for Begita, and it was still unlocked until the Begitta did not hold a long-awaited wedding.

Now, this world is also a purgatory. She can only live in the basement and shabby houses.

Both comparison, she felt that another Bamma was too happy than her happiness! !

The more you think, Bamar is even more difficult to control your feelings in your heart, and the two lines have a teardown to hang up his face.

(Two more, ask for a collection, ask for reward, ask for a monthly ticket, finally get to the shelves, the second !! Bao Song three more, last night, I was fell asleep, I am sorry !! Dragon Ball QUN has been built: **, I have an idea to add QUN.)

Chapter 7 Chapter Ask the strength, the earth is saved

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! The new book is put on the frame, and the third is more sent! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

In the home of Bama, it seems to be time-free, everything in the house has become a picture.

Baros stands on the window, looking at the clouds in the sky, the sacredness is inexplicable.

Bamma, double tears, the eyes reveal the sour and envy, sad look.

Tex looked at the back of the Barrow, and the eyes flashed and didn't know what to think, and did not open.

After a while, Bama's accompanies wiped the tears of the eye.

Whether she envies another self, Bama is clear, this time and space, she is definitely two people in the world, even if she and Bergi Tita don't have the embarrassment, there is no Terrick, her and Barrow is also ubiquitous.

I set a fixed god, Bama looked at the back of the Barrow, except for a sip of inexplicably, the eyes were more popular.

"You said, you have already hit the strength of the Two Valbya when you are ten years old. Nowadays, there is a super-semi-defeating, then your strength is too powerful?" When you come out, Bamar is looking forward to watching Barros!

Barros looked back at Bama and slowly bowed.

When I saw this scene, Buma's heart can't stop, and quickly asked: "Then, what is the strength of the super-seda people in your hand compared to you?"

"Super Saiyan?" Barrow muttered, suddenly like the universe emperor overlooking the universe, the tone is flat, but it is full of saying: "If the emperor is injured, the Super Saiyan, the emperor can kill ! "

Find finger! !

Although I know the emperors who have been honored as a Saiyan family, there is also a super-seeda life in the hand, and the strength of Barros is not the same.

When the four words exported in Paros, Bamma and Tex were still a shocking and fell back to a few steps, full of shocking and horror looked at him.

Bama has also experienced a battle in Namek, naturally, and naturally, I naturally returned to God, and I also thought of the most critical in Barros' words!

Then, Bama suddenly changed, and some tense questions: "That ... now?"

Bamma is clear, Barrow said, even the Super Saiyan bodies can kill, it is the peak moment of his injury.

It can be, Bamma is witnessed, and Barros will eat the fairy bean, and it is not possible to completely recover the scene. The heart is naturally nature.

"Now ..." Barros muttered, the pupils have been drawn in a smile and contempt: "Although the emperor has not healed it, the weak and poor super-seizure in this planet, this emperor To kill him, it is likely to be in charge, it is absolutely not expensive! "

Although the body injury fails, Barrow has recovered 50% of the injury, and it is also enough to make him use some of the power of Ròu.

Namekkar, although his blood awakened was interrupted, but he stepped into the third floor of the dragon icon, it was, it was enough to have a harmful Ròu body, but also a strong enough to destroy Kill the top of the super-Saiyan, which has been developed after the potential.

If Baros is in the moment, it is more than 700 million combat power to transform a super-competition, which is more than 700 million, and it is crushing in front of his third floor of the dragon icon in the past three minutes.

And Sun Wuki, although the same is a super-semi, but the combat power is only about 300 million zones, even if Baros is injured at this moment, he did not put him in the eyes.

Moreover, although Barrow is hurt, he will reluctantly turned into a super-competition battle if he is a harm of injuries.

With the strength of the Barou, once turned into a super-semi-Saiyan, even if it is a completely branch, it is also alive ... five seconds! !


Barros didn't know his own words, how much vibration was caused to Bamma and Tex.

In their cognition, in addition to the two people like the devil, it is already the strongest existence of Sun Khan, which is like the demon.

Even for the first sun, Sun Wukong, which turned into a super-Saiyan, and did not grow up now.

But now, Barros said that he is a hurt, and he is a lot of effort, and it can be easily easy to blow the gray! !


This makes them how to accept it!

I looked at the shock and I didn't believe in the eyes of the two people, Barrow didn't worry smile.

The eye decides their awareness and is trapped in them, just like sitting on the sky.

Hormone who is difficult to defeat in Bamma and Tex, and even Sun Wuki.

Whether it is Barrow, it is a pile of scrap iron, which is not worth mentioning.

After a long time, Bamma slammed his head and stared at Barros, and asked a word: "You, you said that you can easily win the meal?"

"Sun Wuki?" Barrow was in the eyes of Bama, and didn't care about it.

"Although I ampower is not as good as the human man, it is not limited. If you really want to overcome the enlightenment !!!" Buma's pupil suddenly broke out a bright light, excited: "So you are two Join hands, the earth is saved! "

On the side of Tex, naturally thought of it, but he did not be as excited like Bama.

Instead, I looked at the vision of Barros. I was really capable of defeating the goddess behind the super Saaya. "

Bunma wrote a glimpse, and immediately responded quickly.

Yes, it seems to start from the beginning, in addition to listening to Sun Wuki, this Salase will be in the end of the ground, do not know if the Parrow strength is as powerful as he said.

(San more sent, seeking collection, seeking reward, seeking flowers, finally gotting up, third !! This is last night, forgot to update. Today's update, start. Bolding five more. Dragon Boare QUN has been built: **, I can add QUN.)

Chapter 88 Different Transformation, Sun Wuki

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! New book, first more! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

The sound is falling, and the orange huang's martial arts, the sun-do rice, and it is directly pushed.


"Enlife's brother!"

Bamma and Tex are some surprised to look at people.

Sun Wuki smiled toward them, and his eyes were straight and as usual, and asked with dignity: "What are you talking about?"

When Sun Wukin said this, Bamma and Tex were now looking to Barrow.

An eyebrow is picking up, Barros shook his head, and said: "" 280 million combat power, it is a super-victim! "

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