Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 791

"Is it going to the limit?" Sun Wuki looked at Ji Lian, he was helpless in his heart, he couldn't wait to go, before, in order to see the strong people of other universe, the battle of Far Fra and Snow, Hit, Matai Waiting for many universe destroyed gods to join hands, waste a lot of time.

Coupled with the transformation of Ji Lian, he wasted to have been wasting for nearly two minutes.

At this time, Sun Wukong has truly an ultimate edge.

At any time, it is possible to exhaust, or if the physical strength is not branched, it is unable to continue to maintain the super-Saiyan 4 blue transformation and strength.

and so....


Sun Wukong's breath is completely boiling. There is no reserved bloom, and there is more than 1200 gods, even if it is the Ji Lian at this time, it is also eclipsed.

"Ji Lian, look forward to you, I will fight again next time!"

Sun Wukong raised his hand, a punch, the remains of the two people have been collapsed in an instant, and the whole ride is like being imaginary by Sun Wukong's fist.

A terrible power of a unparalleled, instantly running through the boundaries of space, and falling to Jilian.

There is no blur of ròu eye appears in the reverse world.

That is a chaotic color from the void.

Ji Lian's body is bleeding, fighting to mad, although the attack of Sun Wukong is taboo, but there is no retreat, belonging to his brilliant and combat.

Face, the boxing of the bombardment, Ji Lian did not hesitate to hurt, but also kill the YIN shadow of Sun Wukong.


The sound of chaotic explosion when he opened up, in all the gods and warrior fried.

In the end, I don't know how long it takes.

Everyone saw a scene on the ring. I saw that Ji Lian's bloody standing in front of Sun Wukong, the body of the mountains ting, still did not fall.


Ji Lian's face has a wave. Red, Zhang mouth spurts blood, unbelievable looks: "How can I do, I am not willing !! I ....."

He has surpassed the limit, and he once again sublimated.

This is the peak in which never before life, is also his strongest moment.

He is confident, even even if the destruction of their eleventh universe is beautiful, he is in front of him, and the Ji Lian self-confidence has absolute grasp to defeat it.

I thought that I was able to be shameful, defeating the strongest enemy of Sun Wukong and won the champion of this power.

Who thinks that it is already a grandchildren from the exquisite, and he is still defeated.

And, is still a disappearance? ?

"Jilian, you are very strong!" Sun Wukong stared at Ji Lian, and his face was naturally revealed. This is a very pure and powerful power, it is worthy of his respect.

If he is not a Saiyan, if he is not mastering the Super Saiyan 4 blue.

In the face of strong and sufficient, he is afraid to be able to live! !

"But, at this time, I am stronger ..."

Sun Wukong has a smile on his face. If you don't stand anything, you will shoot.

The face also stayed in the face of Ji Lian, which hits tens of thousands of meters by Sun Wukong, retreat to the edge of the ring, and ultimately face Sun Wukong's power, desperate, closed his eyes, let the body fly Out of a ring.


Bounce to the end, Ji Lian is still unfortunately eliminated, returning to the eleventh universe.

"Ji Lian!"

The trust of careless, helping the body, can't stand the bleeding of the bleeding, the shocking scars, you can imagine that the final reverse the grandeur is surpassing the power of the god.

Ji Lian and Zijing, Kaifu and others pay a lot of costs.

It is more conception from it, and Ji Lian is able to catch up with Sun Wukong, even battles.

How horror and tragic battle have been experienced! !

Ji Lian heard, his face revealed the loss of losses, and said low: "I lost!"

"Ji Lian, thank you. Battle to the end!"

"The victory defeated is a frequent event." Sifu is beautiful to come to Jilian, take his shoulders, meaning deep and long: "Don't let yourself be alive in the past. Your growth, your battle, your performance We all look in the eyes. "

"Yes!" Trusted his head and said loudly: "Jilian, you are strong. It is stronger than everyone in our eleventh universe. For a moment, no matter what. Next time Winning back is! "

"Bring ..." Ji Liao slightly lifted the lower eyelid, and there was a warm current in his heart.

This is he never feel, or he is deliberately ignored.

I feel very beautiful now.

"Sun Wukong!"

Ji Lian looked up to the platform, and has already scattered the super-semi-blue turned shape, restored Sun Wukong, and the tone said: "Next, I will win back!"

It is a smile that will be revealed by a smile.

This is the Ji Lian they know.

Never losing, fighting, all everything will become a stronger stepping stone.

Live to Sun Wukong once, it is not an unacceptable thing.

As long as Jilian doesn't have to be hit, I understand the Ji Lian's understanding, he will soon be able to surpass the current limit again, then even Sun Wukong bends! !

For Jilian, they have absolute confidence.

It is like the Soldiers of the Seventh Universe, the same as Sun Wukong's confidence!


"The eleventh universe of Ji'an players eliminated!"

"I announced that the eleventh universe got out."

"At the same time, the Sun Wukong player of the seventh universe wins and won the champion of this conference!"

The big godman smiled and looked at all the gods and soldiers on the 12th universe audience, and finally fixed his eyes on the champion of this competition!

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