Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 818

"Do not!"

Barros shook his head and said: "He is similar to the black world, the body is the body of this time and space, but the soul inside is not!"

The Dragon Ball World does not have the concept of travers, and even the concept of retreat is not.

So Barrow can only use the super gods to steal the king of Sun Wukong's body.

However, it is such a sentence, but letting Sun Wuki's breath a burst of up.

"Is it similar to the damn reptile?" Sun Wuki said, the actions of the black Wukong left a very bad impression. He didn't know that he did not know the maintenance and traveler, he directly The next child, Sun Wuki, is directly classified into the category of the black world.

If it is not Barrow, I want to observe, Sun Wuki is absolutely throwing a Qigong wave in the first time, destroying the crawling of the biliary daring to the young Sun Wukong rice in this time space.

"? Also ..."

Barros is surprised to see a direction in the Galaxy Galaxy, as well as the preferences outside of time and space, find Namek stars on this timeline, really lively! !

However, the rest, the breath could not be weak, and the body was contaminated with time and space, so Barros just looked at it and returned the line of sight.

People with time and space patrols and devils, in the eyes of Barrow, there is no interest in the 'childrensome and grandchill'.

With system of this golden finger!

Guys who are more than time and space patrols and those who use time-space vulnerabilities to make parallel world and parallel world fragments, it is more interesting too much.

The third chapter of the evil Badak, the sun-do rice that is almost

In the past timeline, Namek star! !

Barros and Sun Wuki, Fliis One, indifferent to the brima, Kutin, reborn to the young Sun Wukong rice, flying into the huge planet.

Namek star, the old old stone fort.

In the traveler, Sun Wuki and Clin, etc. The same.

"Why is it so confusing?"

The old man of Namik's star is flustered. He originally fade in the future, Namik Star's savior, the super-semi-Saiyan who is shower.


"No, maybe there is a line of life!"

The old man can't see a distant future, because his life has come to the end.

He still can find out the only one-line dawn of Namek Star in the foresee of future fragments.

"That child ...."

The old old and low, bright, bright, and the hope of hope.

In a chaotic future, he can clearly see that Namek is completely unavoidable, whether it is in the past, or now, this is unavoidable.

But this time, Namek's destruction is destined.

But their Namek is still a line of life.

Even if he can't see the challenge of Namek's star, it is more than a thousand times more than him, 10,000 times, but he still believes that fate will not let them never have to die in the long river of the History.

And hope, no longer the man who can defeat the devil's universe Flissa.

It is the son of the man, an age very young Saiyan! !


"What is the old man?"

"You are ready, there will be a guest from afar, you will fall to Namek. I need you to meet him before, take him over!"

There is no way to get the old age, and he can peek and foresee the future, it has been confusing.

The only hope is to traverse the young rice.

Before the bigger chaos and the disaster, he must do everything possible to help the young Saiyan grow up.

Only in this way, Namek stars may escape.

"The guests?"

Nauda is slight, but the old old man tells him that is bigger than anything, and there is no more inquiry, just under the old man, leave Shi Fort, towards Burma on this time. The venue of the pastors will fall quickly.


Namek star, the empty.

"The first novice task, falling to Namek, surviving more than one day?"

"Main line task, help Sun Wukong defeated Flissa?"

Baros gently dials the trajectory of fate, those anti-ants, who are about to come from other time and space, is not too interested, you can bother the golden finger system of the crosswhelves on the child, he is very interest .

Especially the two tasks released by the so-called 'gods task system'.

The first task is not to mention, with the strength of the young and grandchildren, plus the ability of the tribes, and the huge air transportation of a huge air transport.

He can be safe before Namek star exploded.

But the question is, the completion of a newbie task is actually a single king of Sun Wukong (highest quadruple version)?

Moreover, the main line task, defeating Flissa's rewards are also rich in Paros.

Herone is: Super Saiyan's ability! !

That's right, as long as the trails of young rice can help Sun Wukong defeated Flizza, you can get the ability to transform superharities. And there is also the suffix of the task. If Sun Wuki is defeated by Flissa, even directly rewards his super-victims 2's transformation.

Hey! !

Barroo has to say that these so-called golden fingers systems are all-hanging from the unmanned existence.

The General Associans want to advance into a super-seizure, and then to the Super Saiyan 2, even if the talent will have to have a hard work and hard practice.

And that the so-called 'snorkel task system "actually rewards the victims of the Assassay?

"Well, come!"

Barros slightly eyebrows, sweeping over the time and space of Namek stars, there is a very evil atmosphere, is breaking the obstruction of space space, and Naumei comes down.


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