Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 822

In fact, some extent, yes!

As long as Xia Qing agrees to give up the body of the young and grandchildren, the opportunity to consume a desire, Boluna can transform him into a system similar to the monster.

Even complete copies of the body without the soul of the magistan, integrate the soul of the young sun, the soul of Xia Qing, and Boluna can easily do it.

However, Xia Qing's idea is great.

I don't want to give up the old terrorist potential of the young Sun Wukim, and I want to have the ultra-cell regeneration ability of the monster. What should Boluna can do? It can only be said that it is powerful.

"Hahaha, interesting!"

"Namek's star, even learned to play the text game!"

On time and space, Barros exposed a smile.

The idea of ​​the traveler is just right, and it is a striking ability to pursue the ultra-cell regeneration ability of the monsters. If you want a step, you will hang up to the biggest.

If he can calm down, he will not ask for a complete ultra-cell regeneration.

It is just half of the ultra-cell regeneration of the monsters, or even part of the ability.

His desire can still be achieved.

Unfortunately, this vast patient is really not very good.

After spell, there was no power to force, there was not much hesitation, this opportunity that made him quickly became strong, and said that he is only the desire to be unsatisfied by the monsters in the mind.

Get the legendary super-seizian blood in Brole.

Then, there is no doubt that it failed.

The Baroleum Superline of all timers under the Dragon Ball Super Universe, the first time in Paros, I wiped him.

There is no existence in the past and now.

Only in the future, it is the period of the conference.

There is only one power to use the rules and the times, from the long river. Brole.

With Namik Star's ability, Xia Qing Xu's wish, it is exhausted in the past and now every corner of the seventh universe, it will not find any of the traces of Brole's super existence.

So, the second wish of Xia Qing, there is no accident, and it will be lost.

"No .. No Brole?"

Xia Qing frowned, and the words of spearnab gave him a great vibration. He needs to be : "Even the spellena said there is no trace of Brole, is it because the theatrical version?"

"Not there is no possibility!"

Qilongzhu began looking for Dragon Ball from Sun Wukong. Before the Dragon Ball Z finishes, the orthodox timeline did not have a trace of a railway with any drama version, and it is sometimes overlapping together.

Without Brole, he is not unacceptable.

"The two wishes have fallen, it seems that only the old man wants to move in an instant!" Xia Qing helplessly sighed, if there was a super cell regeneration in the monster, or there was the legend of Brole Super Saiyan blood or qualification, he doesn't have to deliberately pursue the life of life.

Now, still just!

Chapter 7 Three Wish, the League of Crossers

Barros and Sun Wuki, Fliis No. 1.

Time and space patrols, as well as those who have a dark devidge in Tova and Mira, look at the development of the situation, and there is no one in the tacit.

The two wisters of the virgin of Summer Qing have dropped.

But his third wish, but it was still successful.

The moment movement of the Aderatar is wishes.

At the same time, Sun Wuki also used the second wish, and wishes to win enough fairy beans.

"I'm okay!"

Barros smiles, the biggest potential of the Saiyan is growing in the battle, which can use serious injuries to quickly recovery, and a shortcut.

Xia Qing can be able to directly wish enough fairy beans in the promise of the Magic Man Pu, and it is obviously to give full play to the biggest potential of the young Sun Wuki he crossing.

"The whole 5000 fairy beans, this time-space Flizza can not solve him quickly, the result is interesting!"

Sun Wuki's cold face turned a smile, he was the most clear for his own potential.

Even if it is another time and space of young Sun Wukong, he believes that as long as there is enough fairy beans and growth, with the strength of the mixed-billets and the innate talent.

Beyond the district, a Flissa is not much.

Flissa does not post anything a message, everyone on the planet, including those that are hidden in the nearby void and time and space nodes, but it is just a antite.

Perhaps traversers have a year with 5,000 fairy beans, which can quickly close the gap between Flissa in this time and space, and break the ultimate becoming a super-Saiyan.

In his eyes, it is still an ants.


boom! !

The sky is the sky, the infinite evil breath boiling.

One is a very evil and terrible atmosphere, there is no sign from the west of the Star, and the rapid coming of the rapid coming of Burma, Cuforeland, Ninglu, Xia Qing (young rice).

Look at that shocking day, as if a giant spacecraft of a continental sector.

Burma and Kutin are shocked.

As the traveler, Xia Qing is not strange to the Flissa Army's configuration and the Flissa army exclusive spacecraft, and it will respond quickly: "Is Flissa !!"

"And still rushing!"

The body of Kuolin is trembling. What is terrible and evil angry, it is very distant, but his mind and body are not trembled.

"Yes ... combat power detector!"

Xia Qing's eyes flashed a light, and then quickly served as Nairu, which was shocked by Flissa's gas, and gave me a third wish. "

"Ah, yes !!"

Nesher Lu went back from the horror.

"My third wishes, I hope to put Namek's star in addition to all Namek stars, and the two companions Berma, Kutin, all of which are transferred to the earth!"

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