Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 798

Sun Wuki is really too strong. Under the pressure of this breath, it seems to have a large and universe.

Ren, those who walk to the gods, even strong, such as destruction.

It is still unable to break away from the oppression, and can only be embarrassed on the ground without image.

Like the seventh universe, the fourth universe, the ninth universe, the tenth universe, etc. There is no gods, but also in an instant of the momentum from the sky, there is a life town to die.

If it is not the angel of the major universities, it is timely.

Now there is at least half of the people who have to get more than half.

The strong is like a dragon, and the people are living as ant!

At this moment, in Sun Wuki and the gods, the twelve universe soldiers, it reflected in the exhaustion.

The cruelty will make those 'weakrs' shakes.

"He became strong!" Bergi Tower is biting with his teeth, and the blue airweight is crazy. No matter how he struggled, Sun Wu Wu's breath is still like a large universe.

Sun Wukong on the ring, at this time, the knee is completely falling into the ground.

Finally, Sun Wuki's breath and oppression did not maintain the super-Saiyan 4 blue Sun Wukong. The situation is not like Ma Li and others.

If it is not the proud and heart in his heart, if he is not allowed to be on the ground, Sun Wukong is only like other people.

"It hasn't been over for a long time from the battle, and the child has improved so much."

"No wonder the gods will let the gods join forces with us."

"Suvances such as such strength, if you don't join your hand, there is no possibility of defeating him at all!"

Sun Wukong strives to resist the invasion and oppression of the breath, but it is useless, and when Sun Wuki is in front of the momentum of the thousand and the universe, he has no strength to move his finger.

"Jiemo's 4100 points of God, enlightened rice!" Barrow is slightly ignorant, showing satisfactory smile on his face, this combat power is naturally not enough to see it in front of him.

You can look at the Dragon Bad Diversification of this era, and there is no quantity parallel time and space universe.

In addition to the era of the whole king and the big gods, Sun Wu Wuyi is absolutely a harmful thing in the angel of the whole king and the angels.

And this is still far from the limit of Sun Wuki.

Super Saiyan 4, there can be Super Saiyan 5.

The super-seizian God, Sun Wuki also hides the super Saayan god pink.

And .... All the special fusion transformed into the form, the Super Saiyan 5 pink power!

Chapter 135, the universe-and-airt-space martial arts, destroying weakness

Sun Wuki glanced on the universal god and the twelve universe all the soldiers, the mutual movement, scattered the transformation of the God of the Super Saiyan 4.

For him, this is not his strongest.

It can be seen for the twelve universe warriors and the destruction of the twelve universe.

Sun Wuki, which is maintained in the shape of the god of Super Saiyan 4, is simply unable to defeat the monsters.

Perhaps in some of some destroyed God's mind, Sun Wuki, which is transformed into the shape of the super-sacred sacred, and cannot be comparable to an angel outside the big universe.

Can I actually have a difference?

Every angelous level has a finger to mill the strength of all destruction of God.

And Sun Wuki also has the ability to crush them.

For the destruction of God, for Sun Wukong and Ji, all the warriors of this time and space.

It is just the sun-do rice in the God of Super Saiyan 4, and some extent is equivalent to the invincible angel level.

More about, there is also a super-smaller 5 pink combination of the gods that cannot be imagined.

"Next, the angel of the respective universe, helping the soldiers of your respective universe recovery."

"After 50 Tap, hold the outpot station of the all-space time and space martial arts meeting!"

When Sun Wuki scattered his morphology and momentum, the big god officially stood up and announced the time of the all-universe-time martial arts.

All the soldiers of all the universes and the destruction of God, the kings of the world are all slight.

The conference of the power is just over, and immediately hold the outpost of the current martial space martial arts meeting?

They thought .....

The destruction of the twelfth universe, helpless sigh: "I thought it would give us a little time to prepare, I didn't expect it to hold a sentiler !!"

This news is too sudden, just like the gods announced the same message to hold a full-space time and space.

Let them be prepared!

The destruction of the fourth universe god Kukui Tila eyes low, secret bite: "I didn't expect, in one day, our destruction gods actually to deal with a human human human beings? And tied with Bruce!"

He and Bussels are not discontinued, which is already open to the open secret between the destruction.

However, the command of the big god, Quartra did not have courageous.

I can only pinch the nose! !

"His power is unquestionable, can we really defeat him?" The first universe destroys God, and there is no greatness because Sun Wu Wu is not gone, but it is more heavy.

Maybe in the full space of the whole universe, God is the home of all beings and the highest point of arrival.

It is not the case in another time and space.

Sun Wuhan is the best example.

His strong, is it a god, even if it is high, what is it?

I don't see it. He is only the power out of the momentum, just let Haicus and Xiangpai are weaker to destroy God, and can only be hard to resist on the ground?

This is the power of the road to another road.

I have already surpassed the limit of the gods and many of their generations.

"Teach your hand?" The eyes of the beauty showed the other eleven destruction, as a universe of the gods. Although they destroyed God, although they were afraid of the King and the gods, they have always been more energetic, almost no Several relationships are good.

It is really a bit hard to let them join hands with the enemy.

"Try to do our best!" The ruins of the eighth universe were shrugged, and the words of big gods have already said that there will be no more bargaining.

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