Dragon Ball Z: Attack of Raditz

Vol 5 Chapter 549: Latiz

The raging energy has caused the whole world to boil, the constant sensation of roaring power will be shaken, the atmosphere in the space becomes depressed, and everyone is shocked by this battle beyond the world.

Bilus shuttled under the containment of the Great Destruction, and seemed to be well-versed. Sidra and Quetta were intercepted in both directions, and each of them blew a dense stream of light before and after covering Birus.

"Idiot!" Biloxi snorted and instantly changed direction and flew upwards.

The third universe's destructive god, Yarak, was already ready, and greeted Birus with a heavy hammer at the top. The fierce attack made Bilus unprepared and directly crashed into the ground.


Birus stunned and the sound rang, and the elephant appeared first in the side of Birus, smirked and stretched out the fat palm.

At this time, Birus's eyes flashed golden light, and the body leaped through the elephant like the electric mang, and the air was slightly slammed, causing a loud noise. Elephant's palm touched the air, and the eyes stood out, and the corner of his mouth trembled, because Birus slammed into his abdomen.

"You... how are you..."

"Hey, I am usually sleepy, too lazy to practice. You should be thankful to Latiz and Sun Wukong. By their influence, I have also exercised and become stronger." Bilus said faintly. Release the fist, and the elephant slips to the ground in a straight line.

The ruined gods immediately rushed toward Birus, and Birus threw the elephant into the air and disappeared.

Ramsey yelled, "Where!"

Everyone looked up and thought that Birus jumped up and thought of Papas as Birus, so he swarmed and slammed a punch and kick. After the fight, I was surprised to find that it was not Bis, but like Pa.

The destruction of the fifth universe, Yarak, was still wise. He did not follow them and carefully observed the real movement of Birus. When the destruction of God found out that he had mistyped the object, he flew out.

"Here, Birus!"

Yarak screamed and fired the gas bomb continuously, and the palm of his hand was quickly pushed. His eyes were like a torch. However, Birus runs faster than him, and almost all the bombings are not behind him.

"Ivan, do it!" Yarak consciously couldn't catch Bill Russ alone, shouting out the nearest universe destroying the **** Ivan.

The ruined god, who was covered in black hair like a ball, responded immediately, and his hands condensed enormous energy, surrounded by the energy rainstorm of Yarak, and slammed out at a position slightly ahead.


The space is distorted, and the energy of anger is as strong as a dragon, roaring and falling.

Birus jumped up in a vigilant manner and ducked in the opposite direction. Although he was thrown into the rain of Yarak, it was better than the one that was facing Ivan.

Moreover, Birus travels in a dense flow of energy at an agile pace, and the damage is very limited.

In a short while, Birus reversed the energy rain and attacked Arak. Yarak did not think that Birus would have been like this. In a strange place, he had been hit by an elbow, and the whole person flew out and slid on the field for a long time.

"Call... These guys are working together to deal with me. It’s a headache. It’s too hard to learn so many people.” Billus seems to be relaxed. Actually, his physical strength is also consumed. After all, the other side is destroying God. Fighting power is not a joke. .

In addition to just starting to work, Weimei and Ligier only wandered around the edge to help and make it clear that the role of the fisherman is the most troublesome.

But the violent battle is still going on, and the entire ring is playing some places close to breaking.

"They attacked this one more than Russ, and it was too much." Goku looked at the scene of the battle and continued to expand, and Birus had become awkward from the beginning.

Although other destructive gods have already produced some guilt, for example, Weimei has occasionally accidentally injured other people on the grounds of carelessness, causing dissatisfaction, but the overall goal is still Birus, they do not seem to give up Birus to the downfall. .

"You think so, then I will blend in." Latiz couldn't stand it anymore, and suddenly stood up.

Everyone on the battle table is sitting, even angels are no exception, Latiz Horan stood up, attracting the attention of many people.

The great priest also looked at the past: "The seventh king of the universe, Latiz, do you have anything?"

"I want to participate in the competition."

"Ah?" Everyone was shocked, whether it was the destruction of the field or the people of other universes.

"Hey, he is the king of the world, isn't it wrong?" Some universes still don't know the name of Latiz.

"You don't know that the seventh universe king is a special guy, I heard that he is very strong."

"Isn't that possible?"


The screams and sighs are endless, and some of the angels whisper, and some cast doubts on Vis. The angels did not doubt the strength of Latiz, but was surprised that Latiz dared to interrupt the game.

Unexpectedly, the big priest was not angry, but smiled and said: "Latiz, unfortunately, this game has already begun."

"I think as long as the whole king agrees, is it okay?" Latiz said.

"Let me ask for it." The great priest turned to the whole king. "All the kings, Latiz wants to participate in the demonstration of the gods as the king of the kingdom. What do you mean?"

"Latitz wants to participate?" The whole king seems to have some surprises. "Great, they are playing very well, I can't see clearly, it's boring. If Latiz joins, it will be fun!"

"Haha, thank you, Ah Quan." Latiz got permission and was quick.

People in other universes have scared a cold sweat. Who dares to call the whole king, isn't it looking for death? But the whole king didn't seem to care, but he laughed happily, and the others were even more shocked.

Angels who don’t understand why they are also throwing a horrified look at Latiz, the whole king or the big priest, seem to care about Latiz. What is special about this person?

The two guards around the king have long been used to it. At this moment, they are still standing still, and there is no expression anymore~www.readwn.com~ This guy has no posture and etiquette that the king of the world should have. It is really the king. God? ”

"Really, it would be so arrogant."

People who don't know the identity of Latiz are still speculating about suspicion and discussing the screams.

The devastating **** Kutra in the field was excited and shouted: "We have all been like this, it is unfair to let him end!"

"Do you have any opinions?" The whole king suddenly looked at Quetta, and the two eyes did not have any look, and the stereotypes were dead, causing Quite to tremble and almost squat.

The whole king without expression is the most terrifying. Quetta is scared and shouted: "No, no, no opinion, totally agree."

"There is nothing wrong with it. It will allow you to restore your strength and fight again." Latiz jumped up and steadily fell to the ground and looked around. "And everyone here, if you think we are two in the universe, Fair, your king of the king can come up, absolutely not bully you."

The great priest also helped: "I am talking about the battle of God. It does not specify the destruction of God. If the kings of other universes want to participate, they can join now."

Of course, the other kings of the universe will not join in. They look at each other and shake their heads in unison. After all, they are not as powerful as Latiz, and they will give heads.

"Since there isn't, then I'm welcome!" Latiz smiled confidently, and there was a faint silver glow on his body~www.readwn.com~ Want to find the latest chapter yourself? You OUT, WeChat pays attention to the beauty Xiaobian to help you find a book! It’s really a good time to read a book sister!

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