Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wuliu Qiankun Chapter 788

"So, Dad won?"

After the wildbarbar heard, exposed an exciting look.

The next side of Klin agreed to have a happy call: "Too good, Wukong!"

"In just ten years, Sun Wukong has grown to so height!" Looking at the man on the ring, his face and tone were quite complicated.

Who can think of it, is born from them to the present.

In just ten years, Sun Wukong has from the original Super Saiyan 1, less than 2 billion combat power, all the way forward and strikes all the strong enemies and the boundaries, and the breakthrough to even destroy God can only look at the height of its back?

In the heart of the 17th, I re-retrieved, and Visa was unfair.

Including all Z soldiers in the seventh universe of Begita, in fact, it is used to give Sun Wukong.

Before recalling, it seems that Vissear is not wrong.

Whether it is his unlimited source of artificial, or Beggetta is second only to Sun Wukong's top, or the son of Sun Wukong, from the head to the end, there is no point to Sun Wukong.

They are really coming to make up! !

Beggetta sat in the audience, on the surface, the surface was quiet, but it could be the trepidation: "The evil, Kartrot is already so far!"

He can't even defeat anything that is still out of the gods.

In the face of Sun Wukong, even if it is a super power of the gods such as Cobleta and Bruce, he is easily defeated by him.

He and Sun Wukong gapped, it is difficult to imagine.


Just in all the destruction gods and angels, Sun Wukong will certainly settle the coupon.

On the throne, Barroo shook it gently.

"For the eight-year-old mystery, the body did not change the changing and changing Hua Wei, the Super Saiyan 4 blue power brought, the burden on his body and physical strength is too big!"

The others may not see it, but Sun Wukong is at this time but the Barrow is over.

In the special fusion of the Super Saiyan 4 blue, Sun Wukong's strong is so strong that every second is constantly lost a lot of physical strength.

This special fusion turned into a burden on his body.

More than the Paros did not fall before this time, Sun Wukong himself developed by the super-powerful turned shape of the outbreak-based striker.

At least, Sun Wukong in the Super Saiyan 3 can continue to fight half a half disappeared.

In the case of the super-semi-blue transformation, Sun Wukong said half an hour, it is ten minutes, or even five minutes, it is unable to support it.

If you can't quickly solve the battle, wait until the physical strength of Sun Wukong appears.

He will completely don't have any opportunities for the rest of the remaining Ji Lian and Kaifu.

"Paros is good, compared to the Saiyan in the sky! Sun Wukong is still too far!" The gods smiled and booked toward Baros, as a master, the big goddess is known. Barrow's reviews very neutralization.

In fact, it is the biggest obstacle to Sun Wukong from becoming an angel, and even the master of the master.

The biggest god is the most headache, how can it be better to help Sun Wukong's hammer, so that he can enhance the heritage and normal force, so that his transforming shape can accommodate more power for longer.

If Sun Wukong has Baros Sun Wuki, it is unmartbievous, even if the destruction of the universe can be indifferent.

The big godman has a hundred years to let Sun Wukong beyond most of the angels.

Chapter 126, Kaifu, unobstructed, firm belief

"That, let Sun Wukong work more!"

Barros showed a deep smile. The big gods even did not say, and said the envy of the cultural practice of the Shenwu arrest.

And, desire! !

If it is not a sun, it is difficult to stand in Barrow, and the existence of all the kings.

For the idea of ​​cultivating Sun Wukong, the big gods do not mind to reduce their identity, and ask for a cultivation method of eight nine mystery from Sun Wuki, or use a tough means to request a copy.

Unfortunately, the existence of Barros.

I didn't dare to cross the Lei Pool at all.

Even if you envy and eager to eight9 mystery, you can only concearate, you can't get a dip.

Barros naturally understands this, but he doesn't want him.

Although the Shenwu battle has a clear text, it is not possible to pass the eight-year-old muanan and the gods, etc., if Sun Wu Wu or Kartrot, Brole, etc. Will not punish.

After all, strong is people, not a practice.

Otherwise, Paros will not agree, let the original time and space Z soldiers, the turtle cactus on the earth can get the first three floors in the first three floors on the Shenwu battle. It can be used to exchange the eight-year-old eighth mjurn in front of the battle.


Boom ~!

I have been screaming above the stage, I saw that the purple crew was played and retreat, and even the half of the people were dangerous, they were exploded by Sun Wukong.

In the half-air, a large piece of blood is raised, and the blood is filled with a ring.

Fierce! Fierce! Fierce! !

Whether it is the purple

Even if it is fierce, even if it is.

They also want to fight to the end offend, fight to the last moment!

"Sun Wukong! Let me die!" Kaifu launched all the shares, the burst of breath as if the laser is the same, crazy cut sweeps all the things next to her.

Ray explosion! !

There are countless spatial cracks to be scared of the cutting force, sweeping Sun Wukong under the explosion rays of Kaifu.


Sun Wukong double boxing is full of gold, the whole person is proud of the platform, and it is less than 0.001 seconds. He is like a boundary of time, and a punch has smashed the explosion rays that Kaifu's full force. The boxing of the boxing will play her out.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Sun Wukong turned away, and waved down the attacks of Ji Lian.

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