Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 840

More, like this world, only have a single large universe.

"Is it still in the period of Begitta planet?"

The red planet surface is not strange to Barrow.

Even very distant memories, it is still a place that Barros once is familiar.

So, the ancient breath that follows the full smashing of all Saiyan's breath, Barrow directly comes to the Baby Cultivation Room of Begitta Planet.

Barros ignored the back-duty sessions in the baby ranging, and traditionally walked to the rapid cultivation of Lege, up to 50,000 combat power, even if it is just a child.

This Saiyan infant cultivation room, the logistics consecutors did not dare to rely too close.

"Bibli's biopsy is more old."

"Taikoo Sai Asian blood?"

Barros's own blood is so expensive, over the blood of all Saiyan, even if it is the same as the arms of the Asian, but in his face.

But for other Saiyan people, Lege's Taikoo Sai Asian blood is simply a horrible existence.

When a birth is 50000 combat, he has the advantage of the legendary Baroleum Brilli, which is only three times in the legend.

Even if there is no feature that is doubled every year, the growth of the Taikoo Saiyan is still far from the super-games.

According to the estimation of Paros, wait until this parallel universe is growing, the potential enters the period of the outbreak stage.

I am only afraid that I don't need 10 years. He can completely override all the strong in the universe, surpass the half god level, become the god level of the whole universe measured standard, even destroyed the god level.

If someone has cultivated, the terrible of the Taikoo Saiyan, or even the age of twenty, Legend may be able to transcend most of the current Shenwu battle, reaching the height of the shoulder with Sun Wuki and Kartrot.

"This pond is too small, let's go!"

Barros did not pay attention to those Saayan's noise, waving the Leago, which made him rising the heart of the love, taking the time and space, leaving the Baggilta chamber and this parallel universe.

The ancient classians, the potential to pursue Phavus and Vice's angels, even faintly over.

The potential is large, and there is enough room for growth.

If Barrow does not take him away, this universe born in Regg, his potential is even more big, and it can only be changed in the Saiyan, and grow to the Super Saiyan 5.

As for strength, it is also the combat effectiveness, I am afraid that even the destruction level is not reached.

This sky is too small, not enough for him to fly.

For Lege, a large-scale race, his battlefield should be the Dragon Ball multi-universe, no amount of parallel time and space, should be the other thousand universities outside the Dragon Ball, multi-universe, multi-dimensional inquiry time and space.

Not sleeping in a small parallel universe.

The twenty-fourth chapter, the destruction of the rest

Above the seaboria, the ultra-time long river, there is no feeling of time.

One day, one month, one year.

Perhaps longer ....

The day of the day is strolling on the border sea, Barros comes to the multi-universe of countless dragon ball world, and there are too many worlds that are amazing.

At the same time, most parallel time and space, parallel world, parallel universe.

Even some weak to only have a different silver system, and even the size of the solar system.

The coordinates of their spacious dimensions are burned by the radiopes of the strange substance in the Paros palm.

"There is no amount of time and space, the billionaire" is a granulation, it is enough! "

Barroo looked at the sea of ​​vast circles and did not continue to go.

He tailored a straight-class avenue of the martial arts, but not all Saiyan nanny, the remaining half of the spatiotemporal dimension.

It should be waited for the future to win the whole dragon ball multi-universe, they should be trained by themselves.

Instead of Paros, the Emperor of the Tangyan, finished all things.

Turn, step, tear time and space.

Between turning between, Barrow's willned incarnation returned to the Shenwu battle of Dragon Ball.


Shenwu War, the emperor.

Barroo will throw it from the Legend that specializes in the universe, throws the captain of the guard team called by him, "This little guy has great potential, waiting for him three years old, take him to see me."

"The potential is huge?"

Holding Leg's wife, and the members of the Shenwu battle guards are slightly stunned, what kind of genius is to give their emperor to give such comments?

"Yes, the great emperor!"

Far's wife, also a non-combat type of femaleian, immediately nodded, and she is currently the mother of two children, and has a very rich experience in how to take care of the child.

Take care of a regir, nothing to do for her.

In addition, she is not a combat type, although there is currently more than 5 billion combat power, her work is the gods of the Shenwu battle, and the small race that has just been born. Asia, not going out to perform the task.

So take care of a regue, and will not add any trouble to her.

"That, the great emperor, I will refund first!"

The wife of Far hugged the Legend, slightly squatted, and then turned to leave the emperor, and turned into a long rain to the Shenwu battle.


The time is long, and it is in a hurry.

Far in Kartrot and Brole, Baroak, etc., is still working hard.

However, all angels and destroying of the twelve universe have been notified by the gods.

"Hold the All-Shenzhen Time and Walkage Conference?"

"Let's fight with another time and space?"

"Twelve universities must participate, we must participate in these destruction Gods?"

"Another time and space of Bruce, will not be the same as that of the branch, is it?"

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