Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 820

As long as you give him a bit of breath, on the Drama of Namek, in addition to Flissa and Chunfu, Xia Qingyi is a member of the other members of the Kutt Team, and can also be easily anti-kill.

If the old age will help him develop the potential, it is second only to Flissa's base, Xia Qing also has a grasp of it.

What's more

"System, open the personal property panel!"


"Host: Sun Wu Wu (Xia Qing)"

"Battle: 14,500 points."

"Blood: Saiyan mixed blood."

"Ability: Magic flash, dance empty, aerobics, turtle gas", ruthless. "

"Item: Fairy Beans (5), Dragon Bao Radad"

"Task: Novice task (in progress) is not completed, the main line is not completed."

"Evaluation: The raised chicken, which has already gone from the battle of five slags. Have an extremely good potential and very considerable future. The current most powerful force estimates, can match the master of 30,000 combat."

Although the highest evaluation can only match the 30,000 combat efforts.

Summer Qing is already very satisfied. When he survived in Namek, he can complete the first novice task and get a novice task reward, four times Wang Xialu.

His strength can once again climb a big cut.


"Outdated Sun Wuki, 1600 combat power, after being exposed to the old development potential, can increase ten times reached 16,000 points, with my current combat power, even if it is not perfect, it is not possible to increase the problem. ? "

Xia Qingzui is slightly tile, the potential to develop, but one of the biggest plugs in Dragon Ball, it is better than not dead gods! !

With this wave, it is the high sea.

In addition to Flissa's guys, even Benbi can do crisp.

The fifth chapter summoned the routine wishes of Waganda

The next day, Namek is out of the strange '!

Thriars Xia Qing use the ability to advance the priority, plus the potential to develop from Namek Star, and directly leading the original trajectory.

The next day, Xia Qing, who was in the old and Nairu, who was finally scattered in the great old Naki Ring, and was collected by them all collected in advance.

Burma and Kutin looked at the little ghost in front of him, only a day of work, they found that the children of this Sun Wukong seem to have unprecedented strangeness.


"Dragon Ball has been collected, what do you want to?"

Nesher Lu did not know the idea of ​​Xiaobama and the heart of Kutin, but curiously looked at Xia Qing, the body of the young and grandchildren, and it was not yet longer.

Even if he is very mature in the previous and old talks.

A smart bead is in the picture.

Can Nneru and Burma, the three people in Kutin still can't worry, Sun Wuki (Xia Qing) will have some messy wishes!

"So, please, Nairu!"

"Please call us to call Boluna!"

"After all, there is not much time!"

Sun Wuki said, like something to look up to Nazick Star's sky, in the distant starry sky, he can notice a very evil breath is rapidly close.

As a traveler, you don't have to know, it is definitely Flissa's upcoming.

"Okay!" Nairu did not think too much, Sun Wuki is a guest of the old age. It is necessary to take care of the guests. Even if the three wishes are wasting, he can only follow.

The seven pairs of super dragon beads in the Coopoly, in Neolu Shen. When the hands of the seven orange huang colors, the seven orange dragon boots flicker simultaneously flashed.

~ ~!

The golden light is clear, a burst of inexplicable sound begins.

Boolean and Kutin, who have witnessed several times of the earth dragon are not strange.

Although Xia Qing is from the travers, it has also seen the scenes of countless faster Saimo, which is naturally very clear, which is very clear that this is the prior to the godelo.

Ang ~~!

A dragon is like a high-spirited dragon, and it is like a roar of the river.

Seven gathered together Dragon Ball suddenly broke out in the early golden light, the flashing golden glare was eye-catching, even if there were hundreds of miles away from this place, it could clearly see the sky-clear golden light column.

Standing recently Ninawa, Burma, Xia Qing, Coan and others, but also in the moment of Jin Guang, the next consciousness gently blocked.

Different from the earth dragon, Namek's star dragon appeared, although the sky is dark, but there is no electric flash thunder, like the end of the day.

The golden light spread to the sky, a bit of the earth dragon, but also huge more than ten times, or even dozens of odd gods, slowly showed it from Jinguang! !

After about a few seconds, spearnab finally presented the people before, a vast body, like a dragon god standing in the world, and the head and blood red pupils in the heavens were full of merits.

Even if there is no action, the huge body of Boluna has a sense of natural deterrence and inexplicably oppression.

"Is this the god dragon of Namek?"

"It is much better than the dragon of our planet!"

Burma and Kutini are amazed.

Whether it is divine, majesty, the size of the body, the earth's dragon and the spellena of Namek stars, there is a little witch to see the feelings of the big witch.

Looking up at the huge body of Wolbea, there are no two in memory, Xia Qing is exciting to tremble.

Ideal as the god dragon that can be realized!

He finally grabbed the spelred gum before Flissa.

Next, his main line task will look at Boluna, and you can do his wishes.

Overlooking everyone, Woguna sound is guarded in the mouth: "People who gathered seven dragon balls, tell your wishes! You can make three wishes, any wish I can reach you!"

Nairo, the Xia Qing, which turned his gaze to the side: "What would you want to, please say it!"

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