Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 860

"Ben Long also intends to collect your daughter as the disciple."

Long Shen Salama has hundreds of millions of people to expensive, like the golden dragons of the world and the carrier rules, and the deepest in the world, every time you are trying to shoot the whole border.

It is a long to seem to be a dragon body that seems to be in a multi-duty sea.

"Scorpio, even the dragon god Salama is also coming!"

"When Wang Merrose and Long Shen Salama, is it a disciple that the terrorist creature just born is?

"Even the king and the dragon god Salama have all the love of the love. We ..."

"Hey, I know that I should not take care of all the recovery, first solve the bad things. Now, the king of the Queon and Long Shen Salama will come out together. We are overwhelming, it is empty again!"

The coming and statement of the two super-giants, let all the master level participating in this matter, the heart is poured, and the thoughts do not dare to rise.

Can't catch up in front of the super giant?

There have been to high prizes, even the half-step super off-high-strongest masterpiece is trying.


None exceptions, I have already become a lot of dust in the history of the long history, and I have been forgotten by all era.

The ultra-giant is really too powerful and invincible.

It is not half a step from step and the highest expensive.

Among them, the gap is enough to be a common mortal cultivation to the master level countless times.

Although it is very attractive, if you can't keep it, even if you have a super-hoping, what is the hope?


There are high-priced, and in love, I looked at the space of the universe in the eyes of the eye, turning hidden in the sea of ​​chaotic boundaries, decisive splitting whose wishes did not see how much hope.

"The will of the Times and the will of the Dragon Salama."


"What are we fighting? What is we fight? Go back to the hardship!"

There is two.

After a high-grade, I walked a lot of hierarchy, and most of the big master, big master, and ordinary dominates.

On the world, there is only a lot of things left, and there is still not enough for the number of those ages that are not dead.

Chapter 44 opens up a multi-diversity, giant means

Above the chaotic border.

Dragon Salama has barely fights the benefits of the promise of life in order to receive a destined ultra-off.

What pursues all the cultivation of all resources.

Including the permission of the issuance of the origin level of the original regular rule, including the unity time and space, the overtemple of the superposition of the multicultural sea, will be completely handed over to Saiyan dominance.

That a lot of steps can easily cultivate a bunch of benefits, it seems that it is not worthy of money, and it is easy to promise the Dragon God Salama.

Although there is no too much conditions and promise, but also said that if Baros is willing to make his daughter to make a teacher under her door, the Temple Temple and Non-Quantity Time and Space will be dominated by Parrow and Saaya.

Also, the end of this derivative of the whole king rule.

The next era can let Barros have designated a Saiyan or a spirit, directly becoming the era of the next era, and take a delay.

"Two kinds, this emperor is full of people!"

Barros finally shook his head to refuse this successful youhuo, said quietly: "Super God-level Wishing Shenlong is also good, the next episode is too high. In this emperor, there is no thing."

Said, Barros first showed the root of the roots he mastered.

This is a nifaring time and space of time and space, also distinguishing another more special existence of a more special existence of the Salama's miracle and causal source avenue, or even a more special existence of all the source rules.

The chaotic seaspring, one is not very large, Johimo only has a multi-universe of parallel universe, in Barrow and Time Wang, Long Shen Salama slowly launched, gradually born.

"Open a diversity?"

When Wang and Long Shen Salama have not yet been reflected, those who are unwilling to leave, but they are scared, but they don't want to turn directly.

What jokes, even if the west is so high, the king and the dragon god Salama, the road, God, the devil is super off giant, and the most is the most fascinating universe, and conscientiously create a 3,000 thousand worlds.

Can directly open a multi-universe, even the oldest existence, never heard.

"You see, this is the era!"

Barrow SHEN hand, the world that has just opened up in the innocent sea, a thousand bubbles of the deep and floating, the birth of a shower, running through ancient and modern, transverse time and space.

The newly opened multi-diverse, the long river of the sun, divided into countless time diversion, falling into the neutralized parallel space universe.

At the same time, the Barros's body walked out of a great way to the pole, and put it within the multi-universe that has just been created.

boom! !

Among the meditation, there is a sound of the voices of the avenue.

Time Wang and Long Shen Salama looked at it. Within the new multi-universe of the newborn, Ten thousand parallel universe of the Paros' will offered, all of his will be famous as the will of 'era'.

No, it is precisely that it should be the will of Paros, dominated 10 million parallel universe worlds.

"The power of miracles is a very special and powerful."

Barros praised, the will of the diversified universe is explicitly embodied, one of which is almost approaching the miracle rules of the miracle of the regular rules, and suddenly integrated into the space of the universe.

Then, a piece of god dragon is like Huaxia Jinlong, it is born in the world.

"Good means!"

Long Ji Salama's eyes jumped, and once his words, he had a time and space, and the birth of the wish of the wish, and put the miracle rules in the rules of different time and space.

It is his old branch of this super long long.

I have to admit that this means of Barros is compared to his efforts to miracle, and the whole king is not much more.

"Barros, we still have you smash you."

When Wang Jing sighed, he made a multi-diversity, and he opened up a million-time universe. He read the miracle rules.

Many means are all on a person.

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