Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 863

The Dragon Ball World also has some so-called 'system', but this concept is a product that has a time and space with the time and space of other multi-universe, or the product of a parallel universe 'Earth' is in the rules. .

This type of product, the power limit cannot exceed the limit of the world.

For example, the parallel time and space of a dragon ball super universe, if the rules in the era, give birth to a so-called 'system', the highest, can cultivate its host, cultivate the big god official, the master level of the master, is the most limit.

Next, you can only go to the selected lucky 'host' you go.

"It turned out to be, no wonder, the father and the whole king are unclear, how are those systems born."

Baotos suddenly realized that if it is the product under the time and space of Dragon Ball, as a full king of the era, it is impossible to not be aware. Affirmation will find this kind of origin and the ability to quickly cultivate the strong.

Barros smiled and shook it and said: "" There is a vast times, there are time and space outside the whole universe, there is no time and space, the whole, the whole, the sea and chaos are the entire multi-universe. "

"Your father and the whole king are invincible in this all-universehood."

"It can be, it is just the main level, which is trapped in the full universe and the era, can't inspect everything."

"The Times of the Queen, once left the whole universe, the bit must fall to the big grade."

"In addition, since the birth of this era, there has never been intended with other multi-universe-time space, and there is no 'system flow' concept before I created a time and space task system."

"They are not clear, there is nothing worthy of being strange."

(Reply to the book review, if there is a book friend like to watch, the author can open out, specializing in Caicans to fight other dragon-ball, get the system and become strong.)

The 47th chapter of the other two ways, the crazy thoughts

Ten thousand people, hundreds of millions of yuan, no time and space.

In addition to small part of the multi-universe and the world, most of the world's super giants, the sage, and I am afraid that there is how anti-sky caused by the system 'flow.

The whole king ruled this era half a derivative. Before Barrow did not create a time and space task system, he also heard the so-called 'system'.

This is not the entire king and the big gods ignorant.

Instead of system, except for a small part of the relatively low-level law-level system, most rule-level systems are special essence, this has the ability to cover up fate, causal, time and space, and obstruction.

Unless it is a clear system.

Otherwise, even if it is the era of the entire king, you can only detect a somewhere of the fate of a soul.

"Second road ...."

Barros waved, before, in the world sea, the diversified universe opened up, and the universe of a light group, I turned in front of the girl in the emperor: "Taking my current growth, after I will be overline, it is enough True to open up a multi-universe. Battos and Ks, Lala, you can completely open the percentage of the diversified universe. "

Open a diversity with the power of the roots, Barrow can only be able to do its mind.

Joho is a super-hollow big sea time and space in the chaotic sea, but can't really form a reincarnation era, constructing all the origins and unlimited rules, and even the amount of time and space.

However, the current growth rate of Paros.

In a Dao Derison, or after the Barrow is over, he can really open a multi-diversity, and the all things are all sentient, and the inexpensive time and space, construct the source rules, and achieve the Multi-universe.

By then, in the multi-universe of Barou, everything is naturally unanimous, no matter whether it is a multi-diverse woman in Baros, the pro-handle is over the era of the era. In addition, it has become the unprepared existence of the king and the dragon god Salama.

" !"

Kyoto, laughing: "Before the husband of the husband, the Budos sister is over, it is absolutely cultivated to the multi-universe. When I arrive, I and the sister of Lara, the sister of the Patos, all are The multi-universe of Fu Jun opened up, and it can be taught to become a junior giant. "

"It is indeed a good way, you don't have to" send a fence under the fence! "

Lara and Barotos have gained a smile, compared to the Dragon Ball Downtown, if the Baros will open a multi-universe, all the origin rules Avenue is undecided, and their wife is absolutely small in its inside. .

Moreover, the entire multi-universe is home.

What is the way to miss what to do.

At all, it is not like a general helplessness and despair, and the creation of the creation of Lara, the 'Tao' may have already gone through one of them, the road to the time and space rules, the road of Tatos, is directly Block, no longer pass.

Baros teases their own daughter Lin Meng, while nodded: "This is indeed the best way."

Now the Dragon Ball multi-universe, the rules, rules, this source, time and space, etc. are quickly parsed by him, and everything is almost no secret.

As long as he can put these origins into part of the fur, use the power of the root cause, it is almost the first to try homemade chaos, and truly open up a multi-universe.

At that time, Lara and Barotos, grams were not many women who took the rules of the source of the source of the source of the Barrow, and the most simple and most dangerous.

"Barros, the third way?"

Baros sink, the bottom flashed a fierce look, calmly said: "Although the king is overlined with time and space, it is empty, the time and space is not destroyed, she is eternal."

"If ..."

"She is not there?"

Although the ultra-empt time is already everything, it is always the end of the year, and the end of the era is ended back. Those who destroy God, angel, and even the master level falling again.

They are still sitting in the top of the world, overlooking the random of hundreds of millions of time and space.

However, this does not mean that they are really immortal.

"Is it ...."

"There is no time, the time and space is naturally, and will there be super off again?"

"That is not ..."

"Yes, husband's meaning should be that it is a unveiled giant that occupies a super officer. Thus, the road that is blocked and opened again."

Everyone in the emperor, hobby.

This is a very terrible idea, except for the Baros, there is a hundred people who have no JINJI, even those from the most antique time to the highest expensive, half-step ultrasound, and the existence of the strong, I don't dare to give birth to this idea. .

Tu to a super off giant.

That time and space, there is no superhaul hindrance.

Can you, do this possible?

Every one is equal to the origin of the origin. Before the diversion of the universe, even the borders were exploded, and there was no amount of time and space, and the era of the era is broken.

As long as the source of this source is not completely disconnected, it is almost difficult to really kill a super-lost giant. Otherwise, when the king and dragon god Salama, the road, God, the guys, how can I have been in the past many years?

A scientific thoughts are in the heart of Lala, and a terrible thoughts have been treated, and they trembled: "Fu .. Fu Jun, Dream is born, you can't think about it ..."


Since Paros says, there is no intention to take these most close people: "At the time on the world, I tried to explore the king and Long Shen Salama, and even show higher essential roots than the source rules. They still did not have fun. "

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